Top 10 Ways to Win Over that Interview

in #business6 years ago

A few years ago, I attended a weekly workshop that taught youths like me how to be functioning members of society. They taught us many things from office-based workouts to entrepreneurial thinking. It was a very fun course. To refresh my memory, I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve learned. Today, I will be sharing 11 tips and tricks to win over your interviewer! Why 11 tips? Well, as one of my favourite YouTubers like to say, I like to go one step beyond!

1. Dress to impress!

What you wear is an indicator of your character. So, you would want to wear something that would impress your employer. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’d have to wear a three-piece suit and tie. The idea is that you’d want to dress based on the job you are applying for. For example, should you apply for an accountancy job at a firm run by people who are two to three times your age, maybe you should wear something more formal. Likewise, if you were to apply for an up and coming tech startup something more casual would work better. All in all, don’t walk in a singlet and boxer shorts. That is a surefire way to not get hired.

2. Don’t phone it in!

Much like in a cinema, don’t whip out your phone mid-conversation. When you have an interview, your eyes must be on the interviewer or wherever they want you to look (Bonus: Don’t look where it would be inappropriate to stare!). Pulling out your phone while in an interview will give off the vibe that you aren’t really interested in what the company has to offer. Thus, they can gauge that you would be just as disinterested while on the job.

3. It starts at the prologue

An interview doesn’t really begin when you are in the room with the interviewer. It begins the second you walk into the building. Be careful of how you act around everyone. There could be eyes everywhere. Who knows? That random person you just coughed at could be your potential director.

Furthermore, when you are being escorted to the interview room, start some casual banter with the person taking you there. They could very well be the person interviewing you. Make them feel like you are interesting about them. Ask them some questions about their time in the company. Ask about the weather. Whatever. But, avoid heavy topics such as politics or religion. This could lead to unnecessary conflict which may make them ‘accidentally’ shred your application papers.

4. Resume is key

Make sure that your resume is printed in a nice format without being too fancy. Make sure it is different from other candidates but still professional. Keep it in a clear folder to prevent it from getting crumpled. Do not pull it out of your back pocket. I am sure that employers don’t want to touch your ass sweat. Don’t whip out your phone to show off your resume.

I could go on for days for how people can mess up their resume. I guess that is an article for another time.

5. Stay eye to eye… or don’t

Looking at a person is often a sign of respect but can be very off-putting for both parties. People will feel uncomfortable looking deep into a stranger’s eyes. That stranger would also be uncomfortable with someone staring into their soul. Instead, look at their nose. It looks like you are looking at them attentively while not looking creepy. Also, remember to blink.

6. Anticipate!

Read up on what sort of questions an interviewer would ask. If you have some answers prepared, you will be less stressed out on the day itself. Don’t blatantly memorise them though!

Common questions would include:

“Tell me about yourself.” – Figure out your sense of self-identity before going to the interview. Decide how you want to market yourself.

“What are your strengths and weaknesses/challenges.” – Think of strengths that you have that are related to the field you are applying for. For your weaknesses, don’t try and think of bullcrap weaknesses that are secretly plusses, be honest but not too honest (They wouldn’t want to hear about your gambling and drinking problems). Also, think of way that you intend to overcome your weaknesses or challenges.

7. Research all the things!

Research the company you are applying to. Make sure you know what you are signing up for. This is for both you and your employer’s sake. It will be a pain in the ass for everyone if you somehow get hired and realise that the job isn’t the best for you. Find out the goals and visions of the company. You might get asked about it.

8. Don’t smell like a basement dweller

You would think that hygiene would be something that would be common sense. Some people have naturally high body odour, me included. That’s why I use deodorant. My preferred brand is Old Spice (Please sponsor me, Mr. Crews!). Before you go to your interview, have a quick shower. If you can’t shower for whatever reason, get some wet wipes from a convenience stine and apply a quick coat of deodorant.

9. Feel free to humblebrag

When you are in an interview, confidence is important. You are selling yourself while you are at an interview. You are trying to convince your employer that you are better than everyone else in that waiting hall. So, feel free to humblebrag where relevant. However, don’t overexaggerate, lie or act cocky.

10. Body Language

Body language tells a lot about a person. How you hold your hands. Your posture. How often you scratch your nuts. Everything sends a message to prospective employers. Try and keep your hands on the table and lean in slightly when listening. Oh yeah, a smile can go a long way too. And try to keep any rude gestures to yourself (sometimes a rude gesture may be accidental so if you are in a different country, refer to tip #7)

11. Don’t Be Late

If you have agreed to an interview, don’t show up late by 15 minutes or more and expect to be entertained. Being late tells a lot about your character. Most excuses that can be made can be easily refuted. A lot of these punctuality issues can be solved by taking a drive to the place a day early around the same time. By doing this, if the road isn’t vastly different between the two days, you can estimate how long traffic will be. Also, you are almost guaranteed to not get lost on the big day itself. (Use Waze just to be safe!)

The above is not only limited to getting hired. If you are an employer who hasn’t run interviews before, you can use the above to help screen through potential employees! Double win!


my God this has really helped me i remain grateful sir, hope to get more post like this sir.......

Thanks! There will be more in the future!

Great read. Dressing for success is a major factor. Fake it until you make it! We recently interviewed for a general manager and she was late. That was the end of her prospects.

It is very true! Fake it until you make it but don't lie ;) Lying to your future employer will be troublesome for everyone! But yeah, punctuality is a thing that more people need to have. We have a joke saying to add 30 minutes to any event in Malaysia because of Malaysian timing.

Haha no lying is not recommend ever let alone in an interview to your prospective boss. Haha yes I have heard that travel over there could pose some issues lol.

Yeah, I've heard stories about people lying about their qualifications and stuff. Most of it can be checked out!

These were all very good advice, but don’t smell like a basement dweller? Really? :) Thank you for sharing this with us, I think it will help a lot of people.

You would be surprised at how some people smell. They smell like they have never seen a shower! Sometimes, it isn't really their fault. It is very bad BO that could have been helped by a healthier lifestyle or luckier genetics. But it would definitely help to deoderise.

If you’re asked about your strengths and weaknesses, you can point out that such things are relative.

For example, having confidence would generally be seen as a favourable characteristic in Western countries, but it’s viewed as cockiness or arrogance here in Japan. A strength can be a weakness and vice versa.

That is a very fair point!

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