"China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness"

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


"The country is putting Muslims in internment camps—and causing real psychological damage in the process."

Sauce: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/08/china-pathologizing-uighur-muslims-mental-illness/568525/

<3 Ahhhhh, China. I love you more and more each passing day <3


That's probably where anyone should be who believes that women can never become adults and that its OK to marry a 12 year old and throw gays off of roofs should be. Trump is gonna grab 'em by the Gyna!

Same with Christians though

They back!

βλέπω να αρχίσεις πόλεμο χριστιανών με μουσουλμάνους lolllllllll..... :ppp

Over a million in "re-education" camps. Banning of religious books, mosques and culture. In the actual home of said Muslims of which the Chinese occupy. Sounds lovely.

been a little while since I have heard of a big mass stabbing there though.

Been a little while
Since I have heard of a big
Mass stabbing there though.

                 - funbobby51

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Crack down on the insurgents pushing back against their imperial masters and you take care of the stabbing.

Maybe the US feds should put all conservatives and anti-war Americans in camps, maybe that will cut down on the big mass shootings. Maybe all American Muslims in camps? Think that's what the Constitution says should be done.

Triggered? 😂

Nah, just find it interesting how you seem to be applauding State Thought Police rounding up people and completing a new Cultural Revolution.

neither conservatives nor anti-war Americans are typically the perpetrators of mass shootings. it's usually Democrats on pharmaceutical drugs. Maybe we should send them to China.

You do understand that "China" is a big country right? And that the western part of the country is occupied territory. So these Muslims are doing the same thing the ones in Afghanistan and Iraq are doing.

The Chinese government is literally moved in Han Chinese to mix with the population and help breed out the local population.

If that type of authoritarian state social engineering is your cup of tea, more power to you.

ou do understand that "China" is a big country right? And that the western part of the country is occupied territory. So these Muslims are doing the same thing the ones in Afghanistan and Iraq are doing.

Sounds like you support the terrorists, you are trying to justify their terrorist attacks on children and innocents?

This is what they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan:

This is what they do in Gyna:

Is that your cup of tea?

"Defending the terrorists" lol. Pointing that supporting a totalitarian government putting 10% of a population in re-education camps without charges and attempting to forcefully change their way of life is a bit Communist/Fascist. So have fun with that.

In terms of Afghanistan and Iraq, I was comparing the Muslims there pushing back against their occupiers (the US) is similar to the Muslims in occupied Xinjiang.

Funny how you cry for "women and children", but seem to have no issue when the US (Or in this case the Chinese Communists) violate and murder women and children.

so you believe the terror tactics of the groups you are defending are justified? by "pushing back against their occupiers" you mean beheading people and mass stabbings at schools? I am not defending anything either the us or Chinese have done but none of it justifies terrorism.

You are taking too seriously a 1-line post with a "china china china china video". Am I against the stand the chinese goverment has taken? Sure! I can think of much better and humane alternatives.

But as an atheist, if I had to choose between the muslim oppresive china and the cucked Sweden that will probably be a thirld world shit hole in the next 10 years, I will pick up China every time. At least I wouldn't be afraid to get stabbed/run over/shot/whatever by fanatics there.

You won't be stabbed/run over/shot/whatever in mainland China. Its in the occupied Muslim area of China were Chinese are being killed. Since the authoritarian state forced Han Chinese to move there.

So it's different then Sweden. If Sweden invaded Syria, conquered it, and moved it's people there, then the two could be comparable.

That was my point.

Fuck Sweden and the dumb ass EU morons destroying their culture by importing angry, 3rd world Muslims from war-torn nations.

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