An Example Of How To Succeed On STEEMsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy6 years ago

A lot of people come on STEEM expecting the quick hit and then get frustrated when it does not occur. Perhaps it is the marketing by some ignorant Steemians who believe it is a good idea to troll Facebook and YouTube touting the idea that one can make thousands of dollars on a post in 24 hours. Nevertheless, I see so many who lack a basic understanding of what it takes to make it on here.

@fullcoverbetting is not one of those people. This account is a model for what it takes to succeed.

Notice there was not a ton of SP to start with. This was not a Whale. Yet, in the course of a few months, the SP in the account increased significantly.

Let us take a look at what took place.


Three months ago, this account stood at roughly 270 SP. When the numbers were posted, the total was 586, or an increase of 316 SP. This amounts to a 117 percent increase in a little over 90 days. That is sensational growth.

Obviously, it did not come easy. It was slow yet steady. There most likely were not any $70 posts in there but the account is getting larger each day. Each activity is building upon what went before to accelerate the pace.

Here is what was written:

In the last post I did have 531.214 own SP, now at the moment of writing I do have 586.793 own SP. That is an increase of a little bit more than 55.5 SP.

The black line is the trend line, the blue line is the goal I do want to reach and the red line is my current progress.

As you can see I am running a little bit ahead. Normally I should have around 541. This is based on an increase of 13 SP per week. But in the last 3 weeks I over performed with 14.7 SP, 15.4 SP and last week even 20.213 SP. In the past 23 days the increase was 10%. So way above the inflation rate!

It is amazing, the payouts are increasing on a weekly basis. This certainly shows that the hard work is paying off.

Then there was this:

While it is getting harder to get a posting value above the $ the SP increase seems steady! But as human as I am I also look at the posting value expressed in $, strange cause I do know that it means shit!
Steem has a value of $0.69. This means that all upvotes value did lose a third of their value!

Don't be fooled and don't look at the posting value in $. Try to see it as just a representation of vests, because this is what counts.

It is truly wonderful to see someone understand the system and work within it. How does this account compare to others? It does not matter. What matters is we see an individual who was able to more than double an account in about 100 days. This would not occur if frustration, complaining, and resentment set in.

We all should simply focus upon our own account. While 500 SP at 70 cents isnt going to set someone up for life, this 100 day move could have serious impact if STEEM reaches some of the potential many of us believe it has.

I cite this article because it encompasses what I usually discuss on here. The entire reason I put together Minnow Uprisings is to try and get people to think exactly like this. Do what is needed to grow your own account. This comes from active posting and content creation. While each post might not yield a great deal, over time, it all adds up.

@fullcoverbetting was a mid-grade Plankton 100 days ago. Today, the account moved to Minnow status. This is one of the categories that is going to make a huge different on the blockchain going forward. As more people start participating, it is going to get harder to acquire SP. In a couple years, Minnow might well be a huge level to achieve.

I am sure @fullcoverbetting will keep going and adding to this account. I hope that others see this example as a path to success.

Look at it this way: 310 SP in 100 days at these levels:

$5 = $1,550
$10 = $3,100
$20 = $6,200
$50 = $15,550
$100 = $31,000
$1000 = $310,000

Do you think @fullcoverbetting is going to complain about any of those payouts? None of them are bad for posting on a website for 3 months. Even at $5, that is still earning over $500 a month for posting, commenting, and upvoting.

That surely beats having a second job.

Thank you to @fullcoverbetting for posting your activity and the growth of your account. I suggest everyone who wants to reap the benefits from STEEM consider doing the same thing. Consistent growth of one's account, no matter where it stands at today could be life changing. Looking at the numbers, it does not take a mythical run in STEEM for one to enjoy a rather nice return.

I fully believe there will be a day when 500 SP is going to be considered a tremendous amount. Anyone who is not at that point yet should strive to get there. I think you will be happy you did.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.


It was a little surprise this morning to see that Gina went wild. So thank for that @taskmaster4450.
Lot's of work has been put into the blog. And I did make some hard choices. In the beginning I was only blogging about Steem and Crypto! But as you can see from my nick, one of my passions is sportsbetting. It was hard to bite the bullet to also start posting about that niche. But this decision did increase my passion for blogging a lot. Also I did meet some great people and we even did start the Sports Betting Community! The idea behind this community is that we go out and search for sports bloggers on the steem blockchain and we try to support them with advice and upvotes. This way we are trying to decrease the burn rate in this niche. And that is important because it is a niche what is not seen as adding value to the blockchain and therefor easily overlooked by lots of curation programs. The more of these communities stand up the better this blockchain will become. The more niches are present to more people would feel at home!
The sports betting community did encourage me to set up a big world cup contest, which did have a prize pool of 110 SBD. Most of this money was sponsored. This did making it possible for me to leave my footprint on the steem blockchain!

But the basis of my account was created lots earlier! And for this I mostly have to thank 3 people. All these 3 people helped me in more or like a similar way! These are @taskmaster4450, @preparedwombat and @ abh12345!
Let me explain how these people have helped me:

  • you my friend, with your passion and encouraging post about the steem blockchain, but what really opened my eyes was a post you wrote in the beginning of the year. In this post you showed us the way. The way was to write genuine comments and to be engaged. You even showed evidence. After that I did become more active and engaged, resulting in accumulating more SP per week with commenting than with writing own posts! I do remember reading the post and what a feeling it did bring me! Thanks for that!
  • @preparedwombat, while not visible he was always there for me! He was the first one who did give me a free delegation to come over the connection problems! He also wrote a lot of posts about engagement and commenting. Later on, he adopted to me to help me lifting my account to 1K own SP. Actions like this does give me a moral and motivational boost!
  • @abh12345 I quickly stumbled on the engagement league of Asher. I am sure that he also saved me form the burn rate. It is like gamification of engagement. Also here I was granted some free delegations. In return I do still sponsor his weekly league with an SBI share. Will this doesn't look much, for sure in the beginning I did have to scrape enough steem on a weekly basis to pay for the sponsorship. While it was hard, it is one of the best decision which I did make!

And last but not least, I am grateful for meeting the co-founders of the SBC community! @stimp1024, @costanza, @acelad and @beat-the-bookies. Thanks guys for your ongoing support and the friendly banter! As you can see we are a mix of red fish, minnows and dolphins! All with the same mindset, trying to make this a better place!

To all the ones who are starting. I am not the best writer in the world and look what I did with my account! If I can do this, so can you! Just write about things that does interest you!
Don't chase votes they will come as long as you engage with others and spread your love around. And while everybody is responsible for their own account you can't do it on your own!
Remember that how stronger the account around you become, they stronger they can support you! I am not talking about a friend upvote jerk circle but like taksmaster4450 lots of times wrote, we should support each other.
Find people with shared interests and start commenting, build a relationship and good things will come your way! Don’t doubt about it!
Don’t chase whales or Orcas begging for upvotes, they will notice you if the time is right! They are just human beings like us and most of them like to interact! But don’t interact to score an upvote, interact because you do find the article interesting and do want to add value to the discussion!

Mmh, maybe I should have write this all down in on own post 


Keep it up! )

There is a lot of great info in this comment, but seriously this might be the most important:

And while everybody is responsible for their own account you can't do it on your own!

To many people think that just because they started an account and post their idea of great content that they should be earning on their posts. But they have forgotten a very important part of this whole deal, it's called Social Networking. If you aren't trying to build a social network then you are never going to have long term success.

Oh and just cut/paste this over to a post and polish it up a little. It's gold!

Will think about it!
It is not as much that people do believe that the money flows in, people are always looking up and never down. People do forget where they did came from and envy the ones who do have more. I do see a lot of accounts getting upvotes from the army of @fulltimegeek, While I do want to be on the list, I do find it great for the ones who are getting a visit from the army. So in stead of envy these upvotes, I do appreciate what he is doing and I am sure that the ones who are getting these did deserve them one way or the other.
I do follow some small red fish accounts, who visit my blog frequently and I do support them. Not via giving upvotes on their comments (would be crushing my VP) but to give then frequent upvotes on their postings. If they grow, I will grow. That's my plan of attack. Appreciate the ones above and below you!


You know I am all about supporting those who have small accounts. My new effort with @minnowbuilder is an attempt to build an army of Minnows and give everyone the opportunity to support curated redfish that we are supporting while at the same time earn a daily upvote in return for their support. It's a win-win for those wanting to support the growth of the little guys.

As we grow more minnows I fully expect that they will then be the supporters of the new redfish we are supporting.

We all should. Like I wrote to you many times before and I cannot do this enough.
It is great what you are doing for the community!
Thanks for that!

This is the reason why i am fully invested in Steem.
The passive income that you get just by regular bloging staks up and before you know it your progressing greater then you have expected.
Not to mention when the price of Steem increases that a win win situation.

It's also basically a free blogging platform. Steem is awesome

Steem power is my long term hold!
I am curious to see what will happen to Steem in 10 years.

I came across Peter (@fullcoverbetting) quite a while ago since his name stood out in the @abh12345 Engagement League. (My blog is mostly around betting). It's really rare to see these accounts that understand how the game needs to be played and I have been trying to steer people into this direction for a long time. It's quite frustrating at times though to see most accounts just being passive expecting results without putting real effort into it.

One of the biggest tells to me is accounts that make regular posts on their progression on Steemit. All of them are much more aware and more likely to succeed in the long run making it rewarding to give a bit of support without expecting anything in return. Some others I came across that are willing to take some initiative and / or keep track of their progression aside of Peter: @jlordc | @beat-the-bookies | @thedarkhorse | @erikklok | @plantstoplanks | @lenasveganliving | ...

It should not be underestimated how much time and effort has been put into it all by Peter to get to his level @taskmaster4450. I have been following and unfollowing you on and off because I can't handle the in my view often one sided view on things eulogizing Steemit in your posts. I'm sure you understand what I mean. This post also only points towards the good things but does not really include the insane amount of time peter needed to put in daily to get to where he is. Great article still though.

Hi @taskmaster4450. I have been working very similarly but targeting slightly more,that doesn't matter though. The point is setting the right goals that you can work towards. I don't think many think like this and they should.

It is like high jumping. If you place the bar too low you can just step over it, but if you raise it too high you will never be able to jump over it!
Targets do help, it gives you a goal to work towards to!
The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy ourselves on the steem otherwise it would be just like work!

I would say that where you nailed the truth more than anywhere is was here:

Perhaps it is the marketing by some ignorant Steemians who believe it is a good idea to troll Facebook and YouTube touting the idea that one can make thousands of dollars on a post in 24 hours.

Yup. Having been part of MANY "get rewarded for posting content" venues, I can confirm that when to present a site as "easy money" you get FLOODED with people looking for easy money. It's the first rule of marketing... "you get EXACTLY what you ask for."

As one of Peter's followers, I would agree he's a great example of "slow and steady wins the race," although his rise has been much faster than most of us "redfish" or "plankton."


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Please write an article with #interesteem tag.

This is super cool. Wow. Following you.

very nice post

What is the main point here those who are new to the Digital currencies life how do we educated each one of them to understand the new ERA of money wish is the real future of this universe and ounce we do our part they will thank us

Thanks for sharing. It does take persistence... Do you think he started with 200 SP? that is still an investment...

I did start like a normal account. So with 0 own SP and a delegation from the blockchain of 15SP. I did start blogging in Jan this year. I do buy some steem during the year but most of it was organic growth!
I did start keeping stats since the 28th of May of this year. Because my goal back then was to have 500SP at the end of the year. But this milestone was reached in the beginning of August. Not the target has been set to 750 own SP. That will require to generate 13 SP per week!

Thanks for sharing! That is quite impressive...

Whether he did I can’t say, but that one should invest in steem if they possibly can I would say. If you can’t, you can’t, but how lucky if you come in at today’s prices and can. I’d have 3x as much steem for what I invested had I been doing it now instead of a few months ago. I don’t regret my investment though because I see this as a business I really enjoy doing, professional writing directly for an audience with no editor in between.

Posted using Partiko iOS

How to you like partiko, by the way? I see you're using it.

For being on mobile I think it is the best option. I still prefer being on my laptop, especially when I want to post. But soon on iphone you can get upvotes from them based on points you get for using the app to upvote and comment. Already that's the case on android. That makes it even more attractive. I can't get dLive videos or some photos to load on it though.

Id di buy some Steem during my journey but not a lot. My last investment was in June of this year, where I did buy 50 steem. 80% of my account is based on organic growth!

Really nice example you give here. Great to see how effort and endurance can pay off!

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