Steemit Brisbane Meetup and crowd spotting

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

So yesterday a handful of Brisbane Steemians dragged themselves away from their computer, disconnected from discord and met up in a pub in the heart of Brisbane City. Special thanks to @choogirl for wrangling a bunch of us together to have a beer and chat for a few hours.


So we had in attendance @choogirl, @juicy-shark, @apsistrading and @magicmonk and me of course.

@ausbitbank was meant to come, but @krystle hurt her foot with the new shoes he bought her, he sent through a photo

I'm assuming the currency collapsed.

But during the conversation, I kept looking in the crowd hoping to see some more of our legendary Team Australia members turn up.
I saw this one guy kick a teenager screaming "Its school holidays leave me alone" so I could only assume @scooter77 was in the area, but then I remembered that he's still in the USA with his family, so the conversation continued.

Then when I went up the bar to get another drink, these Pommy twats were whinging about how hot it is in Australia and we keep calling Football Soccer, I asked if one of them were the legendary @tremendospercy and they quickly told me to bugger off, so back to the table I went.

Then choo spotted this crazy asian chick with an awesome Mohawk, we both instantly asked each other "Could it be..... nah couldn't be Fyn, she surely would have done one of her famously flying tiger attack hugs if it was"

Then lastly, this homeless hipster came sauntering through, we just knew it had to be @tomekkk he promised for months he was going to come to this meet up until he got rid of his home, we figured it must have decided to come anyway.

Then, just as I was leaving, I remembered I had to ask @choogirl about the absorbed twin on her back. I managed to get 1 photo, but what happened after I took the photo I really wish I was able to get on film it was truely horrifying.
So theres the photo I got, nothing too scary. But then, as I put the camera down, this "THING" emerged and just smiled at me, it looked something like this, then just disappeared again. It appears that the absorbed twin is real and its scary as hell.


All in all it was a great afternoon, most certainly keen to do another one next year, hopefully some more people come along. Thanks again to @choogirl for organizing it and to the rest for turning up.



ok for those of you that wanted my ugly mug in there, here is one that I did selfie style. I look like a fat walrus.


Did you do your hair in this photo??

yes I need a hair cut. I even shaved.

Haha, I see you met some of my Scottish cousins there mate.
They are the McPercy's a tribe of drunken halfwits disowned by my family generations ago.
Great to see you guys meeting up, are you sure @ausbitbank didn't turn, see your ugly mugs and leave 'blind date style'?!

hahaha quality post! Maybe next year we can try organize an AU meet. (I suggest in Adelaide) as we WILL be the steemit hub of AUS (isn't that right @mattclarke ?) Anyways, hope the chats were good! Here's to another year for the TA team.

Great excuse to fly to Adelaide :)

I'm glad my hair doesn't look gold in that close up photo.

Also, I'm pretty sure we were all still on Discord.

Great to see a meetup.
This sort of thing is how we're going to really grow.
Buying and selling steem is really difficult, except in person.
The more regularly we meet up, the more we'll get used to the idea, and the more incentive we'll have to set and attend more regular meets.
Last Thursday of every month from 6pm in Adelaide, we'll be in the beer garden at the Jade Monkey.
If you're planning a trip to Adelaide (in the center, down the bottom) try and include that last Thursday.
If you're already here; bring that friend you're trying to recruit, and sell some steem for cash so they can see its real.
Real people, real money, real fun :)

I am interested in exploring some ideas of how to reward Steemians for face-to-face interactions, and this will be one of the ideas I will develop further and share with people at some stage this year (Steemfest maybe?).

Consider me intrigued.

I will keep you posted :)

@mattclarke, anyone around this week? Send me a message on instagram if you are around!

I'm in Adelaide; you heading over?

In Adelaide until Sunday would be great to meetup with any of the SA steemit crew

I've messaged you on Instagram.

Thanks @mattclarke looking forward to catching up and discussing all things steem!

Me too :)
Looks like @holoz0r and @dolladu will be dropping by as well.

Awesome post. What I'd give to meet up with my Aussie buds and have a few brews!

Hey man, looks like a fun time. Must be fun to get together.
See you all at steemfest next year?

Hahahaha. Great post mate!

That is a great post! Pity I couldn’t have been there. That scooter is way too big to be mine. It has a motor too!

Hahahaha, this is amazing! I'm with @thekitchenfairy though, you totally could have easily added your shaven face in... and the crowd would have gone nuts.

This is hilarious though, @scooter77's photo made me laugh so much, I think this is a pretty strong message out to everyone who couldn't make it... you'll be represented one way or another.

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