2017年最完美的句點: 澳洲布里斯班Steemit聚會 Perfect Finish to 2017: Australian Steemit Meetup in Brisbane

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Brisbane is a city on the eastern coastline of Australia. It is the third largest city in Australia with a population of around 2 million. It has about the same population size as Taichung in Taiwan. In a city this size, how many people do you think will come to a Steemit meetup?

View of the Story bridge built in 1940. Photo taken from meetup location Riverbar & Kitchen
在聚會地點Riverbar & Kitchen拍攝的故事橋,此橋建於1940年。

大家可能記得,去年我在布里斯班舉辦一次Steemit聚會(文章在此),當時只有兩個人來 (包括我)。一年之後,越來越多人用Steemit。這次著名的美女旅遊博客 @choogirl 於2017-12-30 再次舉辦聚會,號召力比我強多了,總共有五個人來,是一年前的2.5倍!
You probably remember that last year I tried to hold a Steemit meetup in Brisbane (article here). Back then only 2 people came, including myself. A year later, Steemit has many more users, and the beautiful travel blogger @choogirl has run another meetup on 2017-12-30 right here in Brisbane, who is much more Charismatic than I am, managed to summon 5 Steemians, which is 2.5 times the amount from a year ago!

From right to left: @gohba.handcrafts, @choogirl, @apsistrading, @juicy-shark and @magicmonk

View of the Brisbane River from the Riverbar & Kitchen where the meetup was held.
布里斯班河上的船,從聚會酒吧Riverbar & Kitchen所拍攝

我很同意@choogirl對steemit的看法。她說Steemit 應該要是好玩的。我會繼續在Steemit上與大家同樂。
I agree with what @choogirl said about Steemit at the meetup. She said that Steemit is meant to be fun, which I think is very important. I will continue to have fun on Steemit with everyone.

在此祝各位新年快樂,萬事如意! Happy new year everyone!


以下是聚會場所Riverbar & Kithcen的照片。
Below are some more photos of the meetup location Riverbar & Kitchen.


Here is the article by @gohba.handcrafts about the meetup, feel free to visit!

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Please follow @magicmonk for more articles about life in Australia.
請關注 @magicmonk 以閱讀更多有關於澳洲生活的文章。


Great write up @magicmonk. You've done a far better job than me at this since I didn't even take any photos.

Re-steemed from my account and Team Australia.

And Happy New Year!!!

Thank you so much @choogirl. You are really an inspirational Steemian. Thank you for running this meetup and for being a great role model for the community.

Good to see you in real life. Now I can stop picturing you as a cartoon! 😁



Awesome meet-up. I was in Brisbane for Christmas but came back to Sydney by the 29th, which was unfortunate. May be we could organise something similar in Sydney

Great idea :) Sorry that we missed you :(

So cool... TeamMalaysia is having our big meet-up about 10 days from now... Hoping to join them! We'll see... :) All the best, TeamAustralia!

I nearly missed this post :) Look forward to hearing more about it :)

Nice write up mate! I wish I could have come along, but I was travelling abroad in China. Oh well next time maybe.

Have a good new year mate!!

sorry we missed you! next time for sure :)

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thats why i love this community and that is the reason it is called as community, good work.

You are right :)

My sincere apologies for not being able to make this meeting (which is the second one I know about - so maybe third time lucky), but it was good to be able to put some faces to names in this post. I will be on the lookout for you next time but thanks to @choogirl for organizing the catch up and @magicmonk for the post for those of us that missed out.

A combination of underestimating the time it takes to change lawn mower blades, a friend visiting from the UK and not enough daylight hours to get everything done means that I will have to wait until the next catch up to say hi :(

Hey, totally understand. Look forward to meeting you next time :)

I'd love to talk more about education and other related topics from your posts on steemit, so let's hope we don't wait too long for another gathering :p

haha sure thing. hopefully there will be another one soon.



If I managed to show up as planned, then they might be surprised that two out of the six people in the gathering would have been Chinese :D

oh, you can read chinese?!

I just joined Steem and saw this! I live in Brisbane too! Originally from Taiwan and New Zealand. I would love to join next time ! (if my kids allow me to do so =_=;)

Welcome to steemit :)

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