Comedy Open Mic Round #15: FUDs still Successful ? Bear Market? Bare Necessities!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone! This is my entry for @comedyopenmic's contest Comedy Open Mic #15, y'all should join too as it's lots of fun. What I'm talking about still happened though. I nominate @jona12 and @bmotives.

So Friday I went out for the first time in a long time(relative to how much I used to) for a friend's pre-farewell night out before she leaves for Italy tomorrow. But that's not why we're here today.

What I'm here to discuss is FUDS and whether they are still effective or quickly losing ground to reality. And if they are still effective, then how long until their facades are exposed?

The reason I'm asking this is because over the last few months whenever I would start talking about steem/cryptos, the most common reactions I would get were dismissals or condescending looks/tones. But on Friday, the day I wanted to take a break from all that is crypto Yes, it's ok to sometimes take a break from steem/steemit, is the day I kept getting inquired about which are the best coins to have, to trade etc.

Baloo, Disney - by Hornstromp -, CCO

Even some people I barely know or talk to were asking for my number so that we may discuss the art of hodling(some say it's a science) in the foreseeable future. Now seeing that I'm still a newbie, also considering that at 1 point I was a tad too buzzed for crypto talks, that plan was perfect with me! Though I did insist on the volatility of the cryptosphere and that markets are currently down to see if it wasn't just FOMO, that they were actually serious and wouldn't dip Crip walk out on us if we stayed in the red.

And if they were serious, which I hope they were, then lucky us/them because we already have an office and @zahabu on standby ready to educate.

Color me optimistic but, I think the end of these FUDs is fast approaching or at least that they will be losing all relevancy in the near future. Specially when I think of the recent noise we've been making lately.

From China's crypto rankings that nearly overshadowed the royal wedding, to our neighbor Uganda officially endorsing and professing it's support for blockchains/cryptos, it's only a matter of time before the truth is unveiled and the rest of the World follows suit!

By now, you must all know this wouldn't be a hodl post if this quote wasn't included:

The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.
John D. Rockefeller

Are we in a bear market? Opinions seem to be divided. What's for sure though, is that the cryptoverse is a concrete jungle and that no lion has ever become king without first confronting the wilderness. You can ask Google, I'm sure Yahoo would affirm it too,heck even Baloo would sing it out for you!

Bare necessities
The simple bare necessities...
Tony Bennett

No outro for this one, PEACE!!



the bear necessity are required but only head is down river otherwise baggira it

It is a jungle out there.

Where only the ruthless prevails.

Let's stay optimistic then.

It's the only way to go

Keepin the optimism flowing, I like it. Probably time to start buying people's "bags" eh?

You know it!😎

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63099.62
ETH 2555.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83