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RE: HF 20 - Did A Vote Below 2 cents Just Get Permanently Ignored? (ANSWER SEEMS TO BE ALL VOTES OVER 1 SP SIZE ACCOUNTS ARE GOOD)

in #busy6 years ago

lol.... that is perfectly said... and I will upvote you 100% for that one! I don't want to speak blockchain and reward pool either lol

Please please steemit, get a damn marketing guy in there that doesn't know how to program anything! :D


They had a few openings for marketing related work a while back. i came pretty close to actually filling out an application. :) They weren't remote, though, and I'm not quite ready to move to Austin. Also, I'd probably want to clean up some things that they might not want me too. Not that I would be the best marketer or PR guy ever, but there's not a high bar here either.

You could have done it, though. :)

well the good thing as we can tell is that no one was hired... at least not a actual real marketing guy. :P ... So you still have a chance.

If you want to work remote, I think we could get a group to make the case. I honestly think if they spent a week going through your messages they could see how valuable you would be to them.

And no I could never do it. I would be fired super quick. I am way too belligerent when I see problems that exist and never was any good at being political. That's why my first corporate job was National Sales Manager... I could've never worked my way up the ladder if I had to play politics! :P

Just start at the top. Helicopter in. I like it. I'm not much of a game player, politic person at all. I wouldn't want to sell lies or half truths either. I also feel like I'd be too old, kind of like The Intern with Robert DeNiro, but a tad younger. Too many young lions wanting to prove themselves, or thinking they've arrived. That's the vibe. Not sure how I would fit in, let alone that they would let me.

Well, social media marketing and press releases could all be done remotely. The only reason to be in Austin, I would guess is, to keep close tabs on the narrative. Which is fine. There needs to be a tight, unified message. It just can't be "Earn millions on Steemit!" and it can't allow the snake oil salesmen who have been doing it to continue.

in today's age it is definitely doable. They are a multi-hundred million company I think they could pull it off if they wanted to. I had office in more than 20 states and two headquarters at one of the companies (we bought somebody)... and we made it work. They have these things called phones and for face to face convos we also had planes and hotels.

If they wanted to succeed bad enough, they would get someone like you with some experience and it should NOT be in the computer space. They don't need to appeal to the computer types, then need to appeal to john and jane doe. If they would take the first step and realize they had a problem, then they could fix it. The hardest part is always that intial ego step of admitting you need help!

And you could do it, and frankly I think we could get a petition to support you if you are serious!

Oh, well, if I were that serious, I would have applied. :) No need to get a petition going. I'm pretty content doing what I'm doing. I spent 15 years in the newspaper business, and though I looked for work in the field after we went out of business, I didn't really look forward to continuing in it. I'd have to have a reason to believe in Steemit a lot more than I do at the moment, though there's been a lot of that kind of ground covered in a very short period of time. Anyway, I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not even convinced I'm the best person for this job. I think it would take some more structure and as you say, self-realization and candor on their part before I'd actually try to consider it. That's why I didn't get anywhere with it in the first place.

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