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RE: CONFIRMED: FL Shooter Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Violent and Suicidal Behavior

in #busy6 years ago

Yup, the drug companies spend more on advertising on the MSM than the gun companies make total, thus there are no ads for guns on TV but almost every commercial break features drug ads. So when there is a shooting the put all the attention on guns and none on their drugs.

Despite the dozens of police reports stemming from Katz’ behavior, the laundry list of drugs he was taking to treat his “psychiatric crisis,” the fact that he was in treatment for psychiatric issues, and the fact that it was documented that he’d had multiple mental breakdowns involving the police, Katz submitted his fingerprints, underwent a background check, passed a firearms safety training course and legally purchased a 9mm handgun and a .45-caliber handgun in Maryland last month.

So let me get this right, you should have your basic rights stripped from you if you have been the subject of a police report?
And everyone who is on a psychiatric drug or in therapy should have their basic rights stripped from them? If that was the case why would anyone ever seek therapy? You seem to be suggesting that all mentally ill people are dangerous and should have their rights taken away without due process.
someone who has never been committed against their will, never been arrested much less convicted for any crime should have their rights taken?

If this guy was not allowed a legal gun do you think he would not have tried to kill anyone? He wouldn't have rented a Home Depot truck? He would not be able to hurt anyone if he didn't have a legal gun? Crazy people are too stupid to get them on the black market like teenage gang members?

No, that's not the solution, the solution is for the police to do their job and arrest this fuck if he is actually doing domestic violence and for the psychologists to do their job and to have this guy committed to a mental institute if he is a danger to himself or others.
In fucking Florida they can take someone's guns without even giving them due process, didn't they claim we needed to pass "red flag" laws to take peoples guns so this wouldn't happen again, gosh, how come this could happen again even with the law they claimed would prevent it?

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