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RE: A list of reasons this is going to fail...

in #busy5 years ago

This place is in a sad state.

I would have thought that the path to mass adoption was obvious.

Get Steem into as many hands as possible. So create opportunities for that to occur.

Encourage diversity.

Encourage Investment in Steem.

What we get is:
A self appointed elite class which chases off investors like @greenman

Artificially created Flag wars. I assume that because people come to see the drama that it will translate into investment. ooops it had the opposite effect.

Check out my post and explain to me why it was attacked?


I looked at your post it was flagged by bernie. You do realize bernie has nothing to do with blockchain development, testing or the function of the blockchain?

That's what makes your group so amusing. You don't know what you don't know...

Your reply is confusing.
1 I know where the attack came from, the question was why.
2 I did not name or accuse him or anyone else.
3 My group? I have no idea what you are referring to. I have not joined any groups at all. I even decline offers for joining discord groups.
4 People being attacked for no apparent reason is a source of amusement for you?

The obvious questions arising from this problem which i would have expected from you:

1 is this a common occurrence throughout the platform.
2 if so what can be done about it

3 If not what is causing the problem

Due to other far more serious anomalies I have experienced I suspect malicious interference. Its only code and can be manipulated.

Amusement is not the response I would expect from such a prominent member of the community.

And lastly why would you mention that he s not on the development team.What has that got to do with anything connected to this issue. I certainly did not suggest that he was.

After a little rant of insults you demand I look at your post and explain why it was attacked. That was the question you demanded I answer.

Bernie flagged you I have no idea why.

As for the rest of it, yeah I find you amusing.

Out of morbid curiosity I looked.... Your screen shots aren't clear on the timing of the votes. I have no idea how much steem power either account holds, nor do I want to go look...

I am not that technical and never have been

Another little crew of people who don't understand steem and are always making wild comments are your first-commenters.

I find your assumptions, accusations, FUD, and misinformation as well as your demands and communication style amusing.

Is that clear? lol

You actually have the audacity to accuse me of making assumptions, accusations, misinformation and making demands!

That is completely unsubstantiated bullshit on your part.

Your lack of concern regarding the possible lack of integrity of the accounting system (a glitch) as whole or possible abuse of the accounting system, speaks volumes.

The time stamps are perfectly clear on my screen.

Your comments and attitude indicate a severe lack of integrity.

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