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RE: Reasons To Post Via (Steemit-like Mirror To Steem Blockchain)

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

OK, so I tried to sign UP for, and it acted as if I were new to the whole STEEM blockchain, which is not the case; as you can see, I already have a account. So I tried signing IN instead, and it threw this dialog box at me:


Please help me. What is steemconnect and what is it asking me to authorize? I don't want to sacrifice my "posting role," nor my abilities to vote, comment, and claim rewards! And what is Json?

I was really looking forward to using based on what you wrote here, but having techno-legalese auth requests thrown at me right off the bat fills me with suspicion. The site should not be asking laypeople to authorize anything technical that the site's designers are unwilling to explain straight up!

This pushes the edge of user-unfriendly and borders on user-hostile. In my whole STEEM experience this is the first time I've been slammed up against an anti-layperson obstacle such as this. What does it mean, and why wasn't that already explained?


I totally get where that freaked you out. Did me too when I first encountered it.

SteemConnect is a utility that made in order to be able to perform your blockchain functions like voting etc. You are basically just giving steemconnect the key to allow you to do the normal steemit stuff (vote, comment, etc.)

So, you are not sacrificing your posting role - you are just authorizing yourself to use it on the site. You can read all about them here

I suggest logging in with your active key (not your master password) - If you were to see any funny business you could then change your master password which would then regenerate your other keys and lockout whatever you had already authorized with steemconnect.

You find your active key in your wallet - on the second line down you'll see "balance permissions password" click permissions then login to show active key copy paste that to log-in. This won't be the first time you run into steemconnect - other ancillary services use it as well.

Hope I wasn't too confusing and that helps explain. Fellow Steemian - new to the whole thing. FYI -I have no affiliation with or steemconnect - anyone with affiliation please feel free to correct me.

Thank you very, very much for clearing that up. I feel a lot better having read this!

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