Misperception Of SteemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy5 years ago

There seems to be a great deal of negativity around Steem, especially from those who are active users on here. For some reason, people feel that Steem is failing.

To me, I think is total garbage. I guess it is the "grass is always greener" syndrome.

I maintained that Steem is one of the leading blockchains. It is an undiscovered gem by the public which is okay with me. Over time, we will see people finding out about what is taking place.

The problem I have with the view about Steem is that it is completely untrue. People on here look at other blockchain with "rose colored glasses".

For example, EOS is the bigger winner. We know that have a top 5 market cap. According to blocktivity, they do more transactions, by far, than anyone else. They also have a tremendous development community.

Thus, EOS is destroying Steem.

But is that really the case? We will leave aside, for a moment, that EOS is a completely different blockchain being a general blockchain that seeks to operate as a virtual computer. Let us look at some things that tell the story.

To start, we look at the number of accounts on Steem. Not really impressive when you look at what takes place on the Internet. Steem has roughly 1.2M accounts.

Here is a tidbit that I found.


EOS just went through 1M accounts. Now, I personally think this is impressive and acknowledge they did it in under a year (compared to Steem's 3 years). However, you would think they had 50M accounts the way people talk on here.

This also brings up a few questions. How many of these accounts are duplicates or bots? Are there 1M people on there? Not likely. Also, how many signed up for an account and are no longer active? What is the retention rate of that ecosystem?

We like to presume this is something that only affects Steem.

Now let us talk about community. EOS has a strong community according to what many post online. That should really help their usage considering they are developing more applications than everyone but Ethereum.

Here is the ranking according to State of the DApps of the Top 10 Applications on EOS.


Now we compared the top 10 on Steem (through Dlike; DTube is #11).


Notice a difference. Steem has 10 of the top 20 while EOS only has 3. The 10th ranked EOS app is all the way down at number 77.

What we can take away from this is that EOS might have a ton of development but few are using the applications.

So what accounts for all the volume for EOS on Blocktivity? It is safe to say a lot of that is from the exchange. There are ton of tokens created on that platform and it has a lot of trading. There are also a number of gaming apps that can have a lot of transactions.

Please keep in mind, I am not using this as an attack on EOS. Even though I do not hold any of that token, I am high on the project. I want to see it succeed and help take over the world. The potential there is amazing.

My point is we need to have a bit of perspective when looking at Steem. It is easy to see something like EOS and say nobody knows us. That is true. EOS is a household name as far as cryptocurrency goes. However, it did have a 300+ day long ICO along with raising $4B. That will garner a lot of attention.

At the same time, the distribution of the token, in spite of the ICO, is still in the hands of a few. When it went live, just shy of 50% of all tokens were in 10 accounts. Obviously, we have no idea how many people that could be. Hence, we might have all those tokens in the hands of 5 or 6 people. There is simply no way to tell.

Of course, like with Steem, I expect this to flatten out over time. As tokens are used, more people will acquire them. This is what we are seeing with Steem.

It is easy to focus upon our shortcomings and magnify them. The truth is that all blockchains have issues. Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing major scaling issues. TRON has centralization problems.

This is the early stage for everyone. Over time, many blockchains will resolve issues and move forward. Others will not.

Steem is one that keeps progressing with the development. Even Steemit Inc got their act together and starting to accomplish some of what they promised. Our user base is growing steadily with applications seeing increased activity.

This is all good stuff.

I would caution against anyone really complaining about how Steem is falling off a cliff based solely on pricing action. When you look around at what is taking place, there is a lot going on and Steem is more than holding its own.

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I respect your opinion. I only wish to bring up that EOS does not have their own social layer. However there is speculation that (MEOS) may be the huge announcement on June 1st. That seems to be the way I decipher the clues left by Dan.

I think some (much) of thee price action of Steem acknowledges this.

It won't affect steem. Just think how difficult it is to acquire users. It's not going to be different for MEOS

There is also the matter of market cap rank. Steem might not lose any price action but get bumped down the list. If Steem has $100M cap and 30 projects go up to $105M this community sees that as a huge loss for Steem.

It isn't.

The metrics people are using to determine value are flawed to the core.

I agree @edicted. The metrics are what is causing some to be filled with fear.

As you pointed out, the fact that 30 might pass STEEM does not tell much. For what reason? Was it a pump? Where will those blockchains be in a year? What is actually taking place on them?

Marketing can pump a price which makes people happy in the short term. Yet it also can cause a dump just as quickly.

Progress is what is needed. Get the pieces in place like a legitimate on boarding system before the masses start looking this way.
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Steem fits well the concept " Play Long Term Game With Long Term People".

I like the way you look at things and put out information that's not easily accessible to most people, particularly the things that happened in the past. The past helps put the present into perspective.

Looking into these other blockchains without getting sucked in requires understanding. And you don't just put out words, but back them up by facts. (Having links to sources would have helped, but that's not the point)

I do believe that it takes tremendous effort and focus to maintain such level headedness.

My response when there are a lot noise - I go out and enjoy the sun. :D

Great post as always!
Comparison has a timeframe after that it fades away.
#steem stands on its own and steemians (true) understand the process and work with it.
Price has it place and marks but for steem it is a difference ballgame when you put all your hope in price.
Keep on postin

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I keep posting and doing what I have since I started. It is a marathon, not a race. It will take years for the entire industry to pan out like it should. This is not an overnight process.

STEEM going up in price is exciting but I prefer to focus upon new developments. That is actually the exciting part.

We are a part of something, blockchain and cryptocurrency, that is going to change the course of humanity. This does not happen in a year or two.
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Way to put things into perspective. Just because the social media part of Steem Maybe lacking in daily activity doesn’t mean crap. Look at all the games and other Dapps built on the chain. They are doing awesome!!!

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Absolutely @jsplatts. We are seeing a lot taking place. Of course, even Steemit.com is doing rather well.

We are also seeing a lot of fundamental pieces being created. That is going to serve this ecosystem well in the future.
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I think people fail to realize how long it takes to get things established so to speak. We are still early adopters in the game and like everything else we will see some growing pains. The price of Steem doesn’t really reflect what is really going on with the blockchain.

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I agree. Development is not an overnight process and there are a lot of bricks to be laid in this house.

Most do not realize that YouTube when it first came out was not what YouTube is today.

It took a lot of updates and evolution to arrive where it is today.

The same is true for what is being created on here.
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Nicely done putting the state of steem into perspective. It's easy to look at bitcoin going up and Steem going down as being ominous until I look at the other alt coins and see most of them moving the same way.. down.

Optimism is alright, but realism is important, too: STEEM is currently at rank 61 at CoinMarketCap, so it seems it was moving somewhat 'faster' than other altcoins. Let's hope for better times.

That is true @shadowpub.

There is a lot of evidence that things move together. Either alt coins are following Bitcoin or moving against it. Either way, the alts tend to go as one unit.
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If altcoins are moving 'together', how do you explain that STEEM is nowadays ranked 61th at CoinMarketCap?
You mentioned the "rose colored glasses", and I wonder who is the one wearing them. :)
If I wouldn't like STEEM I wasn't here anymore, but as an investor I see no reason to be happy about the fact that the STEEM price is getting lower and lower. Let's hope for better times.

Steem is failing because people correlate a coin's value with price. If it can get them rich quick, it's more precious than coins that have relatively stable prices. I don't disagree with that train of thought because it makes sense if trying to get rich through accumulating steem was the goal on engaging the blockchain in the first place. But for people like me just having fun interacting or doing something with communities, price isn't a factor why I still bother. I don't treat this blockchain like a lifeline or earning coins from it like a job. It's a blockchain that happens to host a lot of activities I'm into and I get to accumulate tokens while I do what I want to.

You hit up a key point going forward @adamada.

People are going to be acquiring tokens, down the road, for doing things they enjoy. That is going to be the difference. It will effectively be an income for people because they will ultimately be paid on all they do. So whatever the application, there will be rewards for people.
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I 100% agree that the Steem blockchain is merely an undiscovered gem. For years, the community has been saying things like "we need more marketing" etc, but little has been done by Steem Inc, so now it's up to us, the users.

I truly love what @yabapmatt and @aggroed has done with Tron cross-chain promotion of Steem Monsters! They have already brought many users from Tron over to Steem, and I've personally taught a few users how Steem works in terms of RCs, VPs, SP, witnesses and much more which is how I know there truly are new users here.

I know the price of STEEM has been really tanking lately and not gonna lie, I didn't think we'd see STEEM under $0.30 again yet here we are. Times are tough for STEEM holders but price shouldn't worry you if you truly believe in the blockchain and you're still in the accumulation phase. However, if the prices do worry you, you're likely over-committed and should reconsider your position.

Excellent points @cryptoeater.

We do still have an on-boarding problem that needs to be addressed at some point in a big way. There is no way to add tens of thousands of users even if we marketed the hell out of this. People would sign up and have to wait months to get approved.

The Steem-Engine crew is doing a lot. They are putting pieces in that are fundamental to us moving forward.

Ironically, even Steemit Inc is stepping up to the plate.
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If Steem did not die in last year’s bear market and the issues experienced, it will not bow either as there is so much development here that continues to engage the users in numerous ways. It is much simpler than EOS too, I can’t seem to understand that side either!

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I do not profess to be an EOS expert @newageinv but it seems like they also have a dedicated community there.

Either way, it is not a competition and Steem is stronger today than it was a year ago. Even with the bear, development make the offering of this ecosystem much better than before. Plus, we did see growth in users over the last two years.

Longer term perspectives help a great deal.
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I’m an investor in EOS and Steem so I’m like, why can’t both win 😬😂

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There will be many winners. Blockchain really is not an either/or situation. As long as their is an active community and people producing blocks, all will carry on. Obviously, some will have a lot more activity than others and that is what everyone is trying to figure out.

EOS is going to be one, in my opinion, that is going to be huge. That said, it is an interesting chain since it was designed to be forked repeatedly. That is one of the things Dan feels provides decentralization, repeated forks on EOS, each one using it own witness nodes. It is an interesting concept.

Truth be told, Steem and EOS are completely different animals. EOS is seeking to do what ETH set out to do but was slowed by POW/scaling. Steem's main asset is the creation/reward system. This is what it can leverage to separate itself from all that is out there.

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