I'm back - Apologies for the lack of reports in the past 2 weeks

in #bsotn6 years ago

Hello All,

Thank you to all who have sent forward messages of support and concern over the last 2 weeks it is very encouraging to return to such a supportive and caring community. These message also increased the remorse i have felt in the last 2 weeks while not being able to release my weekly reports on schedule as normal.

For the past 2 weeks i have been pretty much completely offline with an inability to access my normal online world. The onset of the event that occurred were very sudden and not ones i wish to expand on or relive anytime in the future.

As of today i am back to normal life and feeling great. I will continue my BSotN reports on the normal schedule and look forward to learning about all that has been happening during my absence.

Thank you all again for your continued love and support.


Welcome back. I miss those reports. There was so much information in them!

Yaaaaayyyy... Welcome back boss
I hope all is well now
Glad to have you back

Welcome back. May the BTS force be with you ;-)

You are welcome back, it's good to know you are feeling good.

Thanks to back.....we miss you. And welcome.

One of the things that happened while you were away was that steem went a little up and came down again. Also there as been a heated argument about bidbots usage, their owners and the users. Welcome back @steempower, glad you're back to the Steemosphere.
keep steeming.

Gotta keep on keeping on (-:

This is actually the first time am seeing a post from you, anyways welcome back and I hope to see more from you boss.

Sometimes life can get in the way man, that's normal and it happens to everyone.

Good to have you back, and good to know you're ok. You gave us a bit of a scare. Your dedication and participation in the Bitshares community is greatly appreciated.

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