Twitter Tuesday Reporting Wonderful News!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

twitter tuesday IS CONFUSED! fitinfun.jpg

We have so much steem action on Twitter now! I have been tweeting steem for a year and a half, and it has been a cold dead place. This new activity is so exciting to see.

Now in the space of just a couple of months, steem has a building presence on Twitter.

I'm getting about 40 notifications each day from steem alone. This is great news, but a bit hard to sift through with limited wifi and the inability to see media. But keep it up! This is a wonderful turn of events.

Here are a few "best practices" for your tweets. This is not a complete list. This is what comes quickly to my mind when reviewing our feed. I have been looking at the feed here:
where I now have over 500 steemers listed.

I also check the hashtag feeds for:

Think of Your Twitter Audience

When you tweet, you are not tweeting to steemers, you are tweeting to everyone on Twitter. Some of us at who tweet steem - many of us - retweet you to broad audiences. Therefore:

  • Tweet positive posts and text.
  • Limit steem "shop talk" no one else understands.
  • Tweet your own good posts.
  • Tweet a good post as you see it on steem.
  • Posts of bad steem news should not be tweeted.
  • Complaining about steem can go on discord.

Ask yourself:

"If I was not steeming, would this tweet interest me or make me want to join in?" If the answer is "yes" - tweet. If the answer is "no", or "I am not sure" - do not tweet.

Hashtag issues:

  • Use both tags of steem and steemit in your tweet.

We have a "brand issue" with confusion. Steemit is now the place people think of and steem is the coin. But steem is also the real blockchain platform and steemit is not really where we want people to go given the current environment.

And them we have all the dapps. Use the appropriate tag if your post is from one of the dapps if you wish.

Here are a few good tweets I have recently seen:

I love everything about this tweet except for the first lines of the post. It would be better to give info about the single instead of asking for support.

Great tweet! An invitation to steem and help at the same time. Excellent graphic.

I like this tweet, but there is too much repetition in the three text areas.

Another good invitation.

You are tagged because you are active on Twitter and STEEM. If you do not want to be a part of TwitterTuesday in future, please comment and I will take you off the list. If you know of anyone else I should add, please let me know and I will add them in future.


Previous Twitter Tuesday post is here:

Reaching Twitter Crypto Influencers with the power of STEEM

= =

Minnow tips!

Here is my latest minnow tips post if you struggle here. These tips can help you even if you are not new.
Monday Minnow Tips for Everyone from @fitinfun

Contents of the Above Post

What should I do EACH DAY on STEEM with low power?

What to do with your STEEM

Are you shooting blanks with your votes?

Should you use an autovoter?

Join qurator

Do not post to nowhere

Why bother to comment?

How and Why to use kryptonia

How to get Upvotes

For Twitter Users

How and Why to lease delegated sp

Curation Trails

Using Discord

Please Help Me Keep Helping at STEEM

Recent events have not been easy, and you can read about them here:

Situation Critical – My rent and wifi are not paid and now are both overdue

UPDATE: I am so happy and relieved to tell you that:

  • my rent and a wifi top up have been paid.
  • the money sent to my US paypal account has arrived, through Thailand to Malaysia!

A bigger post describing current events will be posted soon, but I want to let anyone checking on me know that the first part of the situation is solved and that at least I will not be cut off from the world without a roof over my head.

And I can afford to go to Singapore for my required visa trip. Can you go to Singapore for three days and spend a total of $75 USD? Watch me!

I am so grateful to you all.

I am dedicated to STEEM and trying hard to carry on with your help. Here are some ways you can help and I would love to hear of any suggestion you may have for me.

Send any amount of STEEM or SBD to @fitinfun

I live in the 3rd world - yes, one STEEM will help me.

Here is what you can also do to help:

Follow my blogs:


@bxlphabet is my son's blog, and I am so grateful he has returned.

We post on Busy most days, where their upvote for us is based on the collective SP of our followers. We follow back, because we love you.

Put my blogs on your curation trail


Delegate SP to any of us

Upvote any of our older posts which are close to payout.

If you can "only" vote some posts - It is enough.
If you can "only" send 1 STEEM - It is enough.
If you can "only" offer advice for how I can do better - It is enough.
If you can "only" offer encouragement and good wishes - It is enough.

If you can do more and think my presence here has value, I hope and pray you will.

This is the power of STEEM.

= =

bxlphabet fitinfun before and after.jpg

It is almost Super Bowl Sunday. Statistics say that only 5% of people with health resolutions for the New Year will still be on track. Is your fitness equipment still out handy, and are you still on a "diet?"

I lost "Half My Size" eight years ago by using natural methods. I started on December 5th and did not give up. You can do it too!

This is Sharon @fitinfun. I am posting:

  • Healthy Food Ideas on @fitinfunfood

  • Motivation Minnow Tips and Everything Else on @fitinfun

  • @bxlphabet is posting Southern California,steemmonsters, and dtube videos.

Please follow along or contact me directly if you would like some individual help with weight loss and health. Anyone can do this if I did.

And be sure to fitinfun no matter what.


@fitinfun, I registered with Twitter a few days ago in order to support the STEEM community on Twitter and spread the word about it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I see that @cryptospa! You are doing a great job for being new to it. A few minutes a day is all it takes :)

Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm on Twitter too :) - but I'm reducing my activity there.
I will check out the mentioned accounts later.
My main language there is German, I'm unsure whether my tweets are of interest to you.

I am not sure how much German presence is on Twitter, but I know we have a good community for that language here. I will be very glad to connect over there.

Have you been active and now are stopping at Twitter? This is a place many steemers are just getting started with.

thanks for metioning me my friend..😂😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to - you are doing a great job with your twitter presence. Keep it up!

you do really a great job on twitter. I perhaps have seen your tweet more often than anyone else on my feed. But I feel okay and Love to see how you are engaged there and support newbie.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much @azizbd! I was thinking I have been slacking off :)

I am sure you are one of my first steem connections on Twitter and you need to be on this Tuesday list. I cannot believe you are not here already, but I am moving fast.

You have a great presence there yourself and I am always glad to rt you. Your fruits tweets and posts are perfect for twitter.

my pleasure. I am glad you remember the beginning . it was beginning of me too and I was inspired by your social media promotion.

Aw! I do remember for sure. You have been very consistent since Day 1 :)

Great stuff. Great stuff. Love it. Am still learning tweeting.😊

You are one of the best. Keep up the good work!

I think that this is a great approach to take to it personally. For promotion purposes and also to push some of the great games and apps that are here which will kept people interested without any mention of the tech behind it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think this for the best - show us as a welcoming place and a fun place to blog for money. I want to see more monsters and dice :)

Exactly. Going forward most people will never see or hear about the blockchain they will just be using the apps and have a wallet for steem which can be used for purchases or cashed out. They will never see the side of it that we use now probably having a separate app specifically for blogging on.

Posted using Partiko Android

I stopped posting on steemit a few months ago and now only use the dapps that vote your posts. Soon I will seek which one to use for comments and wallet transactions. But unfortunately we have the brand recognition of steemit. I am not sure how to change that in a rational manner.

You have explained everything so nicely mam i really love reading your post as it binds me untill the last word is not over and yes even i have started being active on twitter hope to see a good change in near future.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good for you, @sumit71428.


  • tweet your good posts
  • tweet good posts you see on steem

On Twitter

  • retweet the posts of others
  • Reply to tweets you see.

That's it! Just a few moments a day :)

Howdy fitinfun! It's good to hear about twitter growing it's steem presence, I think every bit helps, good job of giving the great advice and encouragement too!

I try to remember to tweet a lot of posts - still not on a good social media rotation - too much going on... too many places to be LOL

You do really well. Just a couple each day - plus your own one per day would be good :)

Thanks for mentioning me. Yes we should promote our blockchain in twitter with tags #steem and #steemit and happy to see that many people do it daily. I do it daily and love doing it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Fantastic! Glad to have you :)

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