better photo of my potatoe patch

in #busy6 years ago

The potatoe plants have grown considerably since the last pictures:

full size

(click images for full size)

full size

The only thing ready for harvest were some herbs, so I put some into burgers.

Life as a farmer is tough, sometimes.


Thank you for posting @felixxx.

These are lovely photogrpahs......beautiful, well kept vegetable garden. Well done......yes....mounded potatoes.

Burgers cooked in that way are the best......thank you for the reminder.

All the best.


Wow das dürfte doch einiges abgeben, wenn die fertig sind. Wünscht ich hätte auch einen Garten. Als ich vor Jahren einen hatte und selber anbaute, hat das mega Spaß gemacht und trotz der ganzen Arbeit war das nicht wirklich Arbeit.... Eher mehr Erdung :-)

Radieschen gehen immer recht schnell und passen perfekt in den Salat ;-)

Nothing better than food you grew yourself

Yeah @felixxx this looks so much clearer. Lovely

Hard work which pays off! ;)

The best potato of the world my friend. Excellent farming @felixxx

tough work makes wonderful results

I know it is wrong, but when I was young, we lived at the farmers place and when the patter was about to be ready, we go to the field and take some papatoe out without asking the farmers. But I must say, that patatoe was really fresh and more tasty as the one in the supermarkets. I love the self growing style from you @felixxx, I want to see when they are ready and how much kilogram do you get out of it

It won't be much to harvest, if we don't get rain soon.

A better approach is to go into a field, that has already been harvested by the farmer. usually, when the harvester turns, it misses some potatoes. Most farmers are actually happy if someone gets those fruit out. Just ask. ( Nachstoppeln )

The potato plants look great! It makes me miss my garden I used to love all the different herb, vegetables, and fruits I grew. Wish you a fertile planting season 🌀

oh this burger meat 🥩 looks so tasty 😋 enjoy

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