I am an adult that's obsessed with blowing-bubbles.

in #bubbles8 years ago (edited)

I like to call it "bubble-therapy".

It started after my best friend died 9 months ago. She called herself a bubbletarian and would blow bubbles constantly. I liked bubbles a bit but was never into them to the same extent.

Then when she passed away, I was given bubbles at her memorial, everyone was, and we were all blowing bubbles while listening to people speak about her life, and listening to some of her favorite music and poetry. That began my obsession with bubbles. Because even in that time of extreme grief and pain I was momentarily, a bit cheered up when blowing bubbles. I also felt a bit closer to my best friend. Not in some religious/spiritual way but it just reminded me of her to blow bubbles.

Here is me creepily, silently blowing bubbles into my camera.

They are scented like marshmallows and look like a peep bunny. :O

My collection of bubbles is pretty decent at this point.

A close-up of some of the bubbles.

I do, indeed, wear the bubble necklace out. And I love it. I love having bubbles at hand, all the time.

Bubbles not only make me happy but make people around me happier too.

Both the people I am with and strangers, especially kids.

I actually bought party favor bubbles to start handing out to people who like the bubbles.

It may sound silly but bubbles really do make me happier and improve my mental health. They let me take a step back from all the stresses and nagging of my brain and enjoy the child-like wonder most people lose with age.

Bubbles were kind of a gate-way to other toys. I now collect Betty Spaghetty and want to start collecting some other vintage toys from my childhood.

I am basically a 28 year old kid.


I think it's wonderful that your friend was able to leave you with her love of bubbles. Grief can be heavy and dark. Bubbles are just the opposite; weightless and translucent. When grief threatens to pull you down, bubbles can help to lift you up. What a wonderful symbol to attach to the memory of your friend. Thanks for posting your story.

:) Thanks. I think so too. It's really helping me to cope with such a devastating loss. And I know it'd make her happy to see me coping in this way. Also, it's such a simple way to treat myself. I get SO HAPPY over bubbles and can usually get them for a few bucks. :D

"But you should never be embarrassed by your trouble with living.
Because it is the ones with the sorest throats, Laura, who
have done the most singing"

Laura, we would like more posts about your slut years and more pictures from your heyday :

Laura, are you still living there on your estate of sorrow? You used to leave it occasionally.
Now, you don't even bother to ride that commuter train west to Chicago,
to stroll through the greenery, in the park, past the statues.
How their eyes seemed to follow you like a hated addiction.
Their beauty carved out of absolutes that you could never claim, or even envision.
Laura you were the saddest song in the shape of a woman. I thought you were beautiful,
but I wept with your movements. I hope you are laughing now from that place of the carpet
where we shared a sleeping bag, in your sisters apartment. Oh how she would worry so, you know,
I was just a stranger. But she asked me to care for you. That is what she did
and I went and betrayed her. But do you know we are in high demand,
Laura, us people who suffer? Because we don't take to arguing and we are quick to surrender.
Well, I think I would call tonight if I still had your number.
Your thoughts have always laid close to mine. We were both skipping supper.
But you should never be embarrassed by your trouble with living.
Because it is the ones with the sorest throats, Laura, who have done the most singing. Everybody!
La La La La La La La La La Lah...

"But do you know we are in high demand,
Laura, us
people who suffer?"

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