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RE: Time Are Really Changing: Sci-Fi Is Coming True

in #busy6 years ago

This is the year. My 50th High School reunion is in June. You think of what I've seen, and the pace is accelerating.

I am at the age and stage where I don't think 50 years in the future, or really even 5. I just keep knocking along doing the best I can.

Interesting concept, that of much longer life. What will that do to people and the human spirit? Will the majority become much more cautious and conserving of their time (which is what I suspect)? Will that leave people like me as even more freaks than we already are? Interesting.

I love your idea of spirituality rising. I believe you are correct. Society has, from the very beginning, shown a rise in art and spiritual matters every time food production has become easier. The invention of the bow? Domestic animals for food? Farming? All these led to exponential lifts to the non essential pursuits. I'm sure there is another bump or two left in that.

I just love the ability to 3D print houses. The economy of scale will really change our race forever. I expect that this technology will be a fact in my lifetime. More leisure time for more people means more ideas and things changing. It is one of the few hard facts of Humanity.

Thanks for a terrific post.

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