Anyone know of any Steem users from France who are writing about the protests there? If so please tag me on their posts! I am really curious to take the media spin out of what is happening in France and hear from real "on the ground" people there.

in #busy6 years ago



LOL You know about his post :)

The thing I'm trying to get my head around is which level of the grand zionist plan is the yellow jacket movement - playing right into their hands by creating disorder or a real rebellion?

Incompetent puppet leaders don't get there by accident in a fake election system - they all have roles - even Trump and May - so I suspect that French clown is displaying the mismanagement he is meant to - problem, reaction, solution...

I have a friend who is a journalist saying this is being down played. They don't want to rest of the world to copy cat!

It's the people against an oppressive government. Getting ready to order some yellow vests to wear in support! lol.

Think chess game by grand master!

Rotchild plays these things, and it may be that nothing is as it appears

French drivers all have to carry those vests in their cars as a legal requirement!

So the French government originally forced everyone to have yellow vests and they are a symbol of government regulation

Making the people angry may be a mistake or it may be the plan...

Well it's not really my color anyway, but sometimes things start out as one thing and become another. However, I hear your point. Wouldn't be the Soros crowd though. They would want high taxes, extra regulations and the ability to ensure they control the people.

I'd do a post about all this but it's so big I wouldn't know where to start

Let's just say I'm with James Corbett on 90% of it and the other 10% I'm more extreme on...

So I just look for the patterns - play both sides, and divide and conquer being key ones - if there is a crowd, that is a side, and it's being played.
Soros learned his role as a key puppet in WW2 and has been working for the rotchilds ever since.

France itself has a 300 year history of being used for zionist ends, as does America. So this fits the usual patterns

Very interesting to see this going on... Going to buy some more Silver and Crypto today just in case!

Posted using Partiko iOS

'We are Change' is on the ground in Paris:


haha, I love your memes of my whale!! :)

...your delighted acceptance of them that encourages me along :)

I get they take some time and I love them! :)

Do you have any idea to hear the current crisis happening at Sri Lanka :D It's something much more shame than France! Coz we got a Crazy President and a Fake Government at a same time lol :D


No, I haven't heard anything about it. Do you have an information to share?

Here you can get an idea about the crisis upon us! (Which is created by the crazy president)
BBC News: Sri Lanka crisis: Supreme Court suspends dissolution of parliament


Well, I can inform you the spreading of the “yellow” uprising to Belgium, if you want...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Please do!!!

My post about yesterday's address to the nation by Macron and the student protests of today:

Keep me in the loop! I super curious of what's happening too. (not active on Twitter cuz screw twitter)

Posted using Partiko Android

I was looking for a few minutes but I did not find, the only user I know who is from France has not published about it. And I'm sure I follow another, but I do not remember what his name is, and he has not published for weeks.


Forget it, @samstonehill writes about it and it's French.

I don't want to tag people, but you might want to look up these users: ricko66, krnel, samstonehill.

Thank you.. :)

My pleasure, happy to help, I hope you can find what you are looking for :)

Isn't Sam staying in Bali currently?

Posted using Partiko Android

krnel is based in Quebec ... unless he moved and I didn't notice

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