Last day of the summer holiday (for my kids)

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

back to school.jpg


Well school starts again at the 1st of September in Belgium, after a 2 months holiday. In Belgium they kids do have 2 months of Summer Holiday, I challenge you to overcome this with only 28 holidays from work!

Luckily for the kids the 1st of September this year falls on a Saturday, so they do start the school year with a holiday! From the 12 months in a year, I do estimate that they only have to go 8 of them to school!

When we are at work, they are most of the time with my parents, sometimes with my sister and a few day per month with my parents in law. The fact that they are more with my family than my wife's family is just because this is easier to arrange. My parents-in-law do live an half hour drive away, so it is just more practical to bring them to my family! And for sure after the first of August when the football season has started again for them! With 3 training days a week, it is almost impossible to get back from work in time and to get them there to bring them to football practice!

So what do we remember of this year's summer holiday!

The weather

Well the summer has been great in Belgium, maybe to good. We had heat waves! Twice! It didn't rain for 6 weeks, which is quite strange because normally during the summer it will rain at least once a week.

The holidays

This summer we had 2 holidays. The big one was to Kos, Greece and lasted for 12 days, the small one was at the Belgian coast and did last only 4 days. I always enjoy this holidays because those are real quality time with the family!

The world cup football

Of course, Belgium did get bronze, how can we ever forget this! I am curious if we can achieve this one more time during my lifetime! I doubt it. Our last change on a trophy is probably the next European Championship! Who knows?

And of course all the quality time we did have with our kids!

Looking forward!

Well from Monday the regular rat race start again. The school start at 8.30 but we also both have to go to work. So, we bring them around 8. And than after school there are 3 days of football practice (Monday both, Wednesday both and on Friday only Lars), which is always a hustle to get things planned!
On top of that Nyls is going to start with Taekwondo! This practices are on Tuesday and Thursday!
Why not add it to the planning :). Next Tuesday will be his first practice, we will work from there!

All of this has to be combined with studying, our work, meeting after work hours and so on...
And in the weekend the pace doesn't slow down to be honest. With 2 football games to attend, lots which do overlap so we will have to decide who goes to which one! Then the garden needs some love, the house, the cats, we try to sneak in some golf which rarely happens :(.

For sure for Nyls Monday will be a special day, he will go to the primary school for the first time. He will be again the youngest (and probably also the smallest) of the playground! But he is ready for it. He really wants to learn to read, to write and to do math. So there is not doubt that he is ready for it, the question is not: Is Nyls ready for primary school but is primary school ready for Nyls.

Lars will go to the fifth year of Primary school, and he will start to learn French. He will to count on his mom for this, because French and I are not a match!
The uneven years are always the hardest in Belgium at primary school. The uneven years is where they do learn the most and the even years are more the refinement and repetition of the things learned in the uneven years!

While I am looking forward to see them evolve once again, I am already tired from the planning nightmares which we will have each weekend when planning the next week!


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Same here. My kids start school at monday and while my son is not so happy about it, daughter can't wait school to start. Different age( 11 and 16), different desires...

Indeed we all have different desires.
Nyls is excited, Lars not so much. Although he will have most of his friends in his class. At their school, they mix the classes after each school year. So each year at the end of summer, Lars does have some stress and it curious who will be in his class!

Twelve years I was in Lars's mood before the beginning of school :) By Christmas everything run smooth though and spring was my favorite.

He will probably have the same thing 12 more years :)

I think that it is pretty stupid this mixing classes. Kids have friends that are making school time better and easier and I really don't understand point of that.

We had to get used to this too. The same with the football team. In my days you did start with a team and you stayed together until the age of 16. Sometime there were small changes but that was due to drop outs or newcomers.
But if I do take a look at Lars he now has many more friends, and on the playground he has his best friends!
Times are changing :)'s always the challenge.

Something I do feel that I am some kind of Uber service :)

Should we add Airbnb to that list as well?

Our kids started (in NL) this week, our daughter was looking forward to it! And so were we! We love having them around, but all day every day for 2 or more months means less time for ourselves...

...but it was funny, our smallest, didn't seem to realise that that was what happened, and she spent the morning walking around the house calling out and looking for her older sister...

We are always glad if the school starts again, it give them back structure in their lives!
What was her reaction when the oldest was back 😁

Ha ha, hugs and kisses... Followed half an hour later by screaming...

Peter Peter Peter i read :
Then the garden needs some love, the house, the cats, we try to sneak in some golf which rarely happens ....... always name the wife first When it comes to love not the garden!

Just joking, didnt know that begium had 8 weeks off I think 6 is already a challange 😬 but we Made it and week 1 is done!

She gets enough, euhm that is at least what I do think. Will check later today :)

My son has grown up now so don't have to go through that anymore

Guess I will be their Uber for some more years. Only 10 and 6, so they still thinks that daddy rocks :)

dang! what a freaking busy time! my daughter is only 9months old and im so excited to get out and start doing stuff with her! im glad that you love spending time with your family... a lot of people these days don't do anything like that! i guess i could learn a lot from you, hahaha following for if i need some help hahahah!

I can't even remember the days when they were 9 months old :)
All ages have their Pro and Cons. We just have to enjoy every phase in their lives.
We did want kids, so we do want to give the best education and love we can give!
What would we without them?

this is true as hell. and yeah i can barely remember the days my little girl was 2 months! dosnt help i have been away for 5 months on deployment but whatever ill be home soon hahaha!

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