Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish!

in #business4 years ago

Would you like to learn how to join the Medium partner program because if you are already blogging on your own website, you will be happy to get extra readers and also get paid?

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Let's learn today how to join the Medium partner program. The first question you might want to ask is, "Well, why? Why am I going to bother taking my time to do this? How long does it take?"

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

It's super fast.

If you're already blogging, you might as well publish on Medium because you can get free additional views to readers and potentially get featured and make money writing directly on Medium.

That said, I recommend post first on your own website, then directly import back to Medium because then you're getting the additional views for free, but you haven't given Medium all of the valuable content you've created.

Thus, what I do is publish a blog post on my website at first.

I published this on my blog, then I simply import it to Medium and for that I want to be able to earn money as a partner on Medium, which is why I'll show you exactly how to apply to the partner program here.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Let's take a look at how we're going to apply to the partner program now on Medium.

Step one, you go into your menu on Medium and/or go straight to the Medium partner program page and click on "Join the Medium Partner Program."

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

If you are on your icon, this is in the upper right over here, you just click on that, and click on the page and it will take you over to this Medium partner program page.

Once you've done that, then you just need to agree to the Terms of Service.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Click "Continue to payment setup."

Next, it'll ask you to use a Stripe account and if you've already got an account, make sure you use the Stripe Standard account because that will allow you to just receive payments in the account you already have.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

After that, it will take you to this page.

Make sure you go up to the top and click on "sign in" up here if you've already got a Stripe account.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

If you don't, you can fill it out that way.

Then, you'll be taken to a page like this that says, "Connect my Stripe account."

It'll take you to the Stripe sign in, which I trust you can handle.

Then, it will take you back here and say that you are officially enrolled in the partner program.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

You can now make money when members read your posts.

What I recommend doing immediately after this, is go ahead and fill out the tax information by clicking "here," which I did.

This takes you over to the taxpayer information.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

You fill all this form, which takes maybe a minute or two.

If you're in the US you go click on "W9," if you're not, you can go click on one of those other forms.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Then, on the next screen you fill out this standard W9 form with your name, social or employer identification number.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Then you've got your taxpayer information and you're all done.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

After you've gone through and set that up, then the thing do is import a post, and I'll show you how to do this really quick.

You'll see this once you've got the partner program successfully done as I've shown.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

What you want to do to publish a story is not just use a publish button.

You want to go up and click on your profile, go up to where your stories are. Then you're going to click on "Import a story" in the top of this way up there.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Click on "Import a story" and it'll look like this.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Always put your own stories, your own blog on your own website first.

That way, you get the primary credit for that in Google when people are searching, which is exactly what you want.

Therefore, always published to your own website, something like

Publish to your website, then pull it onto Medium.

As you see I've got here, I just take a URL straight from my website. One of the newest posts I have is called "YouTube Ads Recipe" from a video.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

What I do is I film videos, I have a friend Michel Gerard who uses to get a transcript automatically for 10 to 25 cents a minute. He then turns that into a blog post by taking screenshots from the video and editing it into a blog post.

Then, I just have him import the blog post into Medium like this and delete all of the sales links.

For example, I've got a membership. I delete that out of here because Medium asks you not to put anything in there for donations, and I delete anything asking for likes or views, comments or claps, any of that also.

Delete all of that, just put it down to a basic blog post and tutorial, which still ends up being a 15 minute read on a three part post series because the original video was an hour.

Therefore I got this post edited.

Then I click on the bottom to publish it.

I've got the option up here to put tags on it, which is great. I'd just throw three tags on it really quick, YouTube, advertising and marketing.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

The key thing to make money is to check, "Make my story eligible to earn money" right over here and that allows you to have the story earn money, then click on "Publish now."

It'll come out just like this showing you that you're in the partner program and you can earn money.

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

Thus, I've got a 14 minute story up here people can read and this can get discovered organically, indefinitely for free on Medium.

It links back to my website, giving me a back link from Medium, which can help get people off of Medium and reading onto my blog.

I might just back link straight to my blog on Medium to get people reading on my website blog and now I've got the chance to even get my article featured on for potential exposure to a lot of viewers.

My mindset is if I'm putting out a blog post every day on Medium, there's a good chance at some point I'll get curated, at which point I could get out to thousands of new people totally for free without taking hardly any effort.

Some of these Medium posts might actually rank higher in Google search than my own website does, which is fine because people are discovering my content in Google anyway and Google knows that I put this post out first on my website, and then Google will be able to give me the credit for that.

If this post does well, it knows that it came from my website first.

It's a great way to syndicate my content. I might be able to make hundreds, if not maybe even thousands of dollars in time posting my blog posts that I'm already writing straight on Medium.

I'll keep you updated and this is my current views, which is great because I have not done hardly anything with Medium in a long time, and looking at these stats got me to work on Medium again because I saw, "Wow, you're telling me hundreds of people are seeing and I'm getting people reading my stories even though I've hardly made any posts on Medium for a long time."

Medium Partner Program Application from Start to Finish and Ideal Posting Strategy!

That is worth taking seriously because I imagine I put a blog post on Medium every single day, I'll start getting thousands, and then tens of thousands of views on Medium for free every 30 days just as I do on my own blog.

Thus, this is everything you will want to know getting started about the partner program and I trust you will come to if you want to see my future updates and blog posts about how my progress is going on Medium.

If you'd like to ask me any direct questions or anything else, you can go to and you'll get access to all my courses, events, forums, et cetera, and that's where you can have the best experience with me.

I appreciate you reading this and I'll see you on

I love you.

You’re awesome.

I appreciate the chance to serve you today and I will see you again soon.

Jerry Banfield

Edits from video transcript by Michel Gerard.

Originally published at


no fucking way, you're here still? haha

hive out dude

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