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RE: Anyone know of any Steem users from France who are writing about the protests there? If so please tag me on their posts! I am really curious to take the media spin out of what is happening in France and hear from real "on the ground" people there.

in #busy5 years ago

Hi @whatsup, I'm French (I live in Lille if you wanna check on Google Maps). I don't write anything on my blog (as I'm more of a developement-oriented guy), but for you (as I'm following you and reading your every post) I will make an exception (here in the comments, not in a real blog post).
To be fully transparent, before giving my interpretation of this reality, I must say some people would define me as someone prone to like "conspiracy theories".

Genesis of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Jackets)

That's the first strange thing. It came out of nowhere and almost overnight. I believe in the strength of social networks, but such spontaneity and fast organization seems a bit conspicuous to someone like myself.

Media Treatment

Since the beginning of this, media has been promoting this movement. You can not know it, you can not evade it. It's everywhere. As medias here (as almost everywhere) are owned by big companies, it would be a bit strange to promote a "social rights" movement since its start to make sure the maximum number of people adhere to it.

The People

Now let's take a look at the kind of people joining this movement. There are mainly working people, with low wages, and no political education. They want more on their pay sheets, they don't care about politics, they don't know the first thing about the monetary system, they're (in their vast majority) easily suggestible people, with no notion of History. For me, it's like they're the soldiers executing a plan made by people with brains. All I'm saying can seem violent, but please know that I'm unemployed, poor and would have almost every reason to join them. But unfortunately I'm also too educated to not see the evident manipulation behind all this.

The Scheme

Now is the time for some conjectures. Here is my personal opinion about why this movement exists and what are the real goals of people who created it and made it grow. I will say what I think in chronological order.

  1. Goverment will fall (February 2019),
  2. New political movement will emerge (February / March 2019) representing these Yellow Jackets. The program will be, in one word : DECENTRALIZATION.
  3. Elections will take place (April / May 2019) and this movement will be elected. Regions (like States in the US) will have much more power, the State (federal entity) will lose a lot. Making France a federal state de facto.

For the more global analysis

France has a lot of inequalities between its regions (in terms of employment, resources, etc.), so from now on, regions will be put into competition between themselves, the goal being to destroy the Nation and that alliance between all People from a given territory.

Not long after that (some years), these regions will be more and more directly negociating with Bruxels (European Union), and the federal French government (that doesn't yet exist) will disappear little by little with his powers being transfered to regions and to EU.

For now more than 50 years, the building of the European Union has begun. But this building, in fact, means the destruction of all European Nations. This is just a new step in this direction. Transforming our centralized Nations into federal States, so that the integration with EU becomes easier.

So that's all for me, hope I was clear on my opinions (as English is not my native language). All this is pure speculation, but that's my analysis. Thanks for reading !


Thank you so much, although I do wish you would post it, I am grateful for your comment.

Would you be okay if I posted it, with or without your user name. I would be happy to send you any funds I make on it.

Either way, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me what is going on there, and also for following me.

Hi, thanks a lot for taking the time to read it. You could post it, even make your own modifications. You can also cite me and redirect some beneficiary rewards to me.
I was really just doing that to give you my opinion as I value your work, so I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you.
I just don't post anymore as I prefer to interact in the comments (it feels like getting more answers, more interactions that way). Kind of hard to get some kind of interaction when posting with "little" accounts. But if you make a post, you can cite me, and I will gladly come to participate in the comments that will be made.

The goal is to destroy nationalities with all this uncontrolled immigration. There will be no more French Germans Italians etc... Once nationalities cease to exist, there is no reason for nation-states and the EU will take control.

I don't think immigration can really work with the French model, as France (and a lot of other countries) are not just a "color" or a "religion", it's a first of all a language (and a lot of immigrants come from ancient colonies, so they're speaking french), it's a sentiment, a feeling, a sense of belonging, a way of doing things, an attachment that is beyond comprehension and that anyone can adopt or reject, wherever they come from.

We are a country that has seen a lot of immigration since more than 70 years now, and you can see that the 3rd or 4th generation of the first immigrants are as French as anyone, and I can hear a lot of them saying the kind of things you're saying now, which for me totally invalidates that point in itself.

Uncontrolled immigration is the final nail in the coffin, but it's neither the wood and neither the steel that composes the nail, that's just the "coup de grace". But you need to destroy the social contract before immigration can finish the job.
If only uncontrolled immigration could destroy nations, we would already be destroyed and no Nation would have ever existed.

For me, you need to destroy what makes a Nation :

  • a common History - that's underway with the school system concentrating on other countries' (or on other timeframes) history rather than our own
  • a way of life - the french manners - already being destroyed by consumerism
  • and the spirit of the People - love, freedom and equality. That's what they're trying to tear down right now, with dividing us and transforming the Nation into a federal state, to break down that unity, that sense of belonging, and these common implicit goals that are shared by people linked with a bond stronger than themselves (a Nation, a religion)

I agree with your statement that the goal "is to destroy nationalities", but thinking it's only happening through immigration is, for me, lacking foresight, and do not authorize a full understanding of what's really happening on the battlefield.

And to extend your thought, for me it won't stop there. Once EU federates all "regions" with no more Nations, the UN will be the new predatorial entity, trying to replace the EU, the USA and other transnational organizations that are put in place around the world.

I don't think anybody has a full understanding of what's really happening on the battlefield.
Humans have always immigrated throughout history and it always ends in conflict. Africa has a population explosion while Europe has an ageing problem. It's clear to see which way people are moving. This may not be the cause, but may be the straw that breaks the camel's back of the social contract.
IMO There's nothing much you can do about it.

Yes, clearly they are powers at play I can not even begin to grasp what they're about.
I agree that immigration is at play and is a tool to realize goals (destroy nations), I just think it's a combination of factors, and as I was speaking about the Yellow Jackets movement, for me, the goal of this is not to "liberate" immigration (as with Macron it's already going full speed) but to transform France, which is a centralized Nation, into a federal state.

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