Reciprocal Roof Structure (Building How-to Tutorial)

in #building8 years ago (edited)


Here is a project I helped startup, for a sustainable alternative habitat project later involving permaculture.

It's a reciprocal roof structure, with a heptagon (7 point) base.

Reciprocal roofs are self-supporting roofs. They are a symbol of cooperation and interlinking dependence where each beam supports the other in an infinite looping support. There is not one piece that is not support by the previous/next one.

The Heptagon Base

First the frame base of 7 points is set up so that we can put the reciprocal roof on it after. You can't start with the roof LOL.

You need to line things up equally at the base to distribute the weight of the roof. So space it out right.

Notch the tops of the support pillars to fit in the horizontal support beams. The horizontal support beams are also notched to lock in each other and then the bottom one rests into the pillar that's on the ground.

We used a chainsaw to cut the grooves/notches. Be careful!




The Reciprocal Roof Spiral

Reciprocal roofs very nice, they look cool, and they symbolize cooperation and each member of a community supporting the other to make something strong. You can research more on it. There are some very nice architectural builds that have used reciprocal designs.


Next it the reciprocal support roof. Start with one beam and support it with a pillar to start. Lay each beam over the other with a slight space apart and make your way all around.

Reposition each beam as needed to space them up. You might need to rework the center part to make it into a nice circle.

Tie it up, secure it, so they don't move after. It won't likely move, it's pretty tight and study, but just to be sure.

After that you can remove the support pillar used on the first beam... and it all stands up on it's own! Amazing isn't it?!?








The Roof Panel Support

This part is to fill the gaps and make it support other stuff on top, like a cover, and snow... It also makes it a lot easier to walk around!

Just cut up some pallets/planks that are used for shipping. We used a chainsaw again.

Knock out the flat boards from the 2x4 or whatever sides of the pallets. Use a hammer, preferably a wide mouth hammer so you don't break the wood. I used a rubber style one.

Then get on the roof, and start nailing away! Two nails per side is enough. It's not going anywhere





Well that's pretty much all I documented in the project early on. Looks pretty decent right?

It took place in 2011 in Quebec, Canada, during the fall when it was getting colder. I had just met the land owner a few weeks before, and I suggested we get this project started. I took 2 weeks off unpaid from my job to help him start the project, for free. In the end, we parted ways, as he was a "New Ager" mindset where he denigrated thinking and logic, management, etc., in favor of following his "feelings". I just can't work long term with people like that, for years down the road, in a big project like this. I thought I could influence him to care to learn more, but he was stuck in lala land.

Judgment early on (which I did and saw a possible problem) is key to prevent teaming up in error, and also spending /wasting time and energy when you could have avoided it. But I wanted to give it a try and see if things could work out. They didn't. Oh well. Lesson learned. ;)

Give me some feedback! Take care. Peace.

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-16


It's like an igloo but wooden structure. There is also the honeycomb structure.

Hello , I like your structure. I hope this would be an interest. For your next structure try inverted catenary wood, it is possible :)

Yup, interesting constructions. Thanks.

"New Ager" mindset where he denigrated thinking and logic, management, etc., in favor of following his "feelings".
:D now I get it why you don't like those hippies, new agers, spiritualists.

I lived with him too. I learned a lot about bad thinking and fallacious thinking first hand.

Interesting project!

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