Manga illustrations coming to my stories?

in #busy6 years ago (edited)





Why didn't I notice it earlier?
Her eyes were not the only things about her that were not the same.
The horn was her ear — because it connected to an ear.

She didn't need a tower for wireless to control her drones, her shadows.

And yet like her drones were her shadows, she too was a shadow of another.
The other horn twitched. On closer inspection it was not a horn at all.
It thinned and spread into fibers, trailing along the ground.
These threads were invisible from a distance.
I hadn't even noticed them from up close.

Along the ground they extended into the forest.

We were moving far enough away from then mountain.
We were moving far enough away from the hills and the trees on the hills.
Whatever things were at the other ends of the thread must appear.
They must come out.

Looking closely, I saw a pair of threads thicken into another cable.

Much like a pair of snakes.

I waited.

She watched me wait with a smile. — There it was. — It was another face.


Manga illustrations coming to my stories?

Getting ready for the next part of my serialized novel.

free writing challenge〉

#busy #creativity #fiction #writing #scifi #freewrite #shortfiction #drawing
    #manga #novel #art #illustration #workinprogress #blackandwhite !busy
             I usually write stories which are 10,000–25,000 words ... 40–100 pages.



I'm a scientist who writes fantasy and science fiction under various names.

The magazines which I most recommend are: Compelling Science Fiction, the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and the Writers of the Future.

BOOK RECOMMENDED — fiction and nonfiction reviewed
WISE GUYS — practical thinking
FISHING — thinking about tools and technology
TEA TIME — philosophy

©2017 tibra. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This is a work of fiction. Events, names, places, characters are either imagined or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events or persons or places is coincidental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Images: tibra.


Very talented indeed = ) I love your drawings and I would really like to know how much time it usually takes you to finish your drawings? I understand that it can depend on the difficulty of the project .

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.


Finishing art often takes a few minutes . . . but it can take half an hour. Each page is basically a draft.

It requires scanning the B4, selecting a screentones (which often must be created), and replacing or covering the shading and fills with them; if there are many different screentones required this can take a while however.

This is best done by somebody for hire. (Productive work means do what you do best, delegate the rest.)

On the other hand, you can get utmost clean, sharp images that don't distract from storytelling.

Digital cleaning of the scanned image is the single most annoying and time consuming aspect of finishing art.

Additional backgrounds may have to be added digitally. (Which is something else best done with an assistant.)

The thing is that a full page isn't always what's drawn; 15 images may be separately drawn and combined digitally to make a single page with say panels only 5 in number. (That's a lot of editing.)

I often put off the whole process for a while. (Until there are many images to be done all at once.)

Seems very complicated :O Maybe cuz I am not very talented in that :D Keep up the great work.

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