Dark Magic, The Last Days of Human Enslavement

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


Why do Human Beings Work So Hard - Yet See so Little Progress as a Species?

It can be dissatisfying putting in a lot of work, and feeling as if that work is going to something or someone that you don't necessarily agree with or even like. In this way we in-debt our time to 'jobs' in order to pay 'bills'. If an extra terrestrial came and had you explain how everything worked - do you think they would find it absurd? Using this line of inquiry, or a similar 'outside perspective' we can start to see that the way we operate is incredibly bizarre. If you don't find it strange, that is just further evidence of how natural we find this control mechanism.

People are quick to bring up all of the gadgets we have created to distract ourselves. They will excitedly talk about nanobots, cloning, AI, or any other 'future tech'. As if to say, yes we've cracked it - we've nearly invented utopia (or enslavement 3.0). What is any of this worth though? In my opinion it's worthless if we can't feed the poorest person, or stop literally killing each other over words and numbers.

We have become a violent people, caught in an elaborate illusion. We are numbed on multiple levels, stuck on the mental plane - we are 'going along' with some of the craziest dark magic that has even been woven on to a people - ever.


Are We Really Paying Attention?

We can justify almost any behavior by using this idea of money, yet if we closely scrutinize how money gets used - the vast majority of it gets squandered and the people who could really benefit from it will never see it. Money is no god, actually yes it is a god. But it is a cruel god, it's a god who has lost his way and forgot about unity. Money is a tool for mass manipulation, and if we follow it back to its source we can see that it's not just a neutral force to help lubricate the wheels of society. Money is controlled, and the people that control it are not humanitarians. Will we ever be able to establish world peace and compassion for each other - whilst fixated on dollars values?

It continually amazes me how we will classify ourselves and others according to how much of this imaginary substance we can accumulate. We will judge other people according to how they participate in the money making game. Everything boils down to this. All of the other concerns such as - integrity, compassion, forward thinking, are all crushed in light of the bottom line - every thing you do has to be channeled into a money making game - or it's worthless.

When we look at a homeless person, do we see a worthless wretch who has 'given up'. Or do we see someone who had the wisdom to say, "this is enough, I refuse to take part in this madness". Someone who is actually doing something worthwhile by forcing people to look at them and say "this is also a human being, one who is not rushing around like me". And through the simple act of asking for money there is a statement - can we give of ourselves without the thought of getting something back? Can we give to someone who actually needs?

This is really the heart of the issue, energetically. I am mostly concerned with the deep energetic root of why we do things. In this case, it's the belief in a transactional state of being. I will do this, and you will give me that. This is conditioned into us over our lives, at a certain point we start to believe that this is just the way it is. With this as the core energetic construct, of course we feel it is natural to trade time for money, money for goods, and always get something for something.


Give a Little

We are so hypnotized that we have absolutely no faith in how things could just work out if we all gave to each other - spontaneously creating systems and communities of support. Honoring each other, and not having our labor 'taxed' at each point through this money system. Of course these taxes are to be expected though, because of everything that governing bodies do for us. Thing like paying the political game players generous salaries. Things like talking about stuff endlessly, and never really making actual changes. Things like basing our entire existence on a bunch of numbers, forgetting that we are people, and forgetting that we have souls.

Governments - perversely out of touch, yet comfortable enough with their rewards that they will never breach through into a feeling of what life is like for people in poverty. Either that or completely impotent in the face of corporations which literally control their decision making. Full of beaurecracy who complicate and tax more and more things. It's a parasitic organism which takes the life of the people and turns it into numbers. This is some seriously dark magic, yet you would never question it if you live comfortably enough.

People will staunchly defend the monetary system, and our current economic ways of operating. Either because it works pretty well for them, or they feel that to move out of it would allow for 'slackers' to do nothing and exploit the system. Again there is a belief in scarcity, which ironically money has created by making our labor worth less than what it achieves. Capitalism is a means of allowing various parasites to literally take the life energy of other people.

It's really interesting to have this 'slacker' argument. The idea is that if we aren't so hard line then our system will get exploited. Yet exploitation is exactly what we are currently doing. Money and 'jobs' take away peoples time and energy - merely to gain these tokens through the systems which have been established. These systems have been handed to us, and we accept them blindly, or because breaking off and asking questions just isn't the done thing.


The Powers That Be

Governments do their best, and surprisingly some of the people in politics actually want a good outcome for other humans. But REALLY, governments are run by banks. Governments are run by money. Let's take the laser beam eye of perception to our public institutions. None of them have well being in mind from the people that they expect constant work from. It's a triangle, it's a pyramid! This structure is so heavily embedded in our psyche that we wouldn't think to question it - why does the power always concentrate at the top? Why do we accept this?

What happened to ruling ourselves?

It looks good on paper, or in a romanticized movie version of life. Sadly this isn't real life, what our economic system CREATES is inequality and hard heartedness. It creates a scarcity, whereby our fear of survival gets triggered - in that triggered state all kinds of human rights abuses can take place. People are perpetually fearful, too fearful to think clearly, and definitely too fearful to think of ourselves as a whole species who can support each other without these overly complex number systems. Numbers make you numb (thanks Sevan Bomar).

Where I live there is an organic food store, and this store tries to pay their staff a livable wage. The goods there are much more expensive than the regular supermarket, some of the items are 2 or 3 times what you would normally pay. Customers complain that it's expensive. But this is what the food actually costs when people aren't exploited at every stage of the process. The growers and suppliers, distributors, people retailing the goods in store - and most importantly the land its self.

How did we come to a point where treating people and the land with respect was less ecnomically viable than exploiting the land and the labor of humans? The system its self is not sustainable. Why is this the established norm? Why do we think that we have reached a civilized state? We are farming ourselves, and no one is really happy about it.

Can we at least admit that?


Really, really well written. We are born into a world where most of us have had this trick played on us - without the means to sustain ourselves we must pay 'rent' to live on this earth. To pay rent we must have jobs and as Upton Sinclair famously said;“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” There are those who still live at the edges of civilisation whose land is utterly robbed and destroyed in exchange for trinkets (and then backed up by the laws of the land!) Writing here on Steemit often feels like doing something for nothing - where's my return!! However, the key is readjusting to an attitude of one where you are giving to others and supporting the creation of a community. Only then I think can we be really free.

Thank you for taking the time to reply :) I think it's actually really important us being here on Steemit, as it represents a community of people who for various reasons want to reach beyond current economic systems. I know many people who are looking to or in the progress of making the IRL communities which will sustain them beyond economic collapse and fuckery. I'm really hopeful about the potential of this time on the earth.

yeah you are right we are hypnotised by this collective trick & numbed by numbers ..
Humanity is tested (white magic) every step of the way with greed ..
I guess marrying yin & yang is essential as we are in this collective reality so therefor seeing through the illusion is vital which is perfectly illustrated in you words above for us all while using wisdom to not fall into the black magic trap.. somewhere in the middle or if possible above the duality. It is a fine line ;)& we are all in it

Glad you stopped by Maryam :) Yes there is a definite balance to be struck! As I see magic manifesting in my own life, I can see it is not really to do with any particular system - it is more of an energy exchange. You've made a good point that I was reluctant to venture into - about duality and how we engage with it.

So while we may be dealing with exploitative systems, but if we keep ourselves in such a state of alignment - then it doesn't really matter which system we work with.

Or something to do with, balancing our own karma and purity of intent - with the realities of navigating a game which doesn't give too much room for that.

Interesting stuff!

Excellent, I have highlighted this for a long time - as a system engineer who has applied system logic to the whole planet, with empathy in mind - I can immediately see that things are twisted and broken on a huge scale (so too can a child).

I have also been highlighting the NUMBers for a long time - but numbers themselves are not inherently a problem, they can teach a great deal too.. The problem is reliance on them for decision making in a way that denies will, feelings and real needs/desires. It makes absolutely no sense to decide that, for example, a person cannot have health therapies or healthy food simply because they don't have enough digits - especially when so many accrue so many digits through doing absolutely nothing that serves humanity. Part of the tragedy is in the thinking that somehow, if you have money then you 'must' have helped humanity and that those who don't have money are vampires - when in truth it is all relative and far more vampirism occurs from those with the most money when we consider their ability to remotely direct large numbers of people to deviate from their preferred path in life just to serve them and their 'money'.

Part of the problem is that once people are heavily invested into something that they think ensures their survival, they fear losing what they have 'gained'. We need to create parallel systems/lives that demonstrate improved states of being that do not re-lie on these broken finance based ideas.. In other words, we must heal, balance & evolve.

Thankyou for such a full bodied response. I have to admit while I was writing thing I was wondering if my heart was in the right place, as I felt this kind of anger flowing through me. But in some sense, it's definitely something to acknowledge - frustration against a system that is not serving the people who partake in it.

I was also thinking about something that @kennyskitchen says which is to always focus on solutions, instead of the 'problems'. I know from my own journey that being angry and agitated can be an obstacle to the kind of wholeness that gets us 'out of the game'.

So I definitely agree, that our path is to

heal, balance & evolve

Which is what making this content is all about, and today I have deviated to show my frustration, perhaps tomorrow I can offer some more solutions as to how to heal and balance ourselves. Dissolving the fear which prevents changes being made.

I find it so interesting the relationship between the systemic and the individual. I can help a lot of individuals, but I don't know where to start in changing entire systems. I have a belief that if enough people are fundamentally changed, then systems will be changed from the inside out.

There's nothing wrong with anger. Anger is part of a response that moves to protect us lovingly. Anger only becomes dangerous when it has been judged to be dangerous. The unloving judgements twist the emotions into something they are not naturally.

Yes, positive integration and definition leads to solutions, however, we cannot really often reach solutions without focusing on the problems - since we do not always have solutions. Through understanding and questioning we can reach solutions, but that does require looking deeply into the problems.

When attempting to change huge systems we will eventually hit the walls laid down by the 'stake holders' who are heavily invested in the systems not changing. On the national level when enough people want and demand change, they sometimes meet violence from the 'stake holders' who are really acting as little more than slave owners at that point. As far as I am concerned, there is no need or value in trying to change deliberately corrupted legacy systems from the inside, we need to create our own ways of life that are better and live them. When we are stopped from doing so by existing systems and their believers, we have to find the way that is best for us to proceed. Relentless exposure of the failings of the old system is one approach that can help - but I favour pure logic as, like maths, it cannot be denied successfully without the denier being clearly seen to be in denial... At that point this comes down to those who want to stay in denial being separated from everyone else - their path leads only to death. We have never had a society without denial and that is where we need to go now... What is possible when denial ends is actually closer to magic than anything else!

Very thought provoking stuff. Do you believe that crypto and blockchain technology is a movement away from this, or making it worse?

That's a very ineresting question @eftnow. I feel that it is definitely a step in the right direction, with decentralization. I do have a weary realisation that perhaps money of any kind can be exploited unless our hearts and minds are in the right place.

Until that day though - creating new currencies that give us agency and direct rewards for the things we do. It's probably the best we have aside from moving into self sustaining off grid conscious communities.

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