Fear Over Flying: Aviation Experts Say Recent Plane Crashes Are Only Statistical Blip

in #business5 years ago

From 2009 to 2018, there were no airline passengers reported who lost their lives due to plane crashes in the United States, but there have been several plane accidents in the news recently. It has prompted some to question the safety of flying altogether, wondering if it's still a safe travel method compared to the alternatives.

Aviation experts suggest that the recent uptick in accidents in only a statistical blip and that there isn't anything to worry about.

Flying is said to be safer today than it ever has been before, there is a slim chance of danger.

For example, it's estimated that your statistical chances of dying in a plane crash are about 1 in 5 million. It's more dangerous to walk down the street, than it is to get on a plane.

Even though it might not happen that often, a great deal of travelers still admit that their fear of dying in a plane crash is pressing, with more than 70 percent of plane passengers reporting that they fear flying.

The number of people who have lost their lives in plane crashes jumped sharply in 2018, with more than 500 people losing their lives that year.

Still, aviation experts insist that crashes are rare and the recent crashes go against the trend of the industry; moving toward safer flying.

About half of all the deaths from 2018/2019 plane crashes were from Boeing 737 Max jets.

Industry experts have suggested that automation in the industry might be playing a problem because pilots aren't prepared to deal with the situation when things go wrong.

Aviation executives have insisted that there has been tremendous improvement in terms of safety over the years and that if this weren't the case, that we would have seen many more accidents in the past several years.

Pic3 via getty


Vitaliy Kaloev - the man's name

It's him and our brilliant actor who stared in the newest movie about this story.
It impressed me greatly..

Aviation experts suggest that the recent uptick in accidents in only a statistical blip and that there isn't anything to worry about.

Of course. Why would anyone worry, think about & mention the victims and their families when statistics are so good… :(

I am terrified of flying.

And, it is 100% due to the Toilet Safety Administration.

Those toilets in those jet planes are connected to the outside air, and if all the valves are opened at once, for some reason, it can suck your intestines out through your sphincter.

Have you heard the story of this man?
Even Hollywood shooted movies about him.
His family died in the airplane crash, and he killed the man who was guilty in this tragedy.
He was prisoned but he is still a hero. A real life story.

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