steem & eos mobility empowering academy - community proposal #transdisciplinarity #mobility #education #transgenerational #multicultural #dialog

in #budget6 years ago (edited)

Window Signage Mock-Up v2.jpg
When somebody is paying you for a service, you'll most likely do what the person order using your skills. It is a kind of recognition for your competences. You can be good at something and be recognize for your talent, it doesn't require specially to be engaged.

The motivation of winning money is often a drive for personal satisfaction. At the opposit, while you are giving something away and people are supporting it, it shows that people like your engagement and this can bring another kind of satisfaction such as gratefulness, and the will to give back again and always better.

When we are thinking about it, I guess it is revolutionary for the world of working, creativity and entrepreneurship. The point is for everyone how to transform an economy and market. To change a behavior we just know formal and non formal education. The problem with formal education is that it is participating to the decrease of creativity and self trust while actual non formal frame are mostly influenced by the formal approach. I compare this to the massive effect of the usage of the blockchain by the firsts waves of users, especially on the steem blockchain where we can see a reproduction of conventional social structures, furthermore the emergence of a demagoge speech reproduction of the "too big to fail" effect of the USA, where some people can defend ideas justifying them through an interpretation or another of the founders.

So, if both formal and non-formal are not the most efficient? What to do?

What about network learning, multicutural & transgenerational dialog within a frame for ubiquitous talent management? (again a sentence we dont understand)

While it is about future of learning ecosystems, we should see this thing in an holistic and global or universal way, and the best I know to experience this is traveling far of our comfort zone, travel and go to the adventure.

Improvisation in situational events teach us much more than anything.

So what about..

Together with you lets make the link between the "future of travel" and the blockchain community.

Let me explain

the challenge

mobility is a key factor of creativity, entrepreneurship, emanicipation furthermore quality of life and self learning.


Cooperation with the travel, digital nomads and global communities.

Bringing "" on the steem & eos blockchain we will need to rethinking it in order to co create an open source platform for "future of travel & learning". I hope it will be an occasion to engage in cooperating with @anomadsoul, @blocktrades, @inquiringtimes, @limesoda, @steemchiller, @teekingtv and much more I forget to mention!

Program summary:

  • com-lab (currently running)
  • summer camp (from june to october)
  • steem eurasia meetup tour (May to October)
  • awards ceremony (October/November)


Promoting and raising awareness on the areas covered by the future of travel ecosystem. Connecting and facilitating the synergies with communities of practices through


To co-create @innovations supporting creatives industries.

Programs overview:


The com-lab is a come together of any possible public space planning/network agencies, co-working, hospitality, ai and blockchain enthusiasts to get to understand the needs to create a network of autonomous places at the services of the creatives communities based on the blockchain steem and eos.

Important date: 25th May join us for a dinner at @frameworks with @wolfgangsieberth, @manncpt and the team of AI enthusiasts and initiators of @discoversteem! Hope it will be an occasion to have notably @smartcoins and @limesoda joining us.

summer camp

Participate to the steem summer camp with #adventure, #art, #ai, #cryptoart, #blockchain, #design, #iot, #marketing, #photography, #robotic, #sport, #technology @workshops and @hackathons from June to October in Vienna and around the world with & friends, @globalschool and partners such as @generationeuropa, @opt2o and @silkroad40.

steem eurasia meetup tour

Follow and join locally the steem eurasia meetup tour along the way of @silkroad40 from May to October with the steemians and friends of @generationeuropa.

Awards ceremony (october)

More on the awards ceremony in my next post. Hope you'll love it.


I mostly need a small budget for investing in communication, more especially in terms of visibility such as prints and online ads as well as to power in SP @globalschool, @frameworks, @hackathons, @workshops, @innovations & @solidarity.

Raising awareness about #steem #eos #blockchain

The layouts of the prints will be soon published. Any help will be appreciated. I'll publish later a more comprehensive budget proposal. Let see this article as an introduction to it. =)

Discover more during the next steemit meetup on the 28th of April

or contact me on discord to know more or if you want to participate ;-)

With a lot of love,


Thank you very much for your Invitation my friends. It is always a big pleasure to meet you Guys. Looking forward to see you on 25th. Greetz :-)

Thank you too! I can't wait to meet you and welcome you with your friend(s) as well as with the @discoversteem team and see what we can do by bringing notably on the #blockchain as tool for the digital nomads, creatives and entrepreneurs to cooperate together! Best =)


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Nice visual and ideas!

I’d love to know more! But the Discord invite is expired :-)

Hello @soyrosa! Here you are:! Feel welcome, we will start to be really active on discord after the week end. =)

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