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RE: "China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness"

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

so you believe the terror tactics of the groups you are defending are justified? by "pushing back against their occupiers" you mean beheading people and mass stabbings at schools? I am not defending anything either the us or Chinese have done but none of it justifies terrorism.


You said the word "justified". All I did was point out that populations revolt against their occupiers and take it out on the civilian population.

The OP seem giddy with the idea of using damn concentration camps to quail the native population of a region occupied by China.

Terrorist actions are not justified, but they are expected when a population is occupied. There were ZERO suicide attacks in Iraq before we invaded.

Weird that those crazy Muslims weren't blowing themselves daily prior to that...

Not all populations take it out on the civilian population when they revolt.

It's weird that a US installed strongman dictator who ruled with an iron fist was able to keep a wrap on terror attacks?

There were only terror attacks in Lebenon once Israel invaded. There were only terror attacks in Israel once they occupied Palestine (before that it was Zionists doing the bombing of civilians until they got their state). There were only terror attacks in Chechnya once it was occupied by Russia. There were only terror attacks in Xinjiang when it was occupied by China....

This isn't even the point of this discussion. This is simply about the OP not liking violent Muslims, which I understand. But Xinjiang, China is NOT Western Europe or the US. These people are in their country, fighting off occupiers.

Also, Western Europe and the US helped radicalize the Muslim world by first supporting jihad, then invading and giving terrorists the best recruitment they could wish for. Then the idiots invite the refugees into their country, thinking they wouldn't retaliate for decades of occupying and murder.

P.S. I consider drone warfare on civilian populations terrorism.

When was "Palestine" a country? Drone warfare has saved more lives than anything short of nuclear weapons.
The advantage of drones is they allow you much more precisely target actual combatants, the alternative would be much less pinpointed aerial munitions. You would be right if they intended to target those hospitals and schools, the difference in intent is important. Drones are designed to reduce civilian casualties, terrorists seek to maximize them.

Do you work for the Pentagon as a spokesman? Intent doesn't matter to the people getting killed. Which was my whole point.

Seems like you value certain life above others. Not sure if that depends on the nation they are from, their religion, or the color of their skin.

Of course it does. Seems like you value the lives of people who behead people over their innocent victims and justify it with vague notions of "occupation".

Nah man. You seem to not be able to put feet in others shoes. I value the lives of all innocent people. Since the US invasions and occupations of Middle Eastern countries lead to the head-choppers taking control of the region, I kind of frown on the US invasions and occupations.

You seem to believe the USG when it tells you that this Terror War only touches the evil head-choppers, and is some moral crusade to save the innocent people under the thumb of ISIS, Al-Qeada and other groups.

Of course, any grasp on history revels that the USG is chasing it's own tail. Since these groups show up and grow in numbers once the USG wanders into the region and begins to dominate, taking out governments and sending arms to the region.

Are you a time traveler from 2003?

In the tribal areas of Pakistan, the pray for cloudy days and children fear the humming of drones all day. But please, excuse that away too. I'm sure it's their fault they were born in a region of the world the United States Government wishes to control. It is America's destiny to control the planet right?

No, it does seem to be the view of many Americans who find excuses for the imperial nature of the US Government.

Defending a drone program that operates in a dozen countries without a declaration of war as "fighting the terrorists" sounds to me like parroting the Pentagon talking points. What's a "terrorist" then? Anyone the USG says is a terrorist? Opens the door for unlimited aggression abroad if domestically Americans give it that type of cover.

I haven't defended any of Obama's drone wars in particular.

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