What Has Your Entrepreneurial Journey Been? I'd Love to Hear Your Story

in #business7 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear friends,

My Vlogs usually provide some kind of value back to you guys - but today i'm hoping to learn from YOU! I am pretty new into this whole world of entrepreneurship and have talked a bit about how i'm still working in the corporate world but am working on building towards my financial goals. My dream is to eventually get a point where I am completely self-sustainable on my own.

It occurred to me earlier today that we have SO many entrepreneurs here on the platform, and that it would be super helpful and encouraging to hear your stories. If you are someone who works for yourself, or maybe has a side hustle on your day job - I’d love to hear from you. If you are comfortable sharing, I'd love to hear what kinds of business you have started, what has worked/what hasn't, what you are still doing... etc.

It's funny how once you catch "the bug" it can be all consuming! I am always thinking of different income generating ideas, but between my full time job and the time I spend creating content/interacting with people here on Steemit - I haven't realy taken the time to explore many of those ideas yet.

I am hoping that hearing some of your stories will help make me feel a little bit less alone on this journey. As a side benefit - it will also help me get to know some of you guys on an even deeper level. I love hearing people's stories and I hope you decide to share some of yours!

So much love.


▶️ DTube

I’ve been working different music jobs for about 19 years or so lol.. but I didn’t get into investing or really have much knowledge about the way money works until 3 years ago. I’ve learned more from Dave Ramsey YouTube videos than anywhere else. I wish they would’ve taught us about this stuff in school haha

No kidding!! I am literally shocked that they don’t teach personal finance in school. It is one of the most important lessons we need to learn to actually be successful adults in the world. :-)

I am a Dave Ramsey fan too! When I went back to school a few years ago, I started listening to his podcast. He really inspired me to finish my degree debt-free and look at simplifying my expenses. I was already living debt-free, but was kind of a free bird with my monthly expenses. I was definitely glad to have found him!

So cool that you have been able to make a living doing various music jobs for that long!! Making money doing what you love is a pretty cool thing. :-)

Thanks! Yes Dave has helped me a lot.. but that’s awesome that you are doing so great with your music and videos on here as well! :)

After I finished my studies I was lucky enough to get an internship at one of South Africa’s largest commerce companies called kalahari/takealot its the Amazon of our country I learned so much about digital marketing and eventually specialists in SEO I then moved to a company called travelstart and worked there for a year and working with google and fixing sites to improve their search rankings I was helping my company bring in millions I sales and yet I wasn’t benefiting much from the improved performance so I thought since this skill is pretty handy and recruiters would always message me on LinkedIn with offers why not try my hand starting my own business in 2016

So I went to a few job interviews and pitched them me working as a contractor and I was able to win 2 clients while working out my months notice! I left my job with 2 clients and began work and then hunting for new clients! My manager at my previous job quit a month later and joined me in the new venture and in 2 months we had 5 clients! We did not take a salary for the first 3 months until we had enough capital to support ourselves we later signed up a few more clients to become self sustainable

We then started our website that offered free marketing advice for digital marketers and how to’s for small business owners wanting to take advantage of digital and the website began to grow! So much so that we were featured on national TV and won South Africa’s best business blog of 2017

While servicing clients we found a lot of pain points and decided to build an SEO tool for small businesses which we hoping to launch this year! It’s b be a fun ride so far and enjoying every moment of it

Wow, what an incredible journey!! How cool that you learned such a valuable skill from your employer, and then realized you were making THEM tons of money. It’s so cool to hear that you took a risk and jumped out on your own with only two clients, but it has obviously paid off! Congrats on winning South Africa as best business blog last year. That is a huge achievement! Especially considering that you only started your business in 2016.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was so inspirational!

Well that’s the summary that I can share there were quit a bit of ups and downs a long the way! Lost money, lost clients, clients that didn’t pay but it’s all part of the journey and you learn everyday!

You can only learn by doing it’s all trail and error and there’s no set formula or way to do thing, in fact it’s better to try making your own way that way you come with innovative new ways of doing things instead of being held back by preconceived ideas! There’s also an element of luck involved I have to admit!

Your post caught my eye because it’s something I’d like to do myself! I actually started steemit because I wanted to earn a side income and build an audience so I could start an entrepreneurs podcast where we can share our stories!

Ooh that’s a great idea for a podcast. Have you ever listened to “side hustle school? It is a daily podcast where he share stories of people who are doing side income generating projects. The point is not necessarily for full-time entrepreneurs, but for people, like me, who are still working a day job, but want to create additional income.

He does not actually have the people on the show, and the episodes are usually less than 10 minutes. It is really interesting to hear peoples ideas, but it would be fun for a podcast to actually interview the person on a longer segment to hear more of the details of their success. :-)

No I haven’t, but on your recommendation I’ll give it a listen I’m always open to new ideas and ways of innovating it’s how we create value and remain competitive

I’m also always looking for ways to diversify income! At the moment I work on clients sites, my blog brings in income via ads, I invest in stocks and other financial instruments, into crypto and I do workshops training peopl in digital marketing and writing for the web

Yeah I’m looking at a 1 or 2 hour informal chat about business, start up stories, side hustles, promoting new business etc! Not just from the owner but employees too! I’d like to get into all the untold stories normally never spoken about as I feel there’s a wealth of info that employees sit on because they don’t have a platform to share it on!

When I do start the show I’ll tag you in the first episode and hopefully get you on as a guest too

Your podcast idea sounds awesome! I like the idea of telling the untold stories. Definitely tag me on your first episode so I can listen!

Such a nice question, and I've enjoyed the response you've gotten!
Perhaps I can add my story, but only in short, as I have work to do ;-)

I was tired of applying for jobs and having to explain why I studied philosophy and would totally do that again if I'd have to choose again...
So, I decided to become a

Freelance Philosopher

People look at me funny when I tell them this. But it has changed my world. Ever since registering myself as a freelance philosopher (January 2014) I have been getting more confidence in telling people about what I can do, from a position of strength, instead of feeling to have to defend something from a position of weakness.
So what I do? I write, I teach, I do research. At two universities (in China & UK) and at an art academy in the Netherlands. I give courses and this week my first book was published (in Dutch--English translation is about done, still looking for an English publisher). I'm still no good at marketing and 'selling myself'--I prefer selling a product and I still refuse to think of myself as a product... but last night I had my first radio interview on the Dutch national radio to talk about my book, I was incredibly nervous but it went pretty good overall...

So yeah, freelancing, being an entrepeneur means to me to put my own learning at the focus of everything, and putting my talents & skill up for grabs for whoever can use them best. And it means that I can say no to things that are too far beyond my interest... Although in the beginning I would take any kind of writing job, now I can be more picky and will only do philosophy jobs.

Wow, I really loved hearing your story!! I’ve never really heard of a freelance philosopher before, and I think it’s amazing that you followed your passion/vision to create the life you want.

I loved your last line. Freedom is about having choices and it’s awesome that you can be picky about the types of jobs you take.

I'd love to share with you my story of entrepreneurship!

A ran a a small Lavender + herb farm and made all natural personal care and home products which I sold in a gift shop. It was a mostly seasonal business during the spring and summer months. I also stocked a handful of other gift shops with my products throughout the year.

It was hard work! I was running all aspects of the business by myself. I had put a lot of time, energy and money into it, and it did quite well for its first 2 years.

One big problem though, I totally fell out of love with it. I was miserable. Anxious, stressed and way too much on my plate. I just wasn't enjoying it anymore. I loved the freedom of being an entrepreneur, and knew I'd never go back to a "job", but it was a very confusing time for me, trying to figure out what was wrong with me and what made me fall out of love with doing it.

Long story short, I took some time off to get real with myself, down the path of personal development and spiritual growth, hoping I could "fix me", but, I discovered, I was never going to fall back in love.

I walked away from that business. During the time I spent working on myself, I became self-aware and really wanted to match myself up with a business that I was going to be a better fit. Although, it's been a slow start, I can now say I'm doing what I love, working in the space of personal development, spiritual growth and entrepreneurship.

I learned a big (painful +expensive) lesson of how important it is to "do what you love and love what you do".

It's exciting to hear you are seeking out the path of entrepreneurship. I've watched a few of your videos and I can already tell you're cut out for it! I look forward to hearing what type of business you'll decide on.
Best of Luck to you!

Napoleon Hill the author of "Think and Grow Rich" left several companies he started for the same reasons. It is possible that we may never have had his wonderful books had he stayed with them. If you have a desire to work for yourself the solution will come to you. All the best!

Oh my gosh... I LOVED hearing your story! It was super interesting to hear about the evolution of your first business, and how you loved it at first but it changed over time.

I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found your passion with your current line of work. Do you work as a coach?

Thanks again for sharing your story! I really enjoyed hearing all about your journey! ❤️

It's exactly that, a journey! lol. But one I would never trade. So much learning, direction and inspiration came from it and continues to.

I just began working as coach (mindset/entrepreneurship) and a Desire Map Facilitator (teaches, a feeling-based approach to life). My goal is to help people not make the same mistake I did, and choose a better fitting business that lights up their soul.

I'm following you and looking forward to watching you do big things!

You're definitely not alone on this journey! I always have a lot of respect for entrepreneurs because they have that same need as me to break the mold and do something not within the status quo.

When my partner and I first moved to LA and started HyperFundIt the amount of negative feedback we got from our friends and family were disheartening. Everyone told us that it was crazy to not get a job right out of college and even crazier to start a business and move across the country. But we just kept on pushing through, we believed that our mission to help other entrepreneurs and creators get off the ground was worthwhile. And now looking back I'm glad I never let my friends and family get to me because I would have never experienced this awesome adventure of being an entrepreneur.

My advice for you is to not let the opinions of others get in the way of your dreams and aspirations. Those who won't take the risk can only judge from the sidelines. I'd love to hear more about your journey starting out as an entrepreneur! And if you have any burning questions about entrepreneurship you can hit me up on discord.

  • Iris

Thanks for your sage words Iris! So cool that you guys took a risk to make your dreams happen, and you are still living that dream today! Very kind of you to offer your advice as well.

I don’t really have any specific questions at the moment... just more that I’m getting antsy to get out on my own. If I have any questions come up, I’ll be sure to reach out! :-)

Of course feel free to message me anytime! :) And if you're starting to think about becoming a full-time content creator I genuinely recommend checking out HyperFundIt as we specifically work with influencers to get them started working with brands.

  • Iris

Ohh, this gives me an idea for a post. I'll be back with the link to share my story of working for myself. :)

Ooooh I would LOVE to hear more of your story!! I know you’ve shared a bit with me before about doing some celebrity interviews in the past, and so I’m sure your story is full of interesting points.

Definitely share the link whenever it’s live! 😊

got out of college debt free, inhereted some money, invested in time learning about austrian economics, bought bitcoin in 2015, started a youtube channel 2016, made more money with steemit in a month than in youtube for a year.

Wow, crazy to hear that you made more in one month here in Steemit then you did an entire year on YouTube. I have heard that from so many people, and that is part of why I think this platform is going to blow up once more content creators find it!

Solid that you bought bitcoin a few years ago. I seriously think we are creating a new generation of wealth, and the people that get into crypto currency’s early I’m going to be very well set up in the next few years. That’s part of why I am using all of my Steemit earnings to reinvest into the crypto market.

Thanks for sharing a bit more of your background! I know we talk a lot in the comments, so it was fun to learn a little more about you. :-)

always enjoy writing in another language, it stretches my mind :D

what i need to add: it is really difficult to turn your own ideas into a business when your family and friends all have an employee mindset. They always see danger, not opportunities.

I agree on that point, felix. Yet it opened up my life soo much, ever since I realised I was not employee material, and didn't feel ashamed about it anymore.
Great to meet you here, greetings from the Netherlands... but I lived in Germany quite a bit, in Berlin and Worpswede... so looking forward to reading more from you, even in German ;)

Freut mich immer zu hören, wenn jemand meine Muttersprache versteht. Grüße aus Leipzig!

Aber ich erwarte natürlich das du auch Niederländisch spricht, sonst kannst du mein Buch nicht lesen ;) Obwohl ich gerade ein nächstes Buch angefangen habe, was ins Deutsch erscheinen muss, wird, würde, soll, mag, mochte, gerne, bitte...

da hast du mich. Leider können die meisten Niederländer zu gut Deutsch/ Englisch. Und ich bin auch selten dort.

I am an entrepreneur, a farmer precisely I engage in fish farming. As an entrepreneur you need to understand that you want to engage yourself with, what you are passionate of doing and don't just rush into business because a friend or relative is performing well in it, your ideology and your inner self might not go with it. Don't go into business because you have the money to do it, don't go into a business because you think you can do it. I started my fish farm with a very little capital and as little as it is, I was able to get something meaningful out. But there is a challenge when it is time to harvest and sell, the big fish farmers will not allow the small scale to enjoy the market. So I decided not to sell and proceeded to processing it. The creative idea makes me get more profit than if I had sold it initially. That's CREATIVITY, an entrepreneur must be CREATIVE. The profit gave me the opportunity to reinvest. My next stock was higher than the first but I did not make profit like the first, that's business. I never relent, I had to stock again take another risk and it doesn't seems working again but I never relent I had to keep investing in what I have passion for. That's RISK, an entrepreneur must be able to take high risks until you hit your target. I never relent until I achieved my aims. So, set goals and the map out how you inintend achieving it. Don't relent until you achieve it.

Being self reliant is the best.

Do what you love and love what you do.

Thank you for the great tips and the sage advice. I’m so glad to hear that you have been creative with your fish farming business and have been able to turn a good profit, even with the bigger farms trying to push you down. I think you are correct that creativity and risk-taking are a big part of the entrepreneurial life. Thanks for sharing your story - including the ups and the downs!

It is not too easy at the start but you must be adamant to continue, then you will conquer all obstacles. Thanks

Good people know the right answers to say. Great people know the right questions to ask. I love how your videos are so engaging! Long time! How are you? discord!!! dnews - username !! It's so fun! haha

Aww thanks my friend!! I’m so bad about going in Discord... LOL. I really need to get on there more!

Wow!!! I never actually thought of keeping my Steem @coruscate. I'm learning so much on this platform everyday. As an entrepreneur I'm using Steemit as a means of producing passive income through delegating my SP. My goal is to leverage Steemit for my Amway business. I sell tea and I am looking at using income from steem to support my product purchases. i am also looking forward to rewarding my clients by using Steemit to give the SBD for the products they purchase in my Am,way business..

What an interesting idea! You might be the first multi level marketing person on the platform doing something like that.

This platform has made me aware of God's grace more. I've received so much here and the low barrier to entry reminds me of the nature of Amway, but it's online component brings a little complication considering geographic location. The West and 1st World would typically dominate, but since industrialisation doesn't work effectively in Africa and the Third World Steemit becomes extremely powerful as an accessible and userfriendly asset. You brought it out of me @coruscate..

Amway is legendary, but you might want to look into Life Leadership. A great company with a great message.

I'll check it out @themerge..

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