#breadbakers | Cheese and Chilli Loaf | Cavolo Nero, Sausages and Beans | The Breadmaker, Venezuela

in #breadbakers5 years ago (edited)

My own chillis :)

Finally, I got a chance to make my cheese and chilli bread, using my own home-grown chillis - serranos and an ancho. This bread was amazing - a no knead recipe, just bring the ingredients together and leave to rise - beautiful caramel crust and delicious moist crumb inside.

It did look a bit brick like and was quite heavy. I tried a different method today - baked in a loaf pan, with a tray of water creating steam in the bottom of the oven. I've had a few problems with Whissendine flours, but the bread today was perfect in taste and sturdy enough for sandwiches. A good packed lunch bread.


350g strong white bread flour
150g wholemeal bread flour
100g mature cheddar
15ml olive oil
300ml warm water
4 small fresh chillis, de-seeded and finely chopped
7g quick acting dried yeast
7g salt (too much with the cheese)!
5g demerara sugar

Mix all the dry ingredients together, make a well in the middle and add the oil and water. Bring the mixture together in a soft dough. Lift into a loaf pan, cover and leave for an hour. Pre-heat the oven to 225 degrees centigrade, placing a roasting tin on the bottom shelf.

When the bread is ready, brush the top with milk (I forgot to do this), place in the oven and add a jug of water to the roasting tray in the bottom. Bake for 30 minutes, reduce the heat to 200 degrees centigrade, turn the loaf and cook for a further 15 minutes until the crust is a nice colour all over and the loaf sounds hollow when you tap the bottom.

Leave to cool on a rack and make some tasty soup. I adapted a recipe by Rachel Roddy - Red Cabbage, Sausages and Beans using cavolo nero instead of red cabbage and a fresh tomato instead of tinned.

A really nice finishing touch is frying some fresh rosemary and sage leaves in a slick of olive oil until crisp to garnish the soup. Delicious and perfect with the soup and bread!

The Breadmaker

I came across this video in an article in the Guardian.
Hard to imagine not having bread.

Source The Breadmaker: on the frontline of Venezuela's bread wars.


Haha it did look like a brick in the picture @shanibeer but I bet it tastes really nice as I like cheese bread and do like abit of spice so I can only imagine it was yummy.

It was heavy enough to feel like a brick, too, I did wonder what I was going find inside, but actually it was lovely. I think I could up the chillis in the next one. It's a good bread to have with soup.

Ooooohhh another chilli and cheese bread here! Just by reading it's mouth watering .... :) :)

Breadcentric showed his loaf in 79 th SSC. I must make mine, no own chilli though as our balcony will be my daughter's playground ;)


That sandwich by @breadcentric was awesome!
Chilli plants will grow quite happily indoors on a sunny windowsill, if you have any room :)

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