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RE: One More On Vaccination Freedom

in #busy5 years ago

You couldn't be more correct. You owe no other person anything by virtue of your existence. None has any right to demand of you any obeisance in your native land. Every right they might have to prosecute their lives you also have, and it is incontrovertible that amongst those natural rights inherent to you by virtue of your natural existence is sovereignty over your person. As no person can claim any superior right to control you, no such right to interfere with your very person by injecting something into you can exist.

These are not radical ideas, though they are often slandered as such today. These are simply the actual facts of our existence. It is would be tyrants, oppressors, and their slavish subjects that seek to obscure such truths, to obfuscate that reality, and make you as obsequious as are they to their overlords.

Something that might be useful going forward into the fight to be free from unwanted bodily interference, which is never going to end until all free people have been relegated to the status of chattel, is CRISPR. Communities rightfully alarmed at the horrible products being produced by Big Pharma, and whose forced application is being advocated through all sorts of psychological manipulations, propaganda, and lies, might invest in CRISPR, some bioengineers and doctors, and seek to provide safe products that actually provide protection from the diseases used to justify the CDC's vaccine schedule. Many of the problems caused by vaccines aren't from the part of the package that invokes immunity at all, but adjuvants, agonists, preservatives, and other additives (including those of unknown effect and unknown provenance), as well as dosages and delivered at times contrary to the well being of our kids.

The Hegelian Dialectic is a method of making results happen according to the desires of manipulative tyrants, and basically consists of controlling both sides of a debate, so that the losers are represented by their enemies. Providing your competing products completely blows that potential manipulation out of the water, as well as many other problems caused by Big Pharma being the source of vaccines.

If a local community makes it's own vaccines to order, there need be no preservatives in them, they can be delivered on schedules of your own preference, and etc. I can think of no argument or initiative that will ever end the machinations of wannabe imperators to forcibly inject their own chosen cocktails into you, except that you prevent their involvement at all by undertaking your own prevention of communicable disease yourselves.

Decentralization is freedom. CRISPR and 3D printing make it possible with some investment to decentralize vaccination provision. Alternative schedules and medicines are the only means of invalidating the very cause of calls to vaccinate according to their schedule, with their adulterated products, for their nefarious purposes, that create ownership control of your bodies. If we have already solved the problems they claim they need to solve, they're done. There is no justification for asserting that ownership of your body, and your children, to keep them safe from the dangerous world.

The truth is that there is probably no more dangerous industry and initiative to our free people than Big Pharma demanding the power to inject into our bodies whatever they want whenever they want. We need to head them off at the pass.

When we take care of our own business, no one has any way to justify doing it for us.



Very Interesting... Thank you for an interesting view.

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