Why Fear

in #busy5 years ago

And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Matthew8:26


In the account of the raging sea where Jesus and the disciples traveled, Jesus asked a question that seems impossible to answer, given the situation at hand. The disciples were looking for a rescue from sinking with the boat, but the Master rose from sleep and asked, why are you fearful? It's critical to understand that the presence of storms in life is not a major concern for the creator of storms, but the presence of fear in the lives of those that has been given authority to rule. God created us to have dominion, but the presence of fear in our lives is a surprise to God! The storms, difficulties, challenges, etc are natural, for God has given us dominion to alter situations. Notice that Jesus understood that they have little faith but seems not to understood why they were afraid. The presence of little faith is not a justification for being afraid of your storms! Little faith can move mountains ( Matthew 17:20).

Today, Christ is asking us: why are you afraid? Why are you afraid of losing your partner? Why are you afraid of losing your job? Why are you afraid of failing your subject or course? Why are you afraid of......? The Lord Jesus said He'll never leave nor forsake you, but why are you afraid? The lack of reason for a thing is enough to discard it. Cast away your fear today, for Jesus Christ is ever with you and in you.

He's the Master of all. No situation is strange to Him. Arise and speak to your storms in the name of Jesus and there shall be a great calm. Don't allow any problem to distract you from the presence of the Master in your life. I rebuke every storms in your life in Jesus name. Calmness has come to your home, relationship, academics, career,ministry and business today. Shalom!

Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your presence in our lives. We cast away every fear as we depend on you completely, in Jesus name. Amen. I love you.


Thanks for sharing. ❤

you are welcome

For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and sound mind

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