[Nomad Freewrites] - Thoughts from a sick bed

in #busy6 years ago (edited)
6 am and I can´t sleep. Between the fever, the really sore throat and the lack of proper food - at least 50% of what I´ve eaten this past month is fast food, not because I didn´t want to eat healthy but because it´s so hard to find a proper place to eat something else than Kebab, Shawarma, KFC or McDonald´s - Moscow is getting the best of me.

I think I blame a little this crazy weather. It´s actually quite warm during the day and suddenly in the evening it starts to get windy and cold. I got out in shorts today because of the sun and in the evening I had to take home the umbrella from the Russian girl I told you about a few posts ago because it was raining like hell. I still got my whole body wet. I guess all those beers this past month lowered my defenses, that´s another reason to be sick.

Well, at least I got sick after the world cup ended. Gotta look at the bright side huh?

My Russian Visa expires in a few days and I´ve been entertaining the posibility of staying here for a few weeks or maybe months, I still have to do some paperwork to obtain it but I reckon it will be pretty easy. Russian President Vladimir Putin anounnced the touristic relation between México and Russia might be getting better after both fans of each country ended up being the life of the party. Can you believe I know of at least 10 Mexicans who proposed to Russian girls and the couple is already in México right now? Hell yeah, go Mexibros.

Up until today I was planning on 2 scenarios: traveling through Eastren Europe after leaving Russia or going to South East Asia.

After reading @roelandp´s post about Steem Fest 3 and it´s location, I think that´s definitely what I´ll do, stay around the area until November. No, I won´t tell you where it will be, you have to read the Steem Fest 3 Announcement here to find out about the location.

But enough of thinking so far ahead. I need to think about how in the 37 hells am I going to get better to keep exploring the city and to be able to leave Russia on the 25th. It doesn´t matter if I get a Visa extention or I don´t, I have to leave on the 25th.

Good news is, at least I´m posting something after a few days of being MIA.

I wish I could write more about my status but my head is killing me. What I can do is show you some of the places I´ve visited so far, as a teaser of my posts to come :D

No, I won´t tell you the names, just try to appreciate the badly taken with a cellphone picture.

Disclaimer: Don´t blame me if I haven´t visited a lot of places, I´ve been focused mostly in the World cup and the cute girls passing by every ten seconds. But I hope that´ll change if I stay in Russia. You´ll get a full tour of most places in Western Russia (I hope).







I´m reading all your comments and as I said to a friend a few days ago, now that the World cup is over, I have to go through a lot of posts to reply to some of the comments left there. I´ll meet you in past posts soon. Thank you all for reading my thoughts.


Get your hands on some colloidal silver 50ppm or more and drop 10 or so drops in some distilled water. Couple times a day should do the trick. Can't find any? Oregano oil on the bottom of your feet works wonders brother. Feel better and stay away from that fast food shit!

So sorry about the health challenge. It only reminds us that we are humans and that there is need to always check on ourselves to ensure we are giving the body what it needs from time to time.

Please get well soon and I was thinking also, having a wife could be some sought of healing😊, well I believe you got that message.

Have a fruitful day because everyday comes with something new to give us.

No one is made of steel! Oh yeah, it would be nice to have a wife or girlfriend right now but then again, I'm surrounded by gorgeous Russians :P

Hope you are on your feet soon @anomadsoul! It's been a great adventure!!! By the way... I use the TripAdvisor mobile app to find excellent food places anywhere I travel (because even in Venice most of restaurants are fast food restaurants...).

Russia is incredibly unique place. It's true that Russia is one of the coldest countries. But Russians are warm and friendly (just not in public). Keep enjoying your time there!

:)And enjoy my pre Christmas Moscow photos(2016):



Sorry to hear you got sick man! That is a downer... but

Well, at least I got sick after the world cup ended. Gotta look at the bright side huh?

That is a silver lining for sure. You didn't miss any football, which is the main thing 😉

This made me chuckle:

Can you believe I know of at least 10 Mexicans who proposed to Russian girls and the couple is already in México right now? Hell yeah, go Mexibros.

Go mexibros indeed! Russians be like 'where have all our women gone?' - Mexcans be like 'they have emigrated!' 😅 There are gonna be some majorly sunburned Russian honeyz in mexico, I've been to Mexico in May and I barely escaped with my skin intact.

Steem Fest 3! I read the post already, and am hoping to make it for my first time. I'm in Portugal in October about 3 weeks from when steemfest starts and am thinking of doing a real vagabond nomad style round Europe through the second half of October, staying on couches, sleeping in a tent in the woods, hitching around the place and generally wandering kerouac style. I won't be able to afford any other type of travel after the family trip to Portugal. Maybe I'll get lucky and find myself a Portuguese travelling lady, mexibro style.

Anyway, enough nonsense from me. Take care, treat yourself well and I'm sure you'll bounce back from the cold.


Hola mi buen amigo Erick, me alegra muchísimo saber que estas haciendo aun lo que te gusta, tenia mucho tiempo sin pasar por acá y ahora que pienso retomar mis post tenia que tener un poco de inspiración, que mejor hacerlo leyendo un poco tus aventuras, un gran abrazo y espero que la vida nos encuentre en alguna de tus giras por el mundo. Un abrazo.

It was really nice time two months flown away like couple of days. I believe for those like you who were there at the heart of World cup and to be first time in Russia is really something very different.

I know it myself and had been few times in the past. The most impressive are people, no matter if this is any event or you are just there for any other reason, the people are always very helpful, they will share a half of their bread with you even if it was their last piece.

I am glad that Russia showed itself from so positive side that people could judge themselves and no relying on the comments of media.

It is quite wide spread "summer-flu" this summer, even in Europe there are few who have cold and cough. I hope you now can have a good rest and recover soon.

It was really interesting to follow your posts and to share your experience @anomadsoul.

Oh man, sorry you're sick! Me too!! I got Bali belly (do you know what this means?).

I bet you'll be better by the 25th as long as you can rest.

Are you going to leave Moscow soon so you can eat healthier? I'm like you, I start feeling bad if I've only been able to eat crap for awhile.

But you seem to like it enough to want to extend you stay despite that!

Can you believe I know of at least 10 Mexicans who proposed to Russian girls and the couple is already in México right now? << that's crazy! lol but awesome

I'm definitely resting even if I would like to be out there exploring the city, it's such a big city!

Oh I've heard of Bali belly, I hope my Mexican belly is ready for most of what SEA has in store for me!

If I'm able to, I'll stay a few weeks or a month and then head to Eastern Europe.

Hope to meet you at SF!

I bet your Mexican belly will be a champion!!! I got Montezuma's revenge in Mexico, too. Hahaha I'm trying to get sick to my stomach in every country I go to so that I can check it off of my bucket list. Que padre idea, no? jaja

Espero q pueda conocerte tambien!!! Me gustaria ir pero solo es cuestion d dinero porque tengo que ir a mi hogar en los EEUU primero, en Octubre. Pero estoy pensando en algo.

You will feel better if you see Bosnian Snow


Moskva bi bila kao tropikal area

oh no get well 😊😊 stay healthy, very nice photos from russia 🇷🇺 have a wonderful day, GREETINGS!

Well very interesting your article. It shows a good picture about tourism in Russia. I'm giving you a vote and hope you can support me, too. Thanks so much.

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