Time for another investment round in cryptos?

in #busy6 years ago


A portfolio post was long overdue and when I write it I will be a massacre or blood bath! Pretty sure about this.
But with the value of most coins in my portfolio so low, it is maybe time to invest some more money.

But this decision does bring a lot of question with it!
Shall I try to bring the average book price down or should I invest in coins I don't already have!
And in both scenarios the question will be, how should I divide the investment!
And most important, is it still worthwhile to invest in crypto's?

Is it worthwhile?

I think it will be. Maybe the market will need 1 to 5 years to recover and some coins will never be able to reach their All Time High again. But lots of big companies are really investing money in the crypto market.
Hey maybe the blood bath is caused/created by companies who are willing to step in and do want to get the cheapest price possible. What do I know!
But yes, I will invest a small amount of money again!

So this brings me to the next dilemma!

Bringing down the average book price or purchase fresh coins?

Both have their pro's and cons. If I do buy fresh coins (coins which aren't in my portfolio already) it won't feel like I am chasing the losses! And it will feel like a fresh start. But I have ignored the crypto market for some time! No the value of the coins in my portfolio but for sure the new projects or the news about the other coins in the top 10.

If I do strengthen my position in some coins already in my portfolio I will bring down the average book price, which will make it doable again to watch at my portfolio! But on the other side (and as a sports bettor this is important not to do) I will feel like I am chasing my losses! But I still have trust in some coins in my portfolio. In other I did loose trust, but way to late to sell. So I will let those ride and maybe double their share next month for some nibbles.

Still I will go for the option to strengthen my position!

But what coins do deserved to be strengthened?

The coins which will be out of the picture for this investment round are:

  • Vibe
  • Monetha
  • Shell
  • Oyster
  • KCS (Kucoin Shares)
  • Snovio
  • Steem
  • Elixir
  • Coss

Which leaves me with the following coins, who I think maybe still deserve some love!

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • EOS
  • NEO
  • Stratis
  • Neblio
  • Digibyte

I did try some exercise to see if I could divided the investment over all the coins in the list, but because I am only going to invest 250 euro, I do consider this a stupid move.
So, maybe it is best to divide the investment into 4 equal pieces.

Bitcoin and Ethereum will for sure get a piece of the pie. But which other two?
I was thinking about maybe NEO (also delivers GAS) and EOS (less than 50% of the book price).

What do you think or what can you advice me? I know that I will have to make the decision and will have the bite the bullet myself. But all advice is welcome!


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I've been struggling with the same issue. I have a very diverse portfolio right now, and I'm making loss on most of the coinsin there.

I haven't been following up on what is going on on the market, which makes it very hard to make smart decisions.

I have been planning to sell off all the small ones a couple of times, but after doing a little research, I eventually decided not to.

As long as everything is in this downward tend, it is difficult to forsee how the market will look like two years from now.
I simply don't have the knowledge to make educated choices; most of the coins I have now I have bought based on my gut feeling more than on decent background research.

So I think I will keep what I've got for now. Except for my BTC and ETH, selling at this point would mean losing a lot of money. I think I prefer to sit it out a little longer... the market prices can't keep going further do n forever, can they? I tfuly believe that the market will go bullish again. When my potential losses will be smaller, I might start to look out for new coins of which my gut feeling tells me I need to invest in tbose.

I already decided some time ago, that I rather would like to see my portfolio go bankrupt than the sell my coins too cheap or with a loss.
But if I do invest again, I will make sure to sell once in a while if I am into profit. This way I will have some kind of war chest, for when the bears enter the market again!

And believe me, nobody can see how things will look 2 years from here!

I agree. I still beat myself up for not selling everything in December. My portfolio was worth $100k - the profits would have been huge.
Now would have been a perfect time to buy in again.

But I was stupid enough not to sell a thing, and now my portfolio is worth only 1/6th or so.
But I guess there is no use crying over spilled lik. Only lessons to learn. When the bull run goes as high again, there won't be a doubt in.my mind about selling and cashing in at least part of my profits...

My bets are on BTC, EOS, STEEM, BTS, and any other delegated proof of stake platform...something like steemit or steem is ging to win big!!

I am not sure about investing in Steem anymore. I did invest my share and I did reach the max what I do what to invest in the platform for the moment.
BTS could be a prospect :)

I as your on Scorum over there! I like that one too!!

invest your money in sport bets and leave the crypto crying😂
If I put your betting chart against any crypto chart, I would rather send you my money than invest in crypto at the moment!!
Thanks again Peter, cheers!!

But both markets can change! My betting record could drop and the crypto markets could increase.
I do see it more as spreading the risk. Betting is the hobby and crypto I do see more like my retirement funds. Or if it suddenly skyrockets as a new bathroom for the misses :)

I was only wondering which big companies are investing in crypto?

And I would say the word investing is incorrect and should be gambling. Cause it does not fit the regular definition of investing.

Indeed for them it is more a gamble. But they can consider it as an investment in a promising start-up! That's how most companies do this, even the company which is hiring me at the moment.

Do you work for a crypto company now?
Or a company that ik invests in crypto?

At the moment, most of them can't really invest due to the lack of qualified custodians. It would leave them badly exposed if anything went wrong due to fraud or theft.

Definitely gooooood time to buy some coins ! 👊

I also moved a bit of fiat in this last weekend. Mostly sticking to more developed chains, but also a small bit into some lower volume coins in long shot bets!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 59181.56
ETH 2521.00
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47