Week #20: How Do You Build Your Followers In Steemit?

in #busy6 years ago


Being on steemit just like sailing on the sea, you better not to be alone on your boat, but with friends. You may gain success but your chance is so small, but if you are with community your have bigger chance to success. Your follower are where the support you get mostly, build strong relationship with your follower is something important on this platform.

I have been on steemit since February 2018, it about 6 months, I have got 744 followers. That is not really great achievement, but that is good enough for me. Organic followers is not really easy to encourage, I am not talking about machine. Some of steemit users are robot, it follows me at the first time I log in on steemit and make my introduction post. Followers are important aspect on steemit as well as on other social media platform, they will read and support our blog. I have followed 519 users, and I look at their post on my feed, but could not support all of them. Most of them are steemit friend only, but some user has become my real friend (I gave my private number).

I consider to build genuine interaction with other user, not to expect anything in return (are you sure??), but friendship. Friendship is much more important than money or anything else. Why? Because help and support come from the people who love you and consider you are her/his friend. Is that makes sense?, I believe so.

What I have done to get that friends (followers). I interacted with them in any form I can such as; comments, votes, chatting, posting good quality post, offering help where I can, support community, gain steem power. Honestly, most user follows other base on steem power (you may need to hear my opinion about this later). I am easy to make friend with anybody, as long as they are willing to build friendship with me, I am really open mind for criticism.
Here I want to share my own experience of getting followers

1. Support others

Supporting other can be in many f orms and might not only voting. Surely, voting is the most common form of support. Support other with strategy to develop blogging skill or advice to get their goal is a real long term support. I support some of new steemian, and they follow me for the things I did, I did not ask for follow in any ways. Because that is not the right way to do, people can freely choose who need to follow and who don’t. I noticed some people un-follow me, and that is their right to do so, I have no problem at all with that, my low quality post, perhaps. Honestly, I got more than half of my follower because I have supported them in many ways I could.

2. Up-votes

It is the most common way of gaining more followers, but if your voting weight just like mine, it is little harder to be succeeded. But surely, some people will not only look at my voting weight to follow, but also look at different aspects.


Mostly, comment will determine how good we are in encouragement strategy. Many people will consider valuable comment and follow the commentator. I got many followers because I comment on their post willingly. I read the post and leave comments best on the content of the post. When I cannot understand the post, then I will upvote only. Or when I don’t completely read the post, I will support the post with upvote. Some of my followers really pay attention to my comment, from those comments I gained more followers.

4. Post good quality contents

It is a necessary thing to understand on steemit, people will not waste their time to stop on our post if they have nothing to get. Low quality post, low voting weight, low quality comments, low quality engagement are wasting time to follow. So what do we expect when we follow other?, mostly I follow people with quality post, because I love to read good quality articles, and I try to make good quality article to make some others who have similar passion with me to stop by my post and follow each other. Good quality post will have better payout, better payout will increase the visibility and steem power, and more people will be interested to follow. This is my own experience to get follower and to increase it by the day. I remember when my post was up-voted by @curie for exceptional post. I received a lot more follower since then.

5. Active in discord channel

Being actively in discord channel with give us more information and friend, friend will normally add friend. So, make friendship on discord channel by discussing hobby or interest, and then friend will come to us. That is my way of getting friends, I learn a lot of things in discord channel. It gives me more knowledge and experience new things. Besides, discord channel will give us more visibility and exposure. So then more people will look at our account, and most of them will follow us.

6. Active in community

This is something crucial to do, I do realize that I can be alone if I want to get visibility on steemit. I choose to be active in community and support it where possible. Each community has different purpose, the one I will active is the one that has similar interest with me, and of course it must be within my knowledge and ability to interact. This strategy has proven the significant enhancement of my follower.

7. Steem Power

Steem power is something most users will check in our wallet, it will determine our voting weight. Most people will think to follow us when we can give something in return. I got more follower when I had some steem power (delegated sp). This is the reason for some user who has long term commitment on steemit to power up account and I do it too. It is important to have as much as steem power for supporting other on steemit, because steemit is about supporting other user and grow together and gain success on steemit.

8. Reputation

Reputation also will attract followers, actually it is for user who gain their reputation organically. Reputation at some point is a measurement of how good we are on steemit, or how good our blog is. The better contents we have the bigger upvote we could possibly get. And the bigger upvote we get, the bigger reputation increase. Most user follow other user who has bigger reputation, even it does not always work that way, but at least reputation your reputation will show the quality of your blog and commitment on steemit.

Those 8 points, that I have been through for gaining followers, it might not work for other but it works for me. I would like to advise all of my friends, follow people who add value to steemit platform and gain follower organically. Follow the one you like and encourage them no matter of their reputation or sp, grown together with them and rise your reputation and sp to support other and this platform. Wish you all the best and have a nice day.

Happy Eid el Mubarak to whoever celebrates it.

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Hope for the best and prepare for the worst


All of your points are excellent. People who have been around a while are excited to support people who prove that they are committed to the community.

Thanks for your commitment and showing many people support, myself included!

Thanks for sharing such a good article.

Posted using Partiko Android

Important things for building happy steemit moments and great steemit journey.

I noticed that you only use 4 tags, why don't make use of the fifth and fill it with arteem. Haha.

Hi @el-nailul, thank you for your participation in the "Exclusive Blogging Course Giveaway Contest".

Very good first hand pieces of advice from the one who experienced it! Thanks for sharing them. Though I may have a challenge with discord. I cannot get there often. Just replying on comment here on Steemit already drives me nuts with my time. Much more that I cannot find enough time to chat on discord. I peek there though once in a while. but I cannot stay long.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 4 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 8 SBD worth and should receive 154 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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