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RE: Curation Digest: Issue #1

in #buildawhale7 years ago

Good post. Let's trade follows/upvotes....JUST KIDDING!

I've only been here for about a month and I'm already tired of all the generic, copied and pasted responses that are all or two or three words long. I'm also tired of seeing the pleas for follows and upvotes and resteems in the comments sections. Honestly, if a person wants to build a following and earn here they'll either quickly realize they have to do it organically or they won't catch on and they'll continue to not earn much and also piss people off in the process.

I know when I put an hour or so into creating a post it kind of irks me to see a 2 word response. Why even bother? Did they even read what I wrote? I mean there's nothing wrong with kind of skimming / reading fast if you catch the points of the post but it seems like some people just click on a post, immediately go to the comments and leave a generic reply hoping for some kind of benefit from it.

But I digress. I definitely understand why people get frustrated with this type of behavior. It didn't take me long to lose my patience for it...but I'm not a patient person to begin with.


Wow @cryptokeepr you are so freakin epic for this post

You literally sound like one of the @buildawhale team. we are sick of this shit. so let's see what real, positive change we can inspire.

Thanks again man we really appreciate your words. Comments like yours gives us such great energy.

Namaste :)

Namaste my friend.

I'm glad my feedback is appreciated and that it gives people hope that new users like me can actually participate instead of trying to game the system.

This reply just made my day! thank you :)

O wow you're very welcome :)

And it is a wonder how much one person can do in this world. Keep doing great things buddy :)


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