Are other social medias thinking of Steeemit as a Threat ?

in #busy6 years ago

As it seen Steemit has improved drastically over the time and is getting recognition as time is going by.Some of the achievements that are already achieved is indeed great !People are gathering from every corner of the world and are enjoying being a part of this community !

Like I have said growth of Steemit is exponential in the coming days it will be huge .People who are here, are having a great time and few are full time Steemian and really leading a great life.


As it seems social sites in where we spend our precious time giving out details and in return we just get likes and shares and in my knowledge nothing else and at the end of the day what we get is nothing of value.

While in that case Steemit brought to us the innovative idea of blogging and sharing our thoughts and in return we get paid and we get to meet many new users and get to open in our thoughts and share them with the world.

As time is approaching we are seeing many improvements in the Steem Blockchain.For suppose we can now share videos as well and get paid for them very easily and with no added rules.

The feeling of getting free is out here ,the technology of decentralization is out in the open.We are lucky that we are the early adopters of it.The crypto is going to change the future in ways that we can not think of.


While the emerge of Steemit and the mechanism of the technology ,more & more users are getting into the boat of Steemit. While some are getting rid of other social medias and adopting the use of the Steem Blockchain.

While people are giving their precious time in social sites and they are not getting nothing in return.While the sites are getting a load of money and not sharing them with the users.This will eventually change by the help of Steemit and in the coming days many more sites will emerge.Thus the downtrend of other social sites will occur.

While for some users who are having a hard time I want to tell them that please do not loose your cool ,it takes some time to get recognized out in here.Be there and keep on going.While you will not even realize that you have reached there.Just hold onto it.

We all do love the community of Steemit !Let us make it the best !

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Some of my previous posts.



Interesting Post..
Rehan bro..

Thanks buddy !

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