Reporting bugs, reporting problems? - How is it done?

in #bugs8 years ago (edited)

The site is in beta, yet short of writing a post I do not see anyway to report a bug.   There is no clear CONTACT, or HELP, etc.   I have seen reference to the slack before but that seems by invite only.

I am aware of two at the moment.


I realized my HTML links at the beginning of the following post:

I had used @ before the person's handle as the name of the link.   This of course meant the links did not work but I failed to test those links until today.   I removed the @ symbol from the label and those links work.

Once I did that all of my images switched to broken images.   I looked at the HTML and the img src= line has removed all of the http: portion of the URL.   When I add that back my images appear in the preview, but once I tell it to update they are stripped again.


@kellywin21 is my daughter and she has been using steemit since a day after I began (I believe thursday of last week is when she started).    My wife delayed in signing up and tried around the time new signups was closed.

On Saturday when new signups were opened she went to sign as @dknightwolf70

She indicates she did not see or carefully read everything that was going on and somehow it has her facebook on my daughters, and they are both having issues being able to do actions on steemit.

They each have different facebook accounts, and are each different people.   Yet it is giving them all sorts of problems.

I don't see anywhere to deal with these types of issues and/or report bugs.

Hopefully posting this here does something.

I have noticed one technique of sending steem dollars (small amounts) as a message to developers. This seems a bit spammy, surely there is another way. I noticed @bergy using this particular technique.


I am adding a reply to my own post so anyone reading this might know some options

There is some potential help at

There is a channel on the slack chat for general. Someone there might pick it up?

Which is GREAT IF I can use the slack channel, as far as I can see you have to be invited to that slack.

"If you have an email address, you can create an account." - quote from

So if you are fortunate enough to have an account you can access it. The rest of us can't report bugs or get help.

I don't have a mail address.

I just used this link

It WAS open at one time.
"If you have an, or email address, you can create an account." - what I receive from the URL you provided.

I read they had closed it to open joins. So perhaps you joined before that happened.

Ah that must be it, too many new users. I am sure it will open again soon

So not you see the predicament. If SLACK is closed to new users, and you encounter bugs, how do you report them?

I used bugs bug steemit and help as the tags

@neoxian - any ideas on this post? You are the only person I've spoken to recently that I thought might have a good chance of answering.

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