SteemTools Series #4 Steemit Alternative Graphic User Interface -

in #busy6 years ago is an alternative way to use steemit, it has almost all the functions of the base platform plus some other very useful features. Their immediate goal is to be a friendlier visual interface that appeals to users more in tune with Facebook and Twitter.

In the long run, they also want to set up a marketplace for goods and services, plus they want to act as a secure social network layer in which apps, games and community tools can be built on. is also an open source project and a non-profit organization.

The vision: ”Our goal is to connect billions of people to the best social network platform that can bring value back to the people in a peer-to-peer and decentralized way using the power of the Steem blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

We believe that we can be complementary to the existing projects like Steemit on this Blockchain.

Our secret: make it easy-to-use and -to-understand for everyone."

What's missing?

To be honest, not much. Mainly some functions of the wallet. Although you can still redeem rewards, power up is not an option plus the market needs to be accessed through steemit. Some profile editing options might refer you as well to steemit, but that's mostly it.

What's new?

A lot of things. Firstly it's easier on the eyes and seems to move a little bit faster than steemit. It also has some community navigation features, built in price feed for currencies related to posts, a voting power slider and an integrated blockchain explorer for each account in part.

User Accounts

The top part of the website comes with a fixed menu that is present on all pages accessed. Starting from left to right, if you click the busy logo you are directed to your feed. In the center we have a search bar option. Towards the right you can start writing a post if you click on the pen and access your profile by clicking the photo or name. Plus the three dots for extra options like accessing you bookmarked posts or settings.

The image header is a lot more open and if you click on the profile picture, it will open in a large format.


Immediately underneath the image header, we have the navigation menu for the account we visit. The discussions tab is where we can see the actual posts and the activity tab is the blockchain explorer tied to each account.

The discussions tab shows all the post and resteems an account made in chronological order.


On the left side we have the description of the profile, the date when the user joined. And now a feature that displays the voting power and vote value in real time.
On the right side we have a list of the top users resteemed by the account we are on. This helps with networking because you can easily find related content in this way.

The comments tab displays all the comments you made in chronological order.

The followers and following tabs display the lists of users in alphabetical order.

The wallet tab displays all the different ways Steem can be kept and the account value is in real time depending on the price of Steem. On the right side we also have the transfer button, which allows us to send Steem or SBD to other users. And we also have a real-time market price.

The activity tab is an integrated blockchain explorer that shows different types of interactions, both outgoing and incoming actions between this account and others. On the right side we also have several filters that make browsing interactions more efficient.




The center of the page displays all the posts that were made by the users we follow, exactly as on steemit, but it looks a lot nicer.


On the left side we have a navigation menu that lets us toggle between different options. Feed refers to the posts from people we follow and News refers to all posts. And we also have a quick category list to chose a subject.
On the right side we have a list of interesting people, as busy describes them. These people are selected due to the very high reputation score. We also have a little refresh arrow so we can bring up other accounts.

All in all, I prefer as an alternative to the steemit graphic interface. It also looks a lot better on mobile devices as well. Plus the option of a blockchain explorer linked to every account make's it even better. Looking forward to future upgrades.

And as a final added bonus, gives you the possibility to chose your voting power, even if you are at the beginning.


Part 1: Check rewards directly in USD with SteemSupply
Part 2: Understand Your Interactions with SteemReports
Part 3: Find out who are your new followers with SteemFollowers



Nu am incercat pana acum, dar pare interesant! Multumesc @lishu!

Cu drag.

Sincer să fiu, eu mai intru pe steemit doar pentru market și power up. Până acum sunt foarte muțumit de alternativa asta :)

Pace și succes cu concursul lui @anomadsoul

Multumesc @lishu! Seara buna!

Am trecut si eu pe busy. Interfata e muult mai prietenoasa ca pe Steemit. O sa imi ia un pic sa ma obisnuiesc dar cred ca o sa raman acolo pentru postari comentarii si walletul il folosesc de aici! Mersi fain de info! :)

Ma bucur să aud, eu dacă intru acu pe steemit, nici nu mai știu unde să ma uit :)

Din punctul meu de vedere, e un singur lucru major care lipsește, să vezi oamenii noi ce au dat follow, în rest e just right :)

E arhaica interfata de pe Steemit fata de cea de pe Busy. Eu pentru followers folosesc dar are un delay de o zi din cate am vazut. Iti arata ziua precedenta.

Și eu tot tool-ul ala îl folosesc. Mie îmi arată cam în timp real, am citit că au fost ceva probleme cu hosting-ul, sper să se fi rezolvat :)

Si eu folosesc Busy si imi place foarte mult interfata, insa as fi vrut sa existe posibilitatea de a programa o postare.

Ai dreptate, ar fi foarte utilă o funcție de genul.

Dar există o varianta facută de cei de la @sndbox, se numește :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59479.71
ETH 3174.48
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44