The Jankin brothers

in #business6 years ago


Once upon a time, on a cold January morning in the distant Hamlet of Okamasi in the third year of the reign of king. Two young brothers, seeking for an adventure, embarked on a journey to find the remnants of the land of Junista - the land of the Gold King, who had left so much treasure in an old treasure box buried in his farmland. After many days of endless search they came to a fork in the road where one road goes left and the other, right. Cold and shivering, they stood there as the cold January harmattan wind fought against their skin. They could not sway left nor right in their determination to reach their destination.

The first boy saddled up his ass and took the road to the right focusing all his attention on the map and on the road ahead. For months he rode, never stopping on the road. He wasted no time only eating once a day, conserving his meal and complaining that eating is a time consuming act. He passed through many kingdoms, passing beautiful cities, gardens and wine houses but none of this interest him.

On the way he lost his shoes, then the horse became too weak fell ill for it was starved of food and water. After seven months of search, he finally found the castle of the gold king high up on a hill. So glad he began to climb the hill but with his weak body, unsteady eyes and hunger biting deep at his stomach he collapsed on the way up. And there was none to save him.

His brother had joyfully took to the left, at the fork, in search of the same treasure. Soon after he started he saw a wine house and went in to have a few drinks for his throat thirst for a good wine. While there he met a beautiful young monger who had wooed him back to her place. He thought of the treasure but decided to continue the journey the next day. But for this day, he sought pleasure for his soul.

Fun and full time he had, visiting be best of gardens, museum, and beautiful cities. Most times he joined band of boys and girls to party all night and in the morning, he would be too tired to continue on the journey. On and on, the poor boy drifted away from his path, little by little he got lost in the lust of life. Now many years had passed and he is old, tired and had ran out of his supplies. Now he is lost for he had drifted too far away from the castle which he sought after.

And so, my friend, is the story of the two Jankins brother, who were given the map to a treasure but both died poor and unhappy for they failed to seek a balance in their life's journey. Now let's discuss. What three business/life lessons do you learn from that story. Share with us in the comment box below and stand a chance to get 1SBD and an upvote from me (it's little but it's better than nothing).

Image from public domain Pixabay.

Originals @lordjames


One thing killed it, Greed. No matter how well structured and profitable your dreams are, if there is greed in between, you'll meet a bulwark. Avoid greed, be content, be cooperative and use your common sense. Nice one brother.

Most people confuse greed and desire. Do you think they are the same things?

Desire is an hunger that would be filled and satisfied as soon as it gets what it wants. Greed is wanting even more, greed is hurting others to get what you want. Greed is never getting satisfied.

Nice story :). I guess life is all about finding a purpose and enjoying the process that leads towards your goals. That purpose can't be solely a financially driven thing. Money in my opinion is a valuable tool in life, but it's not the endgoal. Life is more than just being rich and powerful. For me life is about finding deep, honest connections with people and going through lifelong experiences togheter, beating loneliness together. These two boys got to blinded by their quest for money, and greed punished them for it.

I guess life is all about finding a purpose and enjoying the process that leads towards your goals

This summed it all up. Unfortunately most people fail to enjoy this journey only hoping to start having a party when they get to the destination.

Two boys, one goal the other so serious and the other lost focus. It's a dicey one because the end goal is glorious but why don't we take things time after time while we still have the strength and still bent on our goal...I mean a little rest you ask questions as we walk this path of life there might be other ways that will lead us to our goals faster and we won't be worn out when we get there...we would have strength to glory in our result that we didn't lose focus and at the same time we saw other parts of life that lead us to our goal not just one part.

Nice piece @lordjames.
The first brother was too strict. He had no time for other things that could replenish his lost strength . in life/business , times come when we ought to have retreats and activities that can help us continue till the end. We need personal development, advices, spiritual upliftment, recreation, medical attention, ( for an adage in igbo goes thus: if you leave your health/life in pursuit of only wealth, u end up dying and leaving your wealth for enemies to enjoy).
The second was carried away by the pleasures of life. In life/business , we are not supposed to put pleasure before business. We are supposed to set proper goals , act on them and there after comes merriment

This is great. I love the adage. We should create a balance in whatever we do.

That is a really inspiring story @lordjames, thank you for taking the time to share it! Here's the 3 lessons I got from it:

  1. Preparation is key: "On the way he lost his shoes, then the horse became too weak fell ill for it was starved of food and water. After seven months of search, he finally found the castle of the gold king high up on a hill. So glad he began to climb the hill but with his weak body, unsteady eyes and hunger biting deep at his stomach he collapsed on the way up. And there was none to save him."
  2. Complaining about the journey to success and not enjoying the process is the surest way to get nothing out of life - you will likely not achieve your goals and you will also probably never enjoy what you have accomplished in life because you're always focused on what you haven't accomplished in life. "He wasted no time only eating once a day, conserving his meal and complaining that eating is a time consuming act. He passed through many kingdoms, passing beautiful cities, gardens and wine houses but none of this interest him."
  3. When you create aspirations for yourself and set goals, you need to focus on achieving them while also enjoying the process of the journey - this is the balance that I believe both boys lack! "Fun and full time he had, visiting be best of gardens, museum, and beautiful cities. Most times he joined band of boys and girls to party all night and in the morning, he would be too tired to continue on the journey. On and on, the poor boy drifted away from his path, little by little he got lost in the lust of life."

This was a beautifully written story and I hope to read more like it! Thank you for letting me know about this and please let me know when you post another!

Am really glad that you take out time to give this thoughtful contribution to this post. You are right @khaleelkazi, a combination of preparation, focus and the right mindset is a powerful tool to achieving any endeavour we set before us.

Reading through this comment shows how diligent you are with what you choose to do. Thank you for your input, have a beautiful day.

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