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RE: Regarding Flags vs. Downvotes

in #busy5 years ago

I like it.

People are missing the point when it comes to flag/downvotes, and I think that just reinforces your point even more.

Do you think it is undervalued? vote it. Do you think it is overvalued? Downvote it. Simple as that. Are we a faucet? Or are we actually trying to properly evaluate things and have proper comparisons of value? (Yeah, it appears not many think this way)


Do you think it is undervalued? vote it. Do you think it is overvalued? Downvote it.

This, 100% this. Most comments I’ve seen don’t seem to grasp this at all.

its not about value though, downvotes will be used as tools to disagree with opinion because the whole perception of their usage will change with the design.

Posted using Partiko Android

Which is also the right of the stakeholder. While I wish they wouldn't it is them utilizing their stake and it already happens which is confusing when the UI makes it seem like it shouldn't.

So everyone on Steem uses downvote if they disagree with something people post cos its now a simple opposite to agreeing....the biggest 'stakeholders' whether worthy being so or not

Posted using Partiko Android

Whether it’s a flag or downvote button is not going to change this, the discussion is solely UI.

As far as the culture of current downvotes - If a large stakeholder is using downvotes unjustly, then many times in the past the community has stepped forward to counter.

If the community agrees with the initial downvote or possibly the fact that it has turned into some sort of childish fight on both sides, they most likely will not.

Which is why I feel normalizing downvotes and changing the culture is the only way to fix this.. what it appears like on the UI just makes it easier to understand, it will not change the underlying issues you are mentioning though.

Do you think it is undervalued? vote it. Do you think it is overvalued? Downvote it.

Oh boy , opening up a can of worms at Dtube lol. As sometimes there can definitely be some way overvalued video Posts there. Just trash, getting BIG payouts

I actually really like this and after discussing this in chat, I am not even sure we should warn on the downvote.

No one wants to say this fact:

Upvote it- you get 25% rewards.
Downvote it- you get 0.

For most people that's important. That's why there are not many flagging now.

Yup, this is also true.

(Although need classification on the 25% figure. I know what you mean though)

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