Things have been discovered by mistake and have greatly affected the lives of mankind

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

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Every day we see the world grow up and grow

We see many discoveries by scientists
Every day we discover new things in our world
From the discovery of gravity and the electric bulb
To the enormous technological discoveries we have reached
So we were able to discover vehicles that traveled us into space
Have you ever thought about how man could reach this vast amount of science?
Can you believe if I told you that some discoveries were inadvertently found by man?
There are already many things that man has discovered by mistake
From sulfur oud to the food we eat

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Now let's get to know some of these things:

1 - discovery of sulfur oud:
The sulfur oyster was discovered by accident
One scientist was mixing some chemicals with a wooden stick
When he tried to remove the material from the wooden he found It burns
so he discovered the oud of sulfur
2- Chipsy:
The error did not even leave the food until it was discovered
Chipsy slices that have been widely spread have been discovered through a restaurant owner
Because of his anger from one customer who complained of Potatos
He decided to cut the potatoes and put them in the oil until they burn, which spread afterwards
In the discovery of Chipsy
3- Cheese:
The cheese was accidentally discovered
Where one person left the milk in a cloth bag
When he came back to see him, he found it frozen and his taste was delicious

  1. Safe glass:
    It was discovered when a bottle fell on the ground and it was covered with plastic
    It was not broken and the security glass was discovered

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  2. X-ray:
    it is discovered when a scientist tried to direct an electron beam into a hollow tube and at the end of it a phosphoric screen
    When he put his hand at the nozzle of the tube he saw the bones of his hand and thus X-rays were discovered
  3. Penicillin
    When one scholar went to his home
    Leaving his lab without cleaning it
    When he returned to the lab, he found some fungi that had formed
    To be the beginning of the invention of penicillin


Great Read! Check out my post as well.

The Xray one was new to me :). Thanks for sharing this piece of content!

Very good read. I had no idea how cheese was discovered. Kinda makes me not want to eat anymore cheese. lol

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