Inside My IRS Notice of Deficiency Disagreement for $95,942 from Udemy and PayPal Double Reporting in 2015

in #business6 years ago

Inside My IRS Notice of Deficiency Disagreement for $95,942 from Udemy and PayPal Double Reporting in 2015

Last month the IRS sent my wife and me, because we are filing jointly, a notice of deficiency. Here it is, "Summary of proposed changes" for tax year 2015, an increase in tax by $79,952 and the "Substantial tax understatement penalty" for almost $16,000 totaling over $95,000, they would like from me in addition to what I already paid for 2015.

Inside My IRS Notice of Deficiency Disagreement for $95,942 from Udemy and PayPal Double Reporting in 2015

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Now, the good thing to note about this is, it says you may be able to resolve your dispute with the IRS, because I accurately paid my taxes.

I paid tax on all the income I received.

Inside My IRS Notice of Deficiency Disagreement for $95,942 from Udemy and PayPal Double Reporting in 2015

I do not agree with the IRS' assessment in this letter, now this isn't the final permanent assessment of the IRS, this is something to be paid attention to though. These little letters the IRS sends, especially if they are certified, definitely need to be taken seriously.

I just sent in another response today and I'm hoping to avoid petitioning the tax court because I paid all my tax.

Here's what happened.

Read more on my website at


Jerry Banfield


this my feel so annoying but i employ you to read all clauses and phrases and take very careful steps to tackle them one by one. you also need maybe like a witness who has the same problems .

this is so annoying!!! freaking corrupt people everywhere. Here in Nigeria, the nearly take up to your salary for what's not and give you along paper crap! even when we file cases, the freaking Judges are corrupt

Move to Canada, avoid the IRS bullshit and come join our crazy frozen asses in the great white north. :D

Paypal is some sketchy shit at best, I try to avoid them when I can.

Many many years ago I used to work for those bastards and they are woefully inefficient. Take a copy of the notice from Udemy and write a nice letter to the person who signed that notice, VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ONLY, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, make a copy of everything in the envelope and staple the return card to it when it comes back. This SHOULD take care of it, but don't bet on it.
The same of it all is if you educate yourself you don't have to deal with them at all. That's a long story, so if you want more details go to my site for full details on this and much more.


steem without substance is just hot air

Fight them all the way

Jerry! Do you going to boost your post? We need high quality content at the top.

What a pain in the ASS, i have some IRS stuff going on too. May I suggest involving a tax attorney service, often they have connections and back doors to accelerate this stuff, and many are former IRS auditors and such.

Excellent article my friend @jerrybanfield, I like your work
but have a space to visit my work =)

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