Day 29 of Free Write: Wasps Prompt

in #busy6 years ago


Ooh wasps are definitely something that no one wants to deal with. The thing is, whenever I think about wasps I think about how no one has any idea the difference between what a wasp and a honeybee look like. My initial thought about wasps is that they look a lot different from Honeybees. I couldn't tell you exactly how I think they are different looking...just that I would think that they look different. In reality, they actually look really similar.

I may be completely wrong on this, but I saw an infographic style image one time that summed up all the benefits of honeybees for our society. I'd imagine that most of us wouldn't argue how amazing honeybees are for the world. They really don't do anything to harm people. Well the same infographic basically just summed wasps up as assholes with no purpose. Not sure if it is true, but I did think it was funny. For the record, I've never even been stung by a wasp. With my luck, I'm probably allergic and the first time I get stung by one will be a really bad experience. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I keep avoiding them!

Found the infographic for you all, not taking any credit for it.


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Calling them assholes is putting it lightly, lol. Did you know they feed their babies with spiders? Last summer my son told me there had been some buzzing between the front door and the glass door. I opened the door and saw what I thought was a spiders nest. At the same time I was about to jab it to kill them, a wasp came out of it. I slammed the door, went out the back door and circled around. After 15 minutes of spraying bug killer, I knocked the nest down. Mass dead and live spiders came out. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it. Now I have to watch for that during summer. And yes I killed all those little demons. :-)

Seems like such vile creatures for sure!
Thanks for sharing!

Lol Wasps are assholes with no purpose! hahaha brilliant

oh, they do have a purpose. They are pollinators and eat all kinds of pests...

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