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RE: HF 20 - Did A Vote Below 2 cents Just Get Permanently Ignored? (ANSWER SEEMS TO BE ALL VOTES OVER 1 SP SIZE ACCOUNTS ARE GOOD)

in #busy6 years ago

Not the authority here, but since I raised this question back when @timcliff was talking about a dust threshold, there are apparently two different kinds. One for voting, which this is talking about, and one for payout, which is the one Tim was looking at. I don't know if the thresholds are the same amount, but I suspect they may not be.

At any rate, what's just as interesting to me is, this is going to apply to all votes, not just the ones that don't meet the threshold.

This change will make very weak votes become worth nothing. In order to treat all votes (big and small) equally, all votes above the threshold will have the equivalent amount of rewards removed from their vote.

Or at least, that's what I'm understanding from that part of the second paragraph you quoted. If that's true, then whatever it is will come off of whatever upvote we make, regardless of whether we're hitting the vote threshold or not.


I hope like hell it is made to be a small number and not the current value of $0.019... I am proud of myself for not jumping to a conclusion here, but on first read it doesn't look good. I also agree with you on that point too, removing stuff just has such a bad connotation. Anyways, lets see what others can tell us about the situation and see if they are completely stupid or not.

ps... I'm hoping like hell they just don't understand how to explain things to common folks like me.

What's being removed from all votes is the value of the former dust vote threshold, around 1.2 SP (source).
Think about it in a way like if you have 100 SP, it will be like you were voting with 98.8 SP. If you have 1000 SP, it will be like voting with 998.8 SP. The value of the individual votes will hardly be affected as long as you have/use significantly more than these 1.2 SP. The closer you get to this threshold, the more your vote value will be affected. A vote with 1.2 effective SP will be worth nothing, while it is worth a tiny tiny bit now. A vote with 2.4 SP will be worth half of what it's worth now, etc...

Hey, @crokkon.

Okay. So it's not an upvote value that will be hit, it's the SP of the voter that will be downshifted. I may have known that from a previous update, but then got it mixed around with talk of the dust threshold here. So, in reality, as you say, the effect on our upvotes will be mostly minimal, providing we have over 1.2 SP, and obviously the more we have the less of an effect it will have.

yes, as long as you "use" significantly more than 1.2 SP for your votes, you'll hardly see a difference. I tried to do the math, and with votes of 1k SP or more, there may even be an increase in the vote value due to the shift.

thanks for the info and explanations! Its very helpful!

Okay. I'm glad you cleared this up for me, and hopefully anyone else reading this. Thank you for taking the time to answer @crokkon. Some of us need a little more help than others. :)

yes it is a very good thing that people explained it to us... and you had a good idea already! Thanks for your info too Glen! :)

Well, had I remembered the part about the SP, I could have supplied that part, too. The problem is, in this update it was sort of mentioned, but then it got into dust thresholds. There's just a lot of stuff to remember about how things work around here. How's the mainstream folks going to handle all of this? I mean, this is my first time in any kind of beta situation and while I'm picking it up, I'm not sure it's how I want to spend my time on STEEM. I'd rather just post, comment and curate, not learn how to speak blockchain and reward pool. :)

lol.... that is perfectly said... and I will upvote you 100% for that one! I don't want to speak blockchain and reward pool either lol

Please please steemit, get a damn marketing guy in there that doesn't know how to program anything! :D

They had a few openings for marketing related work a while back. i came pretty close to actually filling out an application. :) They weren't remote, though, and I'm not quite ready to move to Austin. Also, I'd probably want to clean up some things that they might not want me too. Not that I would be the best marketer or PR guy ever, but there's not a high bar here either.

You could have done it, though. :)

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