The crux point of crypto might be upon us.

in #busy5 years ago

So Bitcoin is sitting at about $7900. We broke $8000 and we actually went significantly higher than that. I think the top this time around was something like $8700.

There's been a lot of questioning about whether or not we were going to break $9000, and a lot of people thought that we were going to easily hit $9000 and then $10,000.... but it seemed kind of obvious to me that we were due for a correction.


We usually have a 30% to 40% correction before we have a big break out.

I think most people are of the opinion that the big breakout is right around the corner, but the thing is at this point we've only had something like a 15% correction.

I still think we're due for more correcting.

However, nothing remains the same. There's usually a correction before a break out, and it's usually 30% to 40%, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to go that way this time.

Perhaps a 15% correction is all we're going to get. So what's happening now is that were hovering around $7900 and tempting the $8000 point. If we stay around this area and don't move then I will really be watching closely to see if we break $8200.

If we sit at around $8000 for like a month and then eventually break $8200 I'm going to start considering the idea that we might not go back down.

If that happens I'll probably start putting money in at $8200.

However, I think it's much more likely that we're going to go down to something like $6800. I've been calling $6800 for a long time because i don't think we're going to go as far down as some people think.

A lot of people are calling $6000, and a few people are calling $4200, but I think those are lower estimates then what I'd like to believe .

If we hit $6800 that's when I'm probably likely to put some money in. Not that I have much, but every dollar counts when you are talking about the possibility of having a 10 times return.

Now, few days ago I posted that Bitcoin was going down but Steem was going up. Everything I posted about is still happening.

At the time Bitcoin was higher priced then it is now, so it's definitely down from then, and also Steem was probably about the same price but it seems like it's rising still.

Something to do with Palnet? Something to do with people in Korea? Korea always seems to affect price action.


Having said that, anytime Steem rises up it seems like it's not long before it falls back down.

Some of you might be considering pulling out your $0.44 Steem and waiting for it go down to $0.39 again. Well that's a dangerous proposition, but I'm not going to say that I haven't considered it too.

The thing to keep in mind, in my opinion, is not Palnet or any of the other opportunities that are floating around our blockchain. The thing to keep in mind, in my opinion, is the fact that EOS did not really come out with a social platform that's going to directly compete with us.

Instead they've come out with a Twitter clone that doesn't have a token that's anything like Steem.... it's not's something else ….it’s weird.

It might ultimately turn out to be awesome. In fact, I think it will be awesome.... but it's not looking like it's going to be a competitor to Steem. As a fiction writer I can say that it's probably going to be pretty impossible to post any of my fiction work on The Voice.

Of course, it should be entirely possible to post links to our new book that @steemfiction wrote.

That kind of thing would certainly be cool.

However, I'm watching the price at about $0.44 and it's going down again now. I don't like that. I think anyone that's been our platform for any amount of time knows that the true price of Steem should probably be about $3.00 or $4.00 given the bearish nature of things this year.

The reality is that we are much more likely to hit something like $1.50 even if Bitcoin hits $20,000.

Now it is possible with Bitcoin hitting something like $50,000 that random people are going to come in to start looking around and seeing what coins have possibility.... and then they will see Steem and then maybe we could be up to $20 at that point.

You might have noticed that I pulled half of my stake out. Yes.... I put it in various different things but I mostly put it in stable coins because I think the market is going to have one more drop before it goes back up.

I still have something like 4000 SP and about 1000 Steem.

I believe in Steem 100% and I always have, but I think there are a lot of toxic elements to our community. Some of those elements are even some of the rising elements that people think are great, but I happen to know for a fact aren't great.

That's OK.

It takes a whole lot of different factors to make the system work. I'm not going to agree with every part of the system and not every part of the system is going to agree with me either.

My team at @steemfiction will keep chugging along. I'll keep writing my blog. I'll keep checking the site every day, and I will spend my hours like I do, like i have been doing every day for years now. Trying my best to make this site work for me and for everyone.

In the meantime I'll be watching the price hoping that it rises up, but wondering about what the best course of action is. I'll also be watching the price of Bitcoin because I think it's going to fold out a bit more before it rises back up.

Don't get me wrong, I still 100% believe in Bitcoin, and I do think will be at about $20,000 by the year's end.

Having said that, trying to predict the crypto weather is extraordinarily difficult.

Thanks for reading.


Nobody knows nothing! I'm excited for our next book. This topic is my jam.

Posted using Partiko Android

Same here. This next one is going to be awesome.

@jeezzle yeah I think the runup from 4000 to over 8000 was too fast and we need to pull back as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

En este mundo de las criptomonedas es imprevisible el valor de la misma.

Well, i hope the Bitcoin time traveller's right. Bitcoin's ups and downs are important for its distribution so the downs are a necessary evil, i guess.

$20 Steem... now that would be something.

Looking at the last 30 days on CMC
it says

30 Day High / Low $9,008.31 USD / $7,038.12 USD

and that's a 22% correction, so maybe that was a good enough correction to shake out those who shorted BTC and allow us to rise from here. Of course it won't be a steady rise, there will be ups and downs. But I think the word is out about the utility of Bitcoin and crypto, and more people are probably steadily buying in a dollar cost averaging manner. We'll see!

I still think we will head down to at least $7200. $6800 is also likely, but then again we might not go down at all.

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Short Sighted thinking! Meh, were going up and not coming back to this area again!

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