
They are two completely and utterly separate subjects.

His 'twatiness', has nothing to do with stealing off him.

Anyone trying to conflate the two is just trying to find morale high ground for a justification of an immoral act...

'Conflaters' are twats to. (and a much more vicious breed of twat, I might add...)
' They're all twats', as you said so succinctly, previously!

lol... yep. Welp, I wish I had launched my Drama token before this all went down.

yeah, ultimately like Bitcoin doesn't need Satoshi, neither should Steem need Ned!!

Full Steem Ahead!! (the World's Cryptocurrency and Social Media Network)

There are no objective morals. Moral is what the group, the community, thinks is moral, and opinions will vary, as they will on what is theft and what is not. Absolutes only exist in doctrines, and not everybody subscribes to the same doctrine, a fact often overlooked by zealots who think they own some mythical universal truth.

Taking and burning the pre-mined Steem owned by a few could also be seen as self defense by the community against ill-gotten gains that threaten the value of the community's stake.

Mine are based on property rights. Period.
(If you think you don't own yourself i.e. you are your own property, well, that's not my fault!)

How much steem would there actually be, without steeminc? (serious question).

Property rights are an absolute.
I refuse to accept that I am not my own property.

Do you not accpet that as an absolute moral standard?