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RE: Censorship Resistance Is At the Blockchain Level...

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I pulled hundreds of thousands of dollar value out of steem because of flagging not being in balance. I am convinced this balance issue is one of the main reasons why steem dropped to 55 in rank of cryptos.


Hundreds of thousands huh? That's an amazing story.

Yes. My wallet tells the story. In fact if someone reads my last comments they will see the problem of flagging and (main long term) downfall of steemit first hand.

Yeah .... You had Excellent timing to get out when Steem was at $4 ... I have been HODLing all the way down to 20 cents. Depressing .... Did you put all your earnings back into Bitcoin ? Other ? Wondering where a good place to put crypto these days ? TRON ?

I bought a home. My crypto holdings are majority BTC. Next is EOS. I like both very much and am waiting for as EOS steemit copycat and will restart my blogging there.

Thanks.... keep me posted. I’m also over on writing about the legalization of Cannabis here in Canada. Https:// Pretty good place so far.

Cool. I bought some pre shares of a Nelson BC CO-OP organic home grown BC bud cannabis company last year. I am craving blogging again. I have lots to say about money and liberty.

Yeah... I just ignore the negative flaggers on here and post away. Can’t wait to read your blog again....


Would you consider blogging on ?

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