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RE: Transplanted my Succulents

in #busy5 years ago

I am not good at growing succulents and I do love them! Now that I know you are good with them, I'll ask advice if I decide to try again. Hope you have had a good weekend!


Hey Melinda! It was a nice weekend. The weather was beautiful, and I actually got out of the house a little bit lol.
I would be happy to offer pointers if you obtain some succulents.
I don't know if they are sold at the markets in your area?
If you have trouble getting your hands on one, let me know. I think it would be rather easy to transport some rooting petals ;)

That's so nice of you to offer leaves! I had several of them, but over the course of time I have killed them all. I have one tough little guy that I have kept alive for a year, but it's not because of anything I have done!

Oh yes, I've seen this one before. I don't know the name of it off hand, but there are so many different breeds of succulents.
These are closer to cacti I think, and are indeed hardy plants which require very little watering. I would say it looks rather healthy and the soil mix looks right.
I doubt it needs more than the occasional watering. This one likes you and has a vibrant core.
I wouldn't worry about the little dead spots either, those are common, and often incite a panic in people which will cause them to over water , thinking under watering is the reason.
I think you're doing a nice job with this plant Melinda, thank you for showing! I'd say keep doing what you're doing, and make sure it's getting plenty of sun!

My daughter-in-law just made me that lovey mosaic box, and that little succulent pot fits in it perfectly. I think he likes his new house.

Wow your daughter-in-law is super talented with these mosaics. You're so lucky! He definitely loves the new house 😍

I'll try to make my way over to your blog later. It's so tough to keep up with everything, and all the new happenings. Everything is getting more fast paced, but futuremind isn't lol. I need a brain processor upgrade or something haha.

Thanks Melinda, I'll see you later 💐

It has been really hard to keep up here this week! There have been so many new things to read about, and learn. It is so exciting!

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