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RE: A quick little note for all of you delegating to dstors

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Hey @whatsup, you so conveniently left out some REALLY important facts.

Let me fix your calculated "leave outs":

  1. STORS token carries a convertible option to ICO tokens once and if sustainable $1 mil per month in total transactions is achieved. This equates it in many ways like a "Founder's Option" to a startup. DLive never provided this feature. In fact, no entity has EVER provided this convertible option as a benefit!

  2. Anyone who wants to spend STORS token for STEEM upvote will require a Steem account. This benefits the STEEM community because we project not hundreds, but tens of thousands of new account openings will occur. dLive never had even this in the remotest part of their benefits list.

  3. To say dStors has nothing to do with STEEM is very one sided. dStors will be the reall true merchant transaction site that readily accepts STEEM and SBD.....dLive never provided this.

  4. dStors will cross-pollinate its benefits with Whaleshares community. dLive never did this.

  5. dStors is really the ONLY project that is TRULY sponsored by the "Community" whales, no Stinc, no Ned and gladly no you @whatsup.....all community. Why? They see the powerful potential benefits as listed above.

  6. dStors is not dLive and your comparative post is ill fitting and highly transparent and unwelcome by dStors team and supporters.

There....I have now further edified you on the benefits of dStors!


  1. "if sustaninable"
  2. What would be their recourse if the upvote isn't provided? What is the communication proccess for upvotes?
  3. Okay you will accept payments in Steem. What other payment methods will you accept?
  4. I'm not invested in Whaleshares, so I don't care.
  5. Okay, so it is supported by Heijen. Got it.
  6. Dlive was a good project, it just ended up not having anything to do with Steem.

This was my response to their original white paper and i got a whole week of posts and comments blacked out by their chief delegator and top community member.
They are like big clueless babies.
I think people have been misled into delegating and blinded by big promises of dstor tokens.
Whole business plan is flawed, nothing new and not even decentralised.

I think their flagging here, shows what they are up to loud and clear.

Muted, no time to waste. Too busy working to make dStors a success.

Again, I wish you well... I just want people to understand what they are investing in is not a Steem Project.

I'm confused.

80% of Dstore tokens go to Dstore.
Mute me too:.::: We will discuss it here and there and there and there.
Ur to busy to give accurate info about your shady project????
10% of Dstore tokens go to Bitshares.
10% of Dstore tokens go to SP Delegators, Gifting, Drops & Shares.

Mantra : Bring all your Crypto's and also Fiat to us, get rewarded with a Dstore token.

Also from the whitepaper: Are you serious? What were you thinking?


Excellent job! I'm glad you are able to provide additional information for people to consider.

As I said, I wish you huge success!

Be it known, that ALL delegators to dStors are FULLY aware of the above benefits of dStors. They ALL made highly informed decisions....they saw that the benefits outweighed the risks.

Apparently, you were one of the few who are uninformed and not aware and thus posted an ill fitting content. For instance, you probably did not even peruse the white paper.

And yet you participated in a Q&A post hosted by dStors and used my response to channel and mold it to your incomplete, unedified view of risk attributable to dStors and comparative to dLive. This is ill placed.

I read the entire white paper which is what lead to my question. It seems odd you are so defensive and StarJuno flagging me just makes it seem that you are afraid of people understanding your business plan? Very odd behavior.

Obviously you did not understand it.
The delegators to dStors clearly have a far higher ability to comprehend.

Apparently some don't approve calculated leave outs and ill molded use of answers to questions given by dStors. In other words, ill biased posting on dStors....some delegators don't like it.

Now you made me look at the white paper too. It has nothing to do with Steem. It´s a BTS token. The advantages you list above do NOT change the fact that this is a NON steem project and all the things listed above sound nice and sweet but can be changed or nullified at any time. And you are maybe right, maybe ALL delegators to dStors are FULLY aware of the above benefits of dStors. But I highly doubt, all of the delegators are FULLY aware, that it is not a Steem but Bitshares project seeking cross polination with whaleshares! 880K Steem delegation for a Bitshares/Whaleshares project. It is an easy decision for me, I only delegate STEEM to projects dedicated to the STEEM engine in the long run. I am not interested to delegate my STEEM towards a BTS/WHL project. That´s what it is. It is good that this is made very clear to the Steem community to avoid misunderstanding. Good info @whatsup thank you. Honestly I do not know why Starjuno flags this post. Fact is: It is not a STEEM project and that is what the post is all about - information - what´s wrong with an informed community?

The SMT is not it? IF SMTs were available, we would be using it. The White Paper also states that once SMTs become available, dStors would take full advantage of it.

It just seems odd to overreact as I didn't really say anything negative. I would have thought you would have jumped at the chance to explain your business model and vision on how this would help Steem Also.

It seemed quite odd how you asked a single question that clearly was in your mind to post about and all you needed was a response from @dstors that you can copy and show to "support" your biased hypothesis.

All know what dLive did. So, to have dStors even be compared to it is disgusting! More so on how you molded your post with calculated leave outs. In the absence of such calculated and selective leave outs of important facts and details, your point would have been moot.

It screamed ill placement.

Look at the comments below. They read your post and based on your biased post of calculated leave outs, they wish dStors no good will. That clearly was your objective, direct or indirect.

You hoped to poke a weakness that might fester to a bleed and take the credit for finding it. Not on our cost!

In fact that is your brand within the Steem community. @whatsup, you have rarely provided any genuine contributions except to poke here and poke there.

Mr/Mrs @dstors,

To someone who hadn't heard of you until now, reading your responses at a 'psychological' level is telling - these are your words, concepts, perceptions and so they seem to tell about you!

I think you may be projecting your own issues for two reasons: (1) they follow emotional patterns of psychological projection (your emotionally loaded responses!) (2) your 'description' of @whatsup as per your comments does not match up with experienced reality and you are unable to demonstrate or illustrate beyond mere stating (as if factual, when it is not).

(2) doesn't need to be explained, it is obvious to all who know her, and it is pretty obvious from the comments of support.

(1) is evidenced in the language you use (and I'm just using the examples contained in this comment): words and phrases like the statements of 'certainty' re. @whatsup's intentions "It seemed quite odd how you asked a single question that clearly was in your mind to post about and all you needed was a response from @dstors that you can copy and show to "support" your biased hypothesis...."they wish dStors no good will. That clearly was your objective, direct or indirect."...."You hoped to poke a weakness that might fester to a bleed and take the credit for finding it.".....these statements are more likely to be projections of your own psychology, your own fears, guilts etc as their basis is not be found anywhere but in your head - you state absolute fact where none exists and the narrative is a function of defensiveness (or attack as defence)! Furthermore, you use words like 'disgusting' and 'scream'...yes, you may be disgusted at the negative publicity to a cherished project (initiated by your negative and defensive reactions/responses) and you may be screaming (looks a bit like it), in any case you are not reacting in a neutral objective (or professional) manner, although you have not stooped to the level of haejin in this dialogue - to your credit :). Lastly, you play the cheap ad hominem card of attempting to discredit @whatsup at a personal level, to degrade her status with the statement "In fact that is your brand within the Steem community. @whatsup, you have rarely provided any genuine contributions except to poke here and poke there."...again, to anyone who knows even a little bit about her presence here, this is clearly false. The reason for engaging in ad hominem is to distract from the content, the substance of an argument which one doesn't feel one can 'win'; it can also be to distract from something to 'hide'. Your reaction is largely emotional, it appears imbalanced, it makes one wonder why the drama, wtf is actually going on!!!?

You seem ultra offended that dstors and dlive be equated in any way. What Whatsup said was:

remember dlive and consider other than creating a market for crypto this really doesn't have anything to do with Steem.

...what are you reading into it and why is it such a sensitive trigger for you? Is it your intention to leave this platform in the manner of dlive? If it is not, and your conscience is clear, why take such offence? Why not instead be sensitive to a community that has been stung by dlive's departure and understand this concern from their POV?

See how it looks to me anyhow?

Thank you for the kind words. :) People have been warned and had the opportunity to see this Team in action. From here everyone can make a choice.

And yet here you have a chance to communicate directly with your future customers and investors and you are too busy being defensive to take it.

I am communicating with them with facts which you left out in a very calculated motive.

My comments put you at the defensive on why you would even try to put dStors on the same level as dLive.

So ...

80% of Dstore tokens go to Dstore.
10% of Dstore tokens go to Bitshares.
10% of Dstore tokens go to SP Delegators, Gifting, Drops & Shares.

Mantra : Bring all your Crypto's and also Fiat to us, get rewarded with a Dstore token.

So, let's see what message you're trying to pilot here; you're trying to say that dStors will use, abuse the STORS token by holding the 80% of STORS.

First, this % breakdown was made public and fully transaparent in the White paper.
Second, when, not if, but when total transactions reach $100 Mil per month; the amount of STORS token rewarded is projected to create a float that would be about 30% to 60% of total supply. So, yes, in the beginning, dStors will be honorable and honest stewards of STORS tokens; held for release as rewards.

At $100 Mil per month in total transactions, dStors will be able to fund not one but perhaps 10 reward voting bots each at 5 Mil SP or more. This load of upvotes will be able to service the large float in STORS. Perhaps the float will reach 80% or more!

At $100 Mil per month in total transactions, dStors will be able to fund not one but perhaps 10 reward voting bots each at 5 Mil SP or more. This load of upvotes will be able to service the large float in STORS. Perhaps the float will reach 80% or more!

Creating 10 bots with each 5 Mil SP or more?

You really think this is beneficial to the steem community?

Let's call it reward pool rape. Is that your business plan?

Muted as I have no time to waste.

Clearly you're not a scientist or have any expertise in behavioral sciences for business.

Go ahead, exemplify your ignorance. It can't be obfuscated by your childish attempt at clever.

It's from your white-paper, ... I am sorry for you!!! Game Over.

80% of Dstore tokens go to Dstore.
10% of Dstore tokens go to Bitshares.
10% of Dstore tokens go to SP Delegators, Gifting, Drops & Shares.
extra cross Pollinated with Whaleshares . . . . Look how some people try to make important information invisible!!!! That makes it all EXTRA SHADY!


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