Thoughts about the economic mechanism of Steem ---Is it ponzi?

in #busy6 years ago

As there is almost no transaction fees on steemit, the whole steem ecosystem is actually losing money. Witness and authors get rewards from inflation, but they have to keep them instead of cashing out, to avoid the price drop. After all, counting on the new members to buy the inflated tokens to keep the a stable price is similar ponzi scheme. What if steem is as big as facebook and no incremental users?
Of course, steem is not a ponzi, as you don't need to deposit any money to start writing. But similar questions are asked every a few days if you search"steem ponzi".

A solution is Bitshares, which uses similar Graphene toolkit. Witness and workers are cashing out everyday in bitshares too, but as bitshares itself is an exchange, there are tons of transaction fees which is the income of the whole system. If the income can cover the cost of witness and workers, then Bitshares system is gaining money everyday. The earned money can be used to buy and burn bitshares, which is a win win for system and share holders. You may decide how many worker proposals can be approved according to the budget.

Therefore, I think steem has to think about how to earn money for the system. For example, transaction fees.
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目前基于区块链的各个内容平台,比如STEEM, Bihu, Primas, 还有其他大大小小的内容激励平台,在经济激励模型上都有点类似,那就是给用户的奖励,并不是从团队出,也不是从其他用户口袋出,而是系统通胀的部分来出。 这就存在一个问题,如果后面没有新人买入STEEM的,那么通胀出来的STEEM抛售势必带来价格的缓跌,如果跌势起来了,大家都想先卖,那么价格就会崩盘。这一点跟庞氏骗局非常像。当然了,STEEM绝不是旁氏,因为你并不需要充钱就可以写文章获得收益。


当然,这个并不是无解的,解决方法就是系统能找到盈利的办法,或者通过转账手续费或者发帖手续费,或者通过广告。 广告暂时看不到希望,而且会影响体验。那么唯有通过手续费。当整个系统的手续费收入大于通胀时,这就意味着系统开始盈利了。盈利部分可以用来回购这些通胀产生的币,会推高币价。

一个解决的例子是Bitshares, 比特股由于自身是个去中心化交易所,每天有几千万交易量,于是就产生了大量手续费。 同时,BTS也有witness和worker,他们的收入就是系统固定通胀的部分。 当系统的手续费收入大于witness和worker支出时,bts网络就是健康的,可以持续盈利的。 而当系统盈利小于见证人和worker支出时,系统就入不敷出。所以,我个人强烈建议,对于worker的投票,一定要考虑目前系统的收入,这样才是对股东负责人的行为。

  • Another suggestion steem could do to earn is adding the possibility for light advertisement,and profits to be shared among 1- blogger 2- viewer of blog ( who has steemit account) 3- steem blockchain itself !
    And all the payments and remitting of ads will be in steem or steem dollar .
  • I think a related built up Dapp by the name like steemad for example , could be built ( kind of steem connect) ... to allow the advertiser and publishers for all steem dapps I.e ( steemit, Dtube, Dmania, Dlive, Dsound, etc.) . One mother Dapp for all other dapps and to transfer the profits ( of ads ) on the different parties including steemblockchain itself !

Good idea really.

If it’s a good idea .. how can we suggest it to steem inc ? Is there a way to communicate with them? @jademont @ned @dan I don’t know who else could we mention who has an influential and managerial role ?
Thanks 🙏🏼

I guess we are not the first ones to suggest it, maybe they have already known it.

Maybe so 😊 actually I have many useful ideas in steem and in crypto in general, but I am not in the IT industry to excute them. My long professional experience lays in two fields; businesss start ups in Europe , and education development . I wish I had this long experience in IT though. It would make a huge difference in this blockchain era ☺️

The right term is pyramid scheme. I believe the ponzi scheme means the early adapters have intention to gain from late adapters, which I don't think Steemit is. pyramid scheme is very common, for ie. the whole monetary system is a pyramid scheme that rely on population growth to function.

Thanks for your correction.

手续费是个防止通胀的好方法,有一个burn币的机制也是,目前看来系统的promot system基本没有起到他们想起到的效果。可以考虑把promot 和 trending 合并,如果一个帖子花了 $ 100 SBD来promote,可以把这个帖子的位置放在 trend 价值 200-300的帖子附近。另外,market是肯定可以收手续费的,可以收少一点,比如0.1%或者0.05%,即使如此也可以在一定程度上防止通胀过度。


比如如果有许多许多长腿美女 @justyy就会放弃机器人,亲自来点赞,毕竟有一种当选美比赛评委的感觉哈哈哈哈








Comment edited. Sorry for disturbance.

I love steemit ..Thanks dear sharing your post .

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