Beautiful Sunday: bright morning and rainy evening, เช้าตรู่ที่สดใสแต่ยามเย็นที่ฝนถล่ม

in #busy5 years ago

This is my entry for #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108. This was a very busy Sunday with great weather in the morning.


The sky was bright blue and the morning air had lots of energy from the higher dimension in the universe. I could feel loving kindness spreading around the sky reaching out to all those crying out for help. It was as if Kwan Yin, the bodhisattva was traveling around the world sprinkling the healing holy water on all sentient beings. I breathed that splendid energy to enrich my heart and soul throughout the day.


The feeling of peace and contentment came unexpectedly and I seemed to get on with my daily duty with a lightly empty mind. I did finish quite a list of chores within half the normal time. I felt that someone had stretched time for me so that I could accomplish all those jobs I had dreaded and put off for ages. I, and perhaps my guardian angels, did all these in a flash. The feeling of gratefulness and humility overflowed my heart. I wanted to give thousand thanks to all the holy energy.


Amidst all of my problems and difficulties , I felt so lucky to be alive with the energy and ability to find solutions to my life tests. Those problems and tests would have to wait as I had to meet a friend for tea in the afternoon. I had been feeling ambivalent about this friendship during the past month. I was wondering how to carry on this friendship when it became clear to me that we had very different spiritual values. I would just follow the flow and see how it would go.


(All of a sudden, I put on Faure Requiem to keep me going while posting.) Late afternoon, the weather turned very cloudy and rain storm became certainty. Our conversation was mundane, exchanging notes on recent incidents during the week. My friend has been working with a group of psychic healers who performed amazing cures on sick people who happened to be very rich.


Being partly psychic, I liked to learn from other people’s experiences, though I refused to get involve in this milieu. The whole thing about spirits from past lives, ghosts and the inner thoughts of people fascinated me; their casual relationships often lead to serious illness which became difficult to be pinpointed and cured. Because of this super-natural psychic ability, gained from intense meditation practice, my friend had become very proud and kept boasting about all the special abilities. This was rather alarming and I did try to give some warnings lately. But this Sunday, I abruptly but softly told my friend to stop bragging and to become modest about this. I have sensed the gratifications of having special power and abilities to read people’s mind and see through their bodily flesh.


There was an awkward pause in our conversation. I couldn’t support wrong or harmful attitude. In fact I had suggested that the method of that kind of meditation was not really what the Buddha taught in scripture. Learned Buddhists know very well that certain methods of meditation would give meditators the ability of clairvoyance, clairaudience and the ability to do astral projection. But these tend to create greed and increase egotism; so these methods would never lead to enlightenment. I gave a final warning that I might have to depart from the orbit of friendship as karmic result would dictate the way. I just hope that this warning would do something good; I knew that deep down my friend had a lot of fear about all the repercussion of all the interferences made to people’s lives. These healers were playing gods and manipulating people’s karmic destiny!


วันอาทิตย์นี้อากาศตอนเช้าสดใสมาก ท้องฟ้าเต็มไปด้วยพลังจากจักรวาลที่ไกลโพ้นสุดขอบของจินตนาการ เรามองดูท้องฟ้าก็รู้สึกเหมือนมีกระแสจากเจ้าแม่กวนอิมที่คอยดูแลช่วยเหลือสรรพสัตว์ทั้งหลาย ให้พ้นจากความทุกข์ทรมาน เรามีพลังทำภาระกิจต่างๆที่สะสมไว้ในตอนเช้า. เหมือนมีคนยืดเวลาให้เราทำให้ทำงานเสร็จในเวลาอันรวดเร็ว. ตอนบ่ายเรามีนัดไปกินนํ้าชากับเพื่อน เราก็คิดอยู่ว่าจะคุยเรื่องสำคัญอย่างไรดี เกรงว่าคงต้องจบความเป็นเพื่อนกันคราวนี้กระมัง


เราก็นั่งคุยไปเรื่อย ด้วยเรื่องราวที่น่าสนใจตลอดสัปดาห์ เพื่อนคนนี้เคยฝึกนั่งสมาธิมาอย่างหนัก และสามารถมีสมาธิแก่กล้า จนไปทำงานกับกลุ่มคนที่ใช้พลังพิเศษ ในการช่วยรักษาคนให้หายป่วยได้ เราก็สนใจฟังและแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นด้วย. แต่มาระยะหลังเพื่อนเริ่มร้อนรนและ ชอบคุยโวถึงความสามารถของตนเองบ่อยมากขึ้น. ในที่สุดเราก็เลยเตือนเพื่อนว่าปกติคนเราจะไม่คุยโวเรื่องแบบนี้ และเขาควรจะมีความถ่อมตนมากขึ้นต่างหาก ความเงียบก็บังเกิด เราก็บอกว่าเรากำลังจะโคจรออกนอกวงโคจรของเพื่อนไป เพราะทำบุญมาคนละทางกัน เราเคยบอกว่าการนั่งสมาธิแบบนั้นทำให้เกิดญาณ แต่นั่นไม่ใช่วิถีที่พระพุทธเจ้าได้สั่งสอนไว้ และไม่นำไปสู่การบรรลุธรรมด้วย เราก็หวังว่าคำเตือนของเราคงส่งผลในทางดีๆบ้าง แต่เราคงต้องวางอุเบกขา และดำเนินชีวิตต่อไป


Wishing you all a very peaceful and successful week.



Looks like grey skies there too. I don't like grey skies.

Today grey clouds bursted into torrential rain! Flooding streets and traffic jam!

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Thank you very much for the update!

Thats very interesting to read about. I am glad to hear you spoke frankly with your friend about his behaviour and attitude to such things. And it was beautiful to read of your bliss state at the beginning of the post. Everything must have been in perfect alignment energetically - we need to maintain these states for as long as possible. They rub off on others wonderfully too, love and bliss are so infectious - life is so magical!
Thanks for such wonderful posts. They just get better and better! Resteeming ( I hope you are not suffering the flooding of North Eastern Thailand right now....keep the kitty cats dry! )

Thank you very much for your support and kind words. Luckily, Nongkhai does not have flooding from heavy rain as it sits next to the Mae Nam Khong River. Nongkhai is about 900 meters from the sea level and has no earthquake fault lines.

The lower area of the north-east of Thailand is low lying and land-locked, having to depend on few and narrower rivers. So, they often get flooding in rainy season. This year the flood is quite severe, partly because of human incompetence in water management! They let out huge amount of water on dams during rainy season!! Crazy civil servants! Poor ordinary people! But I would never recommend my friends to move to that region!

Things are going to be dicey next year with the food shortage during the grand solar minimum and upheavals in global financial situation! We have to find inner peace to prepare for sudden changes in the near future!

Hope you’ll visit Thailand one day!


That is quite extraordinary the way water is so badly managed. I am glad to hear you are not in the most vulnerable area though. We certainly do have to find inner peace for today and tomorrow. These are interesting times we live in.
I hope I will visit one day too. It is definitely something I want to do. My To Do list is endless lol

Yeah! I know about that list! Mine is getting out of hand and too long! The time on earth is so short and we could not travel through time-portal! So many conditions!

Let’s make the best of everyday!

Agreed we must make the best of every day and be grateful for what we do have.

Nice to see that monsoon season disappear so we can get all that sunshine back and absorb all that energy it seems to be the same pattern everyday lately getting a bit ☹️

It won’t be long before the dry hot season comes back again! I think we’ll probably have cooler weather in December since there has been so much rain lately!

Enjoy your wonderful days!

Let's hope so have a great week my friend 🌝 ☀️ 🌝

I really enjoyed your post and you sharing your experiences. I am glad you gave your friend a gentle warning to be careful. It is always wonderful to be able to have all those extra-sensory abilities. Truthfully they are meant for oneself and ones own enlightenment more than they are for others. There are many times when a person is able to use one's spiritual gifts to aid another soul. However, this is supposed to be done only when asked by that person. I agree with you when you said that it was not right to interfer with someones journey. Each person comes to experience and grow in their own fashion. The Universe and the Divine know exactly how to facilitate that happening. It is not up to us humans to interfer in that process. You have a great deal of wisdom my friend. I can only assume you are an old soul that is here to hold light for those around you. much love to you.

Thank you ever so much for your comment which has given me more enlightening information. Yap! I am an old soul who is still searching for that ‘light’ to lead my life! Sometimes we cannot have all the answers to all of our life’s questions.

I really needed to tell my friend of my thoughts as I could see that the situation was becoming rather risky and unpredictable. I did my duty as a good friend, but our friendship might just be finished in the near future.

It’s comforting to be assured of Divine’s intervention and protection. But often times, I felt that I was abandoned on this earth and I wanted to go ‘home’. Any way, I have a feeling that I am here for a reason, but the future role is still very unclear for the moment. So, I try my best to listen to the inner voice though it’s too faint at times!!

Life is an ongoing challenge to stay centered and mindful every moment in the present.

Wishing you a very peaceful and lucky week!

I love it when you share your spiritual journey. I get the feeling that you are very wise and it's always so interesting to hear your take on Buddhism as it is practiced as opposed to how it was intended to be practiced. Thanks for letting us peek into your journey a little bit.

Thank you very much for your kind comment.
Far from it, I am still learning and searching for ‘truth’ or ‘Dhamma’. Strangely, I have encountered several psychic people who did years of meditation. So, I am fascinated by these people’ s psychic abilities. But I noticed they were not happy people. This made me going back to the Teaching on Buddhism. Life is a never ending process of learning!

The spiritual side of living is very important to me and I would love to be spiritually prepared for all of life’ s uncertainty.

Hope your leg’s condition has improved enormously! Stay healthy and cheerful!

I think the journey is probably the point, isn't it? I can imagine that being psychic could be a burden as well as a gift. My own mind causes me enough trouble. I can't imagine having to deal directly with other people's minds as well!

The leg is slowly getting better. What an ordeal this has been!

Yap, the journey is the key! I don’t make any effort to gain psychic abilities as these indeed cause more problems and become obstacles to a peaceful life! It would be quite distracting to be able to read people’s mind.

Coping with practical or physical demand of everyday life already requires lots of time and energy!

Good to know that your leg is recovering steadily! Those goats must be concerned about you.

Take it easy for now!

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